
At the Dungeon

Well i lied. As you can see it's morning and I'm currently on my way to the Dungeon. Why did i lie? Well as you have notice I'm playing with a little fireball in my hands.

Yeah I tried to sleep or whatever but nope nothing. So i ended up reading my last 2 books.

They were just basic introductions to magic and what a magical swordsman is.

Simply put Magical swordsman is like any normal swordsman the just put elements into his attacks. Like a fire blade or ice blade, with the occasional basic spell here and there. Real not much to it.

Magic and the use of Mana is where things get interesting. You can go to your skills tab and trigger any of your skills or abilities but did u really use the skill or ability to it's fullest potential? Answer. No. As book said, a true magician doesn't use the skill panel to trigger magic they only use it as reference. Is it your body or the skill panels body. Using the skill pannel you use 1 Mana to make a fire ball but that's it. But if u learn the way the skill pannel used that 1 Mana and get the feeling of the how to actually use Mana you cqn turn that 1 Mana into 2 or 3 or hell even all of it into that fire ball.

Sigh, but it's not as easy as you think. Imagine you have never see a car in your life and someone takes you for a drive and then afterwards you u have to drive the car yourself.

As I'm walking to my new destination play with a ball of fire in between knee high grass. I was thinking looking at my skills that came with my race and job class.



> Immortal : You are immortal as long as you reside anywhere within the universe, as Mana is the build block of the universe and your body uses it to stay immortal.

> Loved by Mana : You body is loved by mana you use it for everything, from feeding you to keeping you alive. You sens Mana and its flow better than anyone.

>Progenitor : As the first of you kind, you have full control over any other Immortal.

[Active Skills]

> Fire Ball

> Water ball

> Rock bullet

> Wind blade

> Body strengthen

> Elemental enhancement

> Mana sense

Its very plain, but to also a lot to learn. I stop play with my fire ball and desided to focus on mana sense. First it is sense thro basic mana and no elemental conversion is needed and second my body should be ability to easily grasp this consept.

Triggering Mana sense feels weird. It feels like my body get a little warmth in the senter of my chest and then it spreads out till it exits my body. Then with me in the center every comes in full view from the feeling of the mana in the air to the ants on the ground. I can 'see' and 'feel' everything. For about a second or 2 and only a meter or so before it becomes blurry. That's also than i noticed everything, everywhere has mana. I also understand how i have become Immortal.

I stopped. 'What the hell I'm i doing, I'm on my way to a dungeon with the possibility that there are other races. And if there is a big shot protecting or looking over that place he can sense me with mana right away. I don't know how mana sense works on other races and what kind of information he can get from me but i can't go. I'm about 6km away so let's rather get farther away and look for a small dungeon.'

So i start jogging in the other direction from the intermediate dungeon. I had a new plan, i would scout out a new bigginers dungeon and built a little place for myself there. I'm so grateful i don't need food or water because my knowledge of hunting is bigginer tier at max.

For the next 10 day i kept on moving, practicing my mana sense. I was moving in my original direction, on my way to the far of mountain range. According to the book that mountain ranges in the senter of the continent. Even after 10 days of moving in that direction it still look like a mole hill. How high is that mountain? I don't know, how large is this content, well lager that earth if you spread it out.

Two days, if been watch this Dungeon, there has been no movement. I'll keep at it for a couple more days.

What have i been doing? Well practicing my Mana sense. And the results speaks for them self's. I can nou do it without the using the skills tab and it feels amazing. I have been pushing myself to maintain it longer and i can go for about a 1 min at a range of 1 meter. My body truly is loved by mana. Its almost like i don't use it it replenish so fast i can overuse my skills.

It's been a week of keep my eye on this dungeon, and no movement. Where do i stay u ask? About 500m away from the dungeon is a single tree. Been sitting under the tree during the day and in the tree at night. My Mana sense is getting better and batter i can sense every little thing within my body. Everything, from every sell to bone this is awesome. I can extend my mana scene up te 5m nou for a sort period but at closing to 1m i can almost keep it up indefinite. I just get mentally tired. But it all clears up if i release the skill.

It's been 2 weeks now of watching the Dungeon and there has been a nother chance of plans. I'm still going to live close to it. I'm just going to turn myself into a Bomb. Hahahah