
The Beginning

Always watching in the dark of night like the bright of day I glow. They carved out my insides and gave me a sickening face, yet I can't move it. I can't breathe with it. I'm just on display. All the neighborhood kids run past me occasionally trying to kick me. I would have been less than pumpkin pies if they succeeded in force. Yet all I do is sit there without motion, rotting away slowly, halloween is just around the corner after that I get thrown out my seeds used to grow more brethren which will repeat my fate so is the life of a jack o'lantern but not this year, this year I have other plans they will not get rid of me in fact they will not be at all…

"Hey wait up!" A kid about 15 years of age runs past me just to stop and back up slowly. "Bro come here and look at this Jack-O-Lantern!" He yells to his friend down the street. They both come in close contact with my carved face admiring the handy work. "I'm taking this bad boy home with me.''The boy states with no regard for the owners of my house. "My godyou're as greedy as always, we better hurry snatch it and run. It doesn't look like the home owners are here!" The boy's friend says sprinting heading towards the road.

The boy snatches me up in his arms quickly then runs after his friend, they make it to a huge gate. The boy parted ways with his friend and brought me up the stairs to a huge manor. He opens the door and instead of placing me on the porch he brings me to what looks like his room. He places me on his bed and starts to make a salt circul. "You know I'm gonna bring you to life." The boy says with a sly face like he's joking. Is he talking to me a wonder no that's not possible i am merely a pumkin in his mind. He finishes his salt circul and lights red candles then he wraps string around the cadles tracing his circle.

He places me in the center of said circle, lighting the candles while saying something I didnt understand. I started to get light headed and dizzy, wait that's not possible!? I black out hearing nothing but silence. "Holly shoot it worked oh my god it worked!." I hear a voice cheering. I open my eyes- wait I opended my eyes I can move, I'm alive. I look around eager to move my newly found body as the boy stares in amazement. The boy gets up and grabs a mirror bringing it over.

"Here look at that. Arnt you amazing." The boy states holding up the mirror. Oh-I'm scarier than I thought, I still have a pumpkin over my head. My skin is charcoal black..I look like a demon of some sort. Tonight is hallows eve, the boy gets back up and runs out of the room. I get up to explore my surroundings. I pick up a book and look at it dumb found I can read it!?….

End of chapter one