
Having courage to take the first step

even if you not know what you're going to do or where you are going. you can still have the courage to take the first step. the first step may be the hardest thing you will do at this time, but it will start you on the road to success.

other people may not know how to take the first step on their journey. it may be hard to take your first step, but the work is even more worth it to meet your goal.

look at the people who took the first step and where they are now. the first step has gone a long way for them.

that's because they have the courage to take it and hold on to it. they made it to their goal by doing this. it may have taken a long time but they did make it in the end.

I know that may seem hard but taking that first step of courage can open up a whole new world for you. it probably will be like nothing before you can heal and make yourself better by taking the first step and accepting help here. it's okay to ask help even if you don't want to.

you can heal and make yourself fire by taking the first step and accepting help. I'm still learning how to keep taking steps in this new world and yes, it is hard, but it is all worth it in the end. I know that you've been hurt but in the step of your journey you won't be hurt.

this is a chance to grow and heal embrace it!