
The Journey of a New Progenitor

When the vampire king was close to his ascension, he was planning to hand over the throne to a worthy heir,  And he will find the chosen one to carry the weight of a race after him. This is the journey of a new progenitor, who will create his own destiny.  the cover is generated by Ai

Mallu_sage · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Beginning of an end

Aamon Nox was one of the few older beings to ever walk on this planet. He was a wise king and the progenitor of one of the strongest immortal races in the world. With time, they were named vampires. Eons passed, and he ruled the night realm, where the vampires migrated over time.

Now it was time for his ascension, and nobody in his family was worthy of his throne. So he must go back to his roots and find a worthy human decendent to pass the mandle.


"Yes father"

"Go find him."

"Yes father"

Earth(human relam)

Alaric Nox was an ordinary college student. He was weak due to his hereditary genetic condition, which has been passed down for generations in his family. And they never lived past 30. Now he was 19, and he had less than 10 years to live. And he hated this life. He never had friends or a girlfriend, and he had no reason to make any; he lived his life in solitude. And the only people he interacted with were his family. And he was waiting for his fate.He didn't know there was a change in the wheel of fate, and his fate was about to change. 

One particular night, Alaric was sleeping in his room, and he was woken up from his sleep by the calling bell. He was frustrated by it, and he jumped up from his bed, ran to his door, and swung it open.

"Who the...?"

His words got struck in his throat by watching the mesmerizing view on his doorstep. There was a beautiful woman standing in front of him. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. and he was lost. 

"Are you Alaric Nox?"

"Yes, who are you, miss?"

"I am Scarlet. I am here to take you to a place where no one can reach."

She told him with an evil grin on her face, and these words made him panic.

"Miss,are you a reaper? I think you got the wrong Alaric. I have 10 more years to live. and please come back after 10 years so you can take my soul to the other side."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Umm, Miss Reaper, why are you laughing? Is my time up? I guess it's good to hear a soul being reaped by a pretty reaper. Miss I am ready. You can take my soul." 

Alaric closed his eyes and waited for his soul to leave his body. 

"Oii, Mr. Dead Guy, look hear!"

"Huh, are we in heaven, miss? But it still looks like my home."

"Hey Alaric, Has anyone told you that you are a funny guy?"

"Huh, thank God I'm still breathing. Then you are not a reaper, so who are you, miss? Why are you here?"

Ok, jokes aside, let's have a talk, and it will be a long talk.Are you not inviting me inside? Your too cruel, Alaric, for leaving a maiden outside this night."

"Oh, sorry, miss, please.".

"First of all, I am Scarlet Frost, the daughter of the first vampire progenitor. And I am here to take you to our relam".

"Vampire? Are you playing with me, miss?"

"No, Alaric, do you think I am jocking? Just look into my eyes, and you can feel it yourself, and it's time for you to see the real world."

When Alaric saw her glowing red eyes, he felt something incomprehensible. It was not fear, but a desire to take her for himself. Something was telling him to make her his; he was so in love with those beautiful eyes. 

"Beautiful, so you are saying that there is a secret side to this world?"

"Yes, and you will be playing an important role in the near future."

"Hu, what do you mean by that? Miss, I am a human right. Are you thinking of making me your personal blood bank? I don't think it's possible. Look at me. I am so weak for that job."

"I do want to keep you, but that is not why I am here. Alaric, what do you know about your family?"

"We nox are one of the most ancient families in the world, and my grandfather told me that we are waiting for someone's call."

"Yes, your grandfather is correct. Have you heard these words? Praeesset noctis" (rule the night).

"Yes, this is our family motto. We grow up hearing about it. If you are a nox, you must rule the night.It was something my grandfather tells me every night."

"I see your grandfather has done a good job raising you, so shall we call him your grandfather? It's time for us to talk about something important. and it will change your life completely."

"Ok, I'll call him right now."

"Hello, Gramps, praeesset noctis."

"Praeesset noctis son, why are you calling me now? Is there something wrong?"

"Gramps someone here to find me, and she told me it's time for me to go somewhere, and she is asking for you to come here right now, and she has something to talk to you about."

"So you are the one... I see I'll be right there. I'll pick up your parents too; it's too important to us."

His grandfather's name was Antonio Novo; he was the head of the family. After the call, he called an emergency family meeting in the family hall. Most of the older members were confused about this meeting because it was the first family meeting. After a long time, most of the meetings were only attended by the elders of the family, but today everyone was present in the hall. After some time, Antonio and the elders entered the meeting hall. 

"Praeesset Noctis family head"

"Praeesset noctis everyone."

"Family head, why was this emergency meeting assembled?" One of the elders asked. 

"I got good news for everyone; our centuries of waiting are now over; they have come for the chosen one."

"Is it true? Did they ask for it?"

"Yes, they came for Alaric; he just called me for my presence, and that person wanted to talk to me."

"Family head, why did they choose Alaric? Most of our younger generations are stronger than him, right?" one of the new elders asked.

"Family head, I'll give them the answer.Do you know why Alaric is a week?"

"Yes, is it because of his illness?"

"Yes and no, his condition is not an illness; it's because he has the purest bloodline in our family. That blood is too strong for a human to bear, and we humans can't bring out the true potential of that blood with our mortal bodies, so that's why his body is too fragile. For the last 1000 years, there were many with this blood, but all of them were dead before they reached 30. Because of this condition, one must need the blood of the nox to become the chosen one. And the time for the chosen has come, and he is needed now."

"So what will happen to him?"

"We can't say that because it's a secret only passed down to the heads of the family. After Alaric, we may have to wait for eons for another one. Our family is immortal; we didn't follow the god; we followed the monster who ruled the night; he would whatch over his roots."

"This meeting is a family secret; everything must remain in this hall; if something goes out, they will come after you. Let's end the meeting. Here, only Alaric's parents follow me. Praeesset noctis."

"Praeesset Noctis family head"

"Father, is it true they chose Alaric?"

"Yes, son, he was chosen, and it's time for him to leave the nest.He will bring glory to our family, and you must send him off happily; it's his chance to free himself from the fate he is facing now."

"Father, will we ever meet him after today?" Alaric's mother asked him

"I don't know, dear; it's all up to him. Let's go and meet him first.".


Hey guys, author here.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll fix this problem soon. This is my first novel, and my English is not good. I'll try to improve my language. Please read and support.