
The Innovator: An Orphaned CEO - New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

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19 Chs

The Orphanage

In the following days, Alexander adhered to the caretaker's restriction of not leaving the orphanage without permission. He used this time to focus on his studies and gather more information about Aeonia's society and its complex dynamics.

As he delved deeper into the world's history and current events, he discovered more about the Great Technological War and how it had shaped the present state of the city. The war was a pivotal event that involved various corporations vying for power and control over advanced technologies. It seemed that some remnants of this conflict still lingered, as evidenced by the presence of cybernetic augmentations and their potential consequences.

During his free time, he explored the orphanage's library and digital archives, searching for any clues or information that could shed light on the enigmatic figures he had encountered. He found records of past events involving the corporations and glimpses of the covert activities they engaged in.

One day, as he was looking through the orphanage's schedule of activities, he noticed a specific entry that caught his attention—the "Regulatory Tests" scheduled three months from now. The description was vague, mentioning that the tests were part of the orphanage's routine, but it left him with a sense of curiosity and suspicion.

"Tests, right?" Alexander whispered at the back of his mind.

Alexander wondered why the orphanage would have such tests and what their purpose might be. He had a feeling that there might be more to this seemingly innocent activity, especially considering the covert nature of some of the people he had encountered.

Later that evening, during dinner, Alexander decided to ask Kai about the "Regulatory Tests" he had come across in the orphanage's schedule.

"Hey Kai, I noticed something in the schedule today. It mentioned 'Regulatory Tests' that will take place in three months. Do you know anything about them?" Alexander inquired casually.

Kai looked up from his meal and glanced at Alexander with a somewhat guarded expression. "Oh, those tests? Yeah, they've been a regular thing ever since I came to this orphanage. They're not too big of a deal, just some assessments to see how we're doing, I guess," Kai replied vaguely.

Alexander sensed that Kai was holding something back, but he didn't press further at the moment. He knew that Kai tended to be secretive about certain matters, especially when it came to their lives in the orphanage.

"What do they assess in these tests? And what happens afterward?" Alexander probed, trying to gain more information without making Kai uncomfortable.

"You seemed to have forgotten too, huh? Well, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary. Some children actually changed after these tests, Kai voiced at the back of his mind. He then continued.

"After the tests, we usually have a short interview with one of the caretakers. They'd tell us how we did in comparison to the other orphans, but we're never told the rankings of the other kids. It's supposed to be a way to motivate us to do better, I think," Kai explained, still avoiding giving too many details.

Alexander nodded, feigning acceptance of Kai's explanation. He had a hunch that there was more to these tests than Kai was letting on. It seemed peculiar that the orphanage would conduct tests and interviews that involved comparing the orphans' performances without disclosing the rankings.

In the days that followed, Alexander immersed himself in studying the technical aspects of Aeonia's world. He delved into advanced physics, chemistry, engineering, and other sciences that underpinned the city's cutting-edge technologies. Aeonia's advancements surpassed those of Earth, with resource optimization and sustainable practices integrated into every aspect of their society.

He discovered that the development of cybernetic augmentations was just one aspect of Aeonia's technological prowess. The city's infrastructure was built to harness renewable energy sources, and their transportation systems were highly efficient, relying on magnetic levitation technology for frictionless travel. Their medical advancements allowed for rapid healing and enhanced life spans, making their society significantly healthier and more resilient.

Alexander marveled at the incredible achievements of Aeonia's scientists and engineers. It was clear that society had prioritized innovation and progress, resulting in a highly advanced and sustainable civilization.

As he continued his studies, he began to draw connections between the technological advancements and the various factions and figures he had encountered. It seemed that certain corporations and groups held significant power over controlling and distributing these advanced technologies, which likely played a role in the ongoing power struggles and covert activities within the city.

During his exploration of the technical aspects, Alexander stumbled upon old documents that hinted at the development and regulation of cybernetic augmentations. It appeared that there had been strict protocols in place to prevent misuse and potential haywiring, but certain factions might have sought to circumvent these regulations to gain an advantage.

As his knowledge expanded, Alexander also kept an eye on any developments in the city's security and the presence of the Pacifiers. He had observed how they swiftly dealt with the haywiring individual during the previous incident, and it made him curious about their methods and training.

In his spare moments, Alexander continued to exchange messages with Ethan, careful to maintain encrypted communication channels to safeguard their conversations. Ethan proved to be a valuable source of information, offering cryptic hints and insights that pushed Alexander's investigations further.

With each passing day, the sense of intrigue and danger grew, but Alexander couldn't back down now. He was determined to confront the secrets that lay beneath the surface of Aeonia's seemingly idyllic facade and to understand the deeper truth behind the Great Technological War and the mysterious figures who held sway over the city.

In his spare moments, Alexander continued to exchange messages with Ethan, careful to maintain encrypted communication channels to safeguard their conversations. Ethan proved to be a valuable source of information, offering his latest inventions, technological concepts, and how he got to see real-time haywiring.

With each passing day, the sense of intrigue and danger grew, but Alexander couldn't back down now. He was determined to confront the secrets that lay beneath the surface of Aeonia's seemingly idyllic facade and to understand the deeper truth behind the city.

As Alexander continued his investigation, he decided to dig deeper into the orphanage's internal workings and policies. He stumbled upon the orphanage's manual, which outlined the process through which the orphans' futures were supposedly secured.

According to the manual, the Regulatory Tests were not merely assessments for motivation, as Kai had initially mentioned. They were, in fact, carefully designed evaluations to identify the strengths and potential of each orphan. Based on the test results, the orphans would be trained and groomed for specific roles within Aeonia's society, depending on their aptitudes and abilities.

