
The journey of a goddess

Please don’t read this if you don’t like extremely dark novels. My new novel memories undone will be no where near as dark as this novel and I don’t want this novel to turn you away from my new book . (Warning this is a dark Gods Novel. .It is a book that takes you through a fight between dark and light Gods fighting for power. It stems around a romance that is in the middle of it all. It will have violence, sex, suicide, cheating and extremely dark scenes in it. Read at your own discretion. This is a dark Gods war and romance book, it is not your typical heart felt romance. It will pass border line dark at times. The book will take you through a war over all magic. At times you will questions things. The more you read the more it will help you understand how the war started and how things truly turned out to be. I hope anyone reading enjoys it even though it’s unconventional. Also I have been editing and soon will be posting more chapter.) This is a continuation to The Goddess of wisdom and creation. It can be read as a stand-alone and I hope you give this book a chance if you don’t prefer my first one. My writing improved in this one and the storyline is amazing even through my unconventional writing style. Ariella is a powerless Goddess who has been locked away from exploring the royal realm since she was born. For years she begged her father to allow her to go to the royal academy but he never seemed to budge. After what seemed like an eternity her dream finally became reality. She was enrolled in the most sought out school for Gods and Goddesses. She would finally be set free of her chains. The life she wanted was in her grasp. All dreams were possible, the fear of not fitting in was squashed instantly and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect but what happens when word goes around that the Goddess who teaches royal laws is being replaced by none other than the high king himself? Ariella rolls her eyes and keeps walking, that's what happens. That is until she's proven wrong the moment she walks right into the most addicting and magnificent God she had ever laid eyes on. The high king to be specific. All the promises she made, all the rules she followed were pushed aside as soon as she realized that her crush was more than a simple crush. The high king consumed her mind and every other part of her. A simple obsession you say? Well she's in for a rude awakening when the simple life she had, turns into a neverending roller coaster when secrets of the past threaten to take away everything. From her freedom to her sanity. Will Ariella be able to escape the ghosts of a past she doesn’t remember or will everything come crumbling down with every turn she takes. Join Ariella on her journey as she gets thrown into a world of war, manipulation, and complete darkness.

Ashley_loo · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Go home

Ariellas pov

"Get up now. It's been four days since you've been in class." Blake snapped right before he pulled the covers off of me.

I had been hiding in my room in shame. Unwilling to leave out until these thoughts and dreams left me.

Most Gods and Goddess didn't need to sleep but whatever happened to me during birth made it where like Mortals I would get tired. Every night I would sleep unless someone gave me something to stay up. So every night since them horrible thoughts, I've dreamed about King Alexander.

"I can't." I said with a fake cough. "You know I was going to be nice but now if you don't get up I will drag you to class with what you are wearing now." Blakes threat had me grabbing my pillow and putting it over my head. I would not back down.

"You may need sleep but I know you can't catch a cold." Blake exclaimed right before my pillow got snatched away too.

"I don't want to." I whined some more. It was already late in the day. Why was he forcing me to do my afternoon classes? I didn't want to embarrass myself more.

"You know I bet the high king has never seen pajamas that have little bunnies on them. He'll probably let you stay for class without a uniform on." Blake said. His threat was loud and clear.

"We are no longer friends." I declared as I sat up and scowled at him. My hair was a mess and I still needed to clean myself up and get dressed. By the time I was done I would miss the high kings class.

"This mere mortal needs to take a shower. I mean if that's not a problem." I declared as I jumped up and started to walk to the bathroom.

My room was the only one to have a bathroom because come to find out they don't allow criminals into school. So all Gods and Goddesses have access to their magic. That is besides the powerless Goddess.

"No you don't." Blake mumbled right before I was being pulled back by my shirt. He was strong so I couldn't even fight him.

"I'm dirty." My protests went to deaf ears because he was teleporting us out without a care in the world.

Dread hit me as I took in the royal laws classroom. Everyone was already sitting down and it seemed like they already started. He really brought me here without me getting myself ready.

"Relax. I took care of your mortal problems for you." Blake whispered in my ear. Mortification hit me as I realized what he was implying. I looked down to my clean uniform and a small sniff of my arm told me that was taken care of too. I smelled like vanilla and Coco butter and that was my body wash not spray.

"How dare you." I snapped. I went to hit him but Right as I lifted my hand it was caught instantly. I looked up to Zavier looking at me with a smirk that told me I just broke the law. Well actually I was going to but he stopped me.

"Is there a problem?" King Alexander asked as he watched the exchange from the front. "Well it seems like Ariella planned to break the law and hit a counsil member." Zavier stated.

I tried to pull my hand away but he had it held tight. "Really." King Alexander asked. He looked around and within an instance it was just the four of us in an conference room.

The bright room felt dark with the accusations flying around and the threat to be expelled or worse arrested hung in the air.

"He violated me." I rushed out not caring about anything else. He had no right. He didn't even ask me. I refused to be punished without trial. I heard how ruthless the high king was.

The dark look that crossed Blake's face had me regretting waking up today. King Alexander didn't even blink. His stare was deadly and I felt cornered. His eyes were black, pitch black and power radiated off of him.

"Are you saying my son violated you?" His deep voice paralyzed me along with the news that Blake was the High kings son.

"Speak." King Alexander ordered not even giving me a chance to speak. Tears started to stream down my face as the severity of the situation hit me. My vision clouded and it felt like my voice was gone. I was going to get executed.

"He." I was interrupted by the king before I could even finish two words. "Speak louder. The next time you whisper you'll be thrown in the dungeon in the palace to rot for an eternity." The high king snapped. My face paled and my heart felt like it was squeezing. His voice was filled with venom. Something broke within me and I didn't know what.

"He used his powers to clean me up and change me without asking me." I tried hard not to stutter or talk quietly. The sob that I was holding in came out on its own Accord. I covered my mouth fast trying to hold in the desperation and helplessnes I felt.

I wanted to lay my head on the table but I was scared I would be punished. So instead I slouched more into the chair. Zavier had a blank face the whole time he stared at me and Blake looked murderous.

"It's not like that." Blake gritted. I regretted meeting him instantly. "Sorry I'm late what I miss?" Alaxs voice broke through my inward turmain. I looked over to Alax pushing his blond hair back and giving a smile that usually was contagious. I guess it wasn't any more. These next four years would never be the same.

"Can I switch all my classes or go home. I didn't hit him and I don't want to be here anymore." I said right as another sob hit me.

"Whoooa. Hold up what's going on?" Alaxs voiced turned serious. He did a sweep of the room and frowned. I'm guessing he seen the tension that was clouding the air.

"Ariella says your brother violated her by using his powers to change her without asking." King Alexander said. I couldn't even focus now.

Brother? They were brothers and sons of the high king. I should've stayed away. "Ariella I doubt it was intentional." Alax said his voice more soft than it had ever been before.

"Can I go home. It's not a big deal. We can drop it and let me go home." I whispered this time. If I was punished for whispering I couldn't even help it. More tears came with that thought as I realized how everything changed within seconds.

"Last time you got upset at me for not changing you out of your school clothes. I didn't think nothing of it. I'm sorry." Blake finally spoke up. He sounded like it took alot out of him to apologize.

I forgot about that and now I felt horrible. I did get mad when he didn't but that wasn't me. I never would have wanted someone to clean me and change me with their powers.

I actually liked him as a friend and it hurt that things were ruined. My dad wouldn't mind me coming home. I could do online classes. This had to give me a pass to leave.