
Awakening to Power

Seething with anger, frustration, and hatred, General Maek breathed aggressively as if he was chewing the air itself and then spewing it back out. His heavy breaths and slightly hunched appearance made him look like a primal beast.

This bug wouldn't go down. He crushed him and crushed him over and over again, but he wouldn't stay down. He kept getting up and every time he got up he was much stronger! It's true, he was holding back. He didn't want to accidentally cause an ascension phenomenon. However, if he were going to defeat this Lizard man thing in front of him, he needed more power!

Just a few minutes ago, this so called Invincible Hero couldn't lay a finger on him. Now, he, a Fiend General had no choice but to receive relentless attacks without the ability to respond. He took the attacks, but finally he decided to awaken his power to a higher level. He had no choice. He was drawing closer to the maximum allowable level before an ascension event, but if he didn't raise his power level he couldn't win.

"I knew it, he can still get stronger," Lorne muttered to himself.

He had a feeling this could happen, as powerful as he was he began to understand this Fiend General may have even more power lurking beneath the surface.

"I can't give him a chance to continue powering up, I need to end this now!" A determined light appeared in his eyes. Steely resolve match with fearless determination. He wasn't sure what his own maximum strength was right now much less his enemy. It was time to let lose and hope for the best.

Rushing towards the General at a speed he didn't think he was possible of reaching; Lorne was in front of the General in an instant. Throwing his strongest punch, he hoped to end this battle.

General Maek threw out a punch of his own and when the two fists collided even the world around them felt the impact of this two mighty punches.

The earth cracked open beneath their feet, and concussive force exploded in all directions destroying cave walls and even the previously indestructible cave walls.

Both Lorne and the Fiend General seemed frozen like Generals as the after effects of their punches spread out until the last ounce of energy finally faded away. The world became peaceful once but the destruction was massive.

Both fighters quickly backed away from their opponent and straightened up their backs but faced one another sideways prepared to attack once more. Lorne was frustrated but calm. He knew the upcoming final chapter of this battle was about to commence, but with the strength both of them were capable of displaying could this "secret realm" withstand their battle?

There was no need for words at this point, each fighter could read the intentions of the other fighter in their eyes. Lorne understood his opponent with the last punch. He was arrogant, prideful, angry, crazy, and blood-thirsty. He wan'ted to destroy Lorne and all life on this world.

This time, the Fiend General attacked first. He attacked with a series of super fast jabs, faints and when he thought he could sneak it in, his power strike came out to catch Lorne unprepared to hopefully end the fight in once punch.

Countering each punch, Lorne snuck in another punch on the General. This time, however, the General was only knocked back a few inches.

"He's still getting stronger," Lorne grumbled to himself.

Launching another relentless barrage, Lorne through everything he could at the Fiend General; Lorne held nothing back and tried to make every punch count. The Fiend General responded with his own counters and defensive techniques, and then he did something completely different.

Waving his fingers in strange patterns in the air, The Fiend General seemed serenely confident.

Suddenly, Lorne felt like he was being attacked by a hidden Giant. Abrasions began to show up all over his body, and a light began to shine on his body. Looking down, Lorne felt something on his body.

A strange clawed hand came out of Lorne's own flesh and attacked him. The clawed hand in the middle of his chest began to fight the clawed hand that just appeared. Lorne couldn't figure out where this new hand came from.

As he was fighting against himself, the Fiend General launched another brutal assault against him. It was like Lorne was caught in the middle of a pincer attack. There was an enemy in front of him, and another enemy right next to him. The old game of "stop hitting yourself," came to mind with this new enemy appendage. Lorne couldn't figure out how the Fiend General could cause this, was it the wavy fingers.

"BS42, do you understand what's going on?" Lorne asked.

"I've been running scans and I believe this Fiend General used a Fiend spell on you," BS42 replied.

"Of course, Master River warned us about Fiend Spells, but the Fiends we've fought until now were all too weak to use it," replied Lorne.

"Yes, it's pretty amazing," BS42 responded absently.

"Well, what can I do, do I need to rip this arm off?" asked Loren.

"No, you would just wound yourself and the spell effect would still be there. Another arm would grow and if you kept destroying them you would only wind up destroying your own body. For now, let your weird chest arm fight with it," BS42 said.

"Very well," Lorne responded.

Lorne had no choice but to focus on the battle. The Fiend General was waving his arm and golden light began to congregate in front of him. Just as the light began to form into a shape, A huge explosion rocked the entire secret realm!"

General Maek stopped waving his arms and the light disappeared, he immediately used a communication device to contact his control room to find out what was going on.

"Report," General Maek yelled into the communicator.

