
The Innovator: An Orphaned CEO - New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

_Blue · Romance
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19 Chs

The Meeting

As the discussions on "Haywiring" continued, the virtual stage at the center of the platform suddenly flashed with a mesmerizing light. Four figures materialized, taking their seats with an air of authority. These were the infamous Dealers," enigmatic individuals known for their mastery over information and the secrets of the Nexus.

Each Dealer had a unique presence, exuding an aura of mystery and power. Their avatars were adorned with intricate patterns, signifying their significance within the underground network.

As the Dealers, Diaz, Orlov, Hashimoto, and Jones, held their positions on the virtual stage, the atmosphere in the Nexus seemed to shift. Their presence commanded respect and attention from the factions gathered, who knew better than to underestimate these powerful figures.

Diaz, with his assertive and aggressive demeanor, represented the dynamic and sometimes perilous world of black market cybernetics and enhancements in the South. His dealings were bold and fearless, and he wasn't one to back down from challenges or risks.

Orlov, on the other hand, projected a composed and calculated aura. He was a master strategist, always thinking several steps ahead of his competitors. His deep understanding of the Nexus's intricacies and his ability to analyze market trends and emerging technologies gave him a strategic advantage that few could match.

Hashimoto's enigmatic and reclusive nature intrigued many. Operating from the shadows, he was a Dealer known for his precision and meticulous planning. His expertise in sourcing rare and ancient artifacts from the Eastern regions made him an invaluable resource for those seeking to acquire unique items.

Lastly, Jones, the Dealer of the West, was a master of negotiation and persuasion. He understood the delicate balance between legality and the underworld, making him a valuable intermediary for those navigating Aeonia's complex web of laws and regulations. His ability to tailor his approach to each individual made him a sought-after ally and partner in the city.

As the Dealers settled into their positions on the virtual stage, Diaz, the Dealer from the South, leaned forward, projecting his aggressive aura to the crowd. His avatar's eyes glowed with intensity as he addressed the assembled factions.

"Listen up, everyone. Diaz's voice boomed through the virtual platform. "I'm here to talk business. I have a proposition that could change the game for all of you."

The crowd hushed, their avatars turning towards Diaz with rapt attention. The promise of a billion credits was enough to capture anyone's interest in the Nexus, where power and wealth were highly sought after.

"I'm offering one billion credits to anyone who can bring me concrete information on the faulty cybernetics," Diaz declared, his words carrying weight and authority. "These faulty augmentations are a hot commodity right now, and I want to know everything about them—their origins, their distribution, everything."

He paused, letting the magnitude of his offer sink in. A billion creds was an astronomical sum, enough to transform the fortunes of any faction or individual in Aeonia.

"Whoever brings me this information will be rewarded handsomely," Diaz continued, his voice dripping with confidence. "You'll have the backing of the South, and believe me, that's a powerful ally to have."

His words ignited a flurry of whispers among the factions. The prospect of gaining the support of the South, along with the promise of immense wealth, was enticing beyond measure.

As Diaz's offer reverberated through the virtual platform, Psi and V exchanged concerned glances. They knew that Diaz's proposition could complicate their mission significantly. The bidding war that might ensue for information on the faulty cybernetics could potentially lead to misinformation and sabotage.

Through their private encrypted channel, Psi communicated with his team members, "This could be bad for our mission. It seems a bidding war is being held here. We can't let ourselves get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of our objective."

V nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Diaz's bid for information might lead to conflicting interests among the factions present," they replied. "We need to remain focused on gathering accurate data and uncovering the truth behind the 'Haywiring' incidents."

MK chimed in, "Diaz's offer has stirred up a lot of attention. It's possible that some factions might even fabricate information to secure the reward."

Theta added, "We need to be cautious and verify any data we come across. Rushing into this bidding war could lead us down the wrong path."

Psi's measured and determined voice addressed the team. "Our approach remains unchanged. Let's stay vigilant and continue with our original plan. Gather any data related to the faulty cybernetics, but verify its authenticity before taking any action."

Alexander nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Understood. We need to focus on gathering reliable information, not rushing into hasty decisions."

As Diaz's offer still lingered in the air, Jones, the Dealer of the West, stepped forward from the virtual stage. His avatar exuded charm and confidence, and his charismatic demeanor drew the attention of the factions in the Nexus.

With a smile, Jones interjected, "Ah, Diaz, always one to make a splash with your offers. But let's not forget the value of trust and security. While a billion credits is certainly tempting, I'm prepared to sweeten the deal for those who choose to work with me."

The crowd turned their attention to Jones, curious about what he had to offer in response to Diaz's enticing proposition.

Jones continued, "I'm willing to match Diaz's reward with seven hundred million creds, and on top of that, I can offer one year of police clearance in the North for anyone who brings me the information I seek. That means during your stay up North, you won't be bothered by the enforcers or any legal troubles."

A murmur of interest swept through the virtual platform as factions considered the allure of not only wealth but also a year of unimpeded activity in the North, a region known for its advanced technology and access to resources.

Psi and his team listened closely, realizing that this bidding war between Diaz and Jones could lead to a frenzy of competition and potential misinformation.

Through their encrypted channel, Psi whispered to his team, "This is getting more complicated. The stakes are higher now, and we must be careful not to be drawn into the chaos. Keep a close eye on the situation and stay true to our mission."

As Diaz's offer still lingered in the air, Jones, the Dealer of the West, stepped forward from the virtual stage. His avatar exuded charm and confidence, and his charismatic demeanor drew the attention of the factions in the Nexus.

With a smile, Jones interjected, "Ah, Diaz, always one to make a splash with your offers. But let's not forget the value of trust and security. While a billion credits is certainly tempting, I'm prepared to sweeten the deal for those who choose to work with me."

The crowd turned their attention to Jones, curious about what he had to offer in response to Diaz's enticing proposition.

Jones continued, "I'm willing to match Diaz's reward with seven hundred million creds, and on top of that, I can offer one year of police clearance in the North for anyone who brings me the information I seek. That means during your stay