The manual stated that after reaching the age of 20, the orphans were given the freedom to choose their path, but the caretakers would guide and assist them in making their decisions. At this stage, they would be interviewed by representatives from different corporations to determine their suitability for various roles within those organizations.

Alexander was taken aback by this revelation. It seemed that the orphans' destinies were predetermined by the test results and the influence of the corporations. The orphanage served as a pipeline for young talents to be placed within the corporations, securing a future workforce and fostering loyalty to those entities.

He realized that the Regulatory Tests were not just about comparing the orphans' performances; they were a means for corporations to recruit individuals with potential, molding them to serve the interests of those companies.

The prospect of becoming a cog in a larger system didn't sit well with Alexander. He believed in individual freedom and choice, and the idea of being assigned to a corporation based on test results felt restricting and unjust. He wondered if there were ways to break free from this predetermined path and if there were others who shared his discontent.

With the three months until the "Regulatory Tests" approaching rapidly, Alexander felt a growing sense of urgency. He knew that he needed more information and allies if he was to challenge the system and uncover the truth about Aeonia's society.

He decided to wander through the corridors of the orphanage; his curiosity got the better of him. When a mention of room 10-213, a room common to all orphanages present in the city and a restricted area that no orphan had ever entered, intrigued him, He decided to see if he could find the room and perhaps uncover some clues about what lay behind the steel door.

Alexander discreetly asked a few older orphans about the location of room 10-213, but none of them seemed to have any knowledge of its existence. It was as if the room didn't exist at all, or if it did, it was a well-kept secret.

With a growing sense of determination, Alexander began searching for any signs or clues that might lead him to the mysterious room. He noticed that the orphanage staff seemed particularly vigilant and watchful, especially Ms. Hartley, the head caretaker. Her keen observation of everyone raised his suspicions even further.

One day, as he was passing by a dimly lit corridor, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu. It was as if he had been in this exact spot before, but he couldn't recall any such instance. Following his intuition, he carefully examined the walls, and his eyes fell upon an inconspicuous panel hidden amidst the hologram.

Without hesitation, Alexander navigated through a hidden switch on the panel, and to his surprise, it slid open, revealing a concealed passage. Heart pounding with excitement and anxiety, he stepped inside, and the panel closed behind him.

The passage led him through a labyrinth of narrow hallways until he reached a heavy steel door with the number "10-213" engraved on it. This was it—the room that held so many secrets. Alexander hesitated for a moment, but his curiosity and determination pushed him forward.

As he reached for the door handle, he heard footsteps approaching. Panic set in as he realized he might be caught in a restricted area. He quickly retreated back through the concealed passage, and his mind raced with questions.

"This feeling..." Alexander whispered as he got out of the passage.

"Where have you been, Lex?" Ms. Hartley asked with a smile.

Despite the adrenaline rushing through him and the questions swirling in his mind, Alexander maintained his composure. He knew he had to think quickly and act as if he had a legitimate reason to be in that area of the orphanage.

"Oh, Ms. Hartley, I was just exploring the orphanage to familiarize myself with all the corridors and rooms. I thought it would be good to know my surroundings better. You know how I aspire to be an engineer; I was just amazed how these structures were built." Alexander replied with a calm demeanor, hoping to avoid raising any suspicion.

Ms. Hartley regarded him with a curious expression, but her smile remained. "It's good to see you taking an interest in the orphanage's layout. Just be careful not to wander into 'officials only' areas, alright?"

"Of course, I apologize if I strayed too far. I'll be more cautious in the future," Alexander assured her.

Ms. Hartley nodded approvingly. "That's a responsible attitude, Alexander. Remember, we have rules in place for your safety and the security of the orphanage. Now, why don't you head back to your room? It's almost time."

"Of course, Ms. Hartley. Thank you for your understanding," Alexander said politely as he turned to leave.

To avoid arousing even more suspicion, Alexander decided to continue his day straight to the library, where he pretended to immerse himself in his studies. His heart continued to race with a mix of relief and excitement. He had managed to avert suspicion for now, but he knew he couldn't push his luck further. Finding room 10-213 had opened up a new chapter in his investigation, but he needed to be more cautious than ever.

Alexander made his way to the restroom to freshen up. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but marvel at how different he looked from his past self. This body was not his own, and he still hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that he was inhabiting someone else's life.

He wondered how others saw this body before his consciousness took over. Did they see him as the original occupant, or did they notice any changes in behavior or personality? It was a strange and disconcerting thought, and he knew he had to be careful not to draw too much attention to himself.

Returning to his room, Alexander couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being closely observed. He had overheard Ms. Hartley saying, like she was on call, "Seems to be doing just as we analyzed," and he couldn't help but wonder what exactly she meant by that.

As he walked past Ms. Hartley, he noticed her tilting her head slightly in his direction, as if trying to gauge his reactions. His heart raced, but he forced himself to maintain a composed facade, not wanting to arouse any further suspicion.

Once safely inside his room, Alexander tried to process the information he had gathered so far. The mention of "we analyzed" suggested that there might be more people involved in the orphanage's operations than he initially thought. It was evident that there was a level of surveillance and monitoring happening behind the scenes.

A lot has been going on inside Alexander's head right now, and his physical body couldn't keep up. He then thought of a solution. If he needs his mind to be working but his body to be resting, then all he needs to do is go back into the Nexus, where he can continue to process his thoughts and continue investigating.