
the jojoobh

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 11 the church

As I held the man by his throat I said who are you who do you work for he Spat out a month full of blood and said I don't talk with Devils suddenly I slapped him and said ok if you don't want to tell me I can just go through your memories suddenly I all of the man's memories rushed into my head and I got a notification from the system quest infiltrate the church and destroy it from the inside suddenly I thought of a plan and said system if I switched body's will I keep all my abilities the system replied with yes but they will be slightly weakened ok for the past 4 days I was hunting down a person a part of the holy academy when I found him a boy named max he didn't stand out and was known for being weak so I took his body entirely by destroying his soul suddenly I got a notification saying congratulations for completing the first part of the destroy the church mission you will be rewarded with a statboost of 10 also you have gained the holy magic control skill ... Next time destroying the church part 1 /AT sorry for not posting new chapters for a while I will try to have a schedule when posting so how about I post every Friday and Sunday also don't worry I will post at random through out the week so please keep supporting me you guys really make my day every time I see that someone appreciates and loves my writing