"Sir," Rigol began to speak but he was clearly having problems.

"There was an explosion...cough cough...the control center has been nearly destroyed," Rigol continued to speak into the communicator. It was clear from his voice he was getting weaker and weaker.

"What happened!" demanded General Maek.

"The Fiend Gate, sir, someone destroyed it...they got us..." Rigol went silent.

"Rigol, Rigol! REPORT!!!" General Maek screamed into the communicator.

"Hello?" a voice came over the communicator.

"Who is this, where's Rigol," demanded General Maek.

"Is Rigol the guy missing an arm with half his body burned? If it is, I hate to tell you he's dead," said the voice.

"Dead? Who is this, what is your name Fiend?!" General Maek asked.

"Fiend? Here we were having a nice conversation and you had to insult me. I'm not a Fiend, I'm a cultivator. Master Compassion is my name, who is this?" asked Master Compassion.

Next to Master Compassion Rigol's body was laying on the ground and just like he described him he was lacking an arm and half of his body was burned.

The only people still alive in the command center was Master Compassion and Warbox Nimle.

"Master Compassion? You killed Rigol?" asked General Maek.

"No, sir, technically it was the exploding Fiend Gate which blew out the wall and set off some of your power generators in here. Although my friend and I did blow up the Fiend Gate so I guess I'm partly to blame." Master Compassion informed General Maek of the situation in a very affable sounding voice.

"I'm going to KILL YOU!" Shouted General Maek over the communicator. Master Compassion dropped the communicator and crushed it under his foot while turning to Warbox Nimle.

"In my experience, the best way to tick off your enemy is to give them bad news with a smile," Master Compassion laughed. Warbox Nimle also chuckled at Master Compassion's dirty tactics.

"We should get out of here before he gets here," Said Master Compassion.

"Good idea," responded Warbox Nimle.

The pair disappeared from the communication center and disappeared to parts unknown.

Back at the battleground, General Maek was hurtling threats and curses at whomever he was having a conversation with on his communicator. He wasn't yet aware the other party ended the conversation.

"Good news, I think I figured out how to counteract this spell. Watch this!" BS42 said excitedly.

Lorne felt a strange flow of warm energy flow through his body and surround the evil arm. The energy began to make several weird patterns and after a few seconds, the evil arm quickly disappeared.

"Great job BS42, it's gone!" said Lorne.

Lorne smiled with relief when he suddenly felt an energy wave erupt from General Maek which was strong enough to push Lorne back.

"NO MORE GAMES!!!" yelled the Fiend General.

He immediately disappeared from his spot and reappeared right in front of Lorne. Lorne never saw him move. The Fiend General moved so fast, Lorne was still looking at the spot the Fiend General was just at.

The Fiend General launched a back hand strike against Lorne causing Lorne to fly into air and back in a parabolic arc.

Lorne crashed into the ground and as he slowly lifted his head he noticed he was laying next to Tower who seemed to be unconscious. So far, Lorne and the Fiend General kept their battle away from Tower and the others for different reasons. Lorne kept the battle away from them because they were his friends and he didn't want them to die. The Fiend General kept the battle away from them because he wanted Tower to become a Fiend and having B'riri and Paneneko he had some leverage.

Now, Lorne joined his friends on the ground. He tried to quickly stand up but soon realized he body was pretty badly beaten up. He had several breaks in each of his arms and legs as well as some broken ribs.

Lorne was out of the fight, which was unfortunate given an enraged Fiend General, whose power level suddenly shot way up, would determine his life or death. Lorne was so weak, he reverted to his regular form out of his dragon form.

"Ow, that really hurt," Lorne grunted.

"Ha Ha HA HAHA HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Someone began to laugh. Lorne looked behind him and saw Paneneko open his eyes and began to stand.

"I'm awake, finally awake!" Paneneko shouted happily.

General Maek looked at the awakened Paneneko and for some reason he felt a great deal of fear.

"An awakening to power no less," Paneneko said as he stared at the Fiend General like a predator eyeing its prey.

Looking at Paneneko, Lorne knew something was off.

"Paneneko..." Lorne said weakly. Paneneko glanced at Lorne with mocking eyes.

"Don't, Little Bear, he isn't Paneneko."

Lorne looked toward the source of the voice. It was Tower who was speaking to him.

"Little Bear...Tower? Are you...Big Bear?" Lorne asked trembling.

"Yes, I just woke up a little while ago, and so did Paneneko," he said.

"Paneneko, woke up, what do you mean?" Lorne was very confused about what was going on. suddenly realization struck Lorne.

"You don't mean...!" Lorne looked at Paneneko who continued to walk towards the Fiend General.

Paneneko is the Great Fiend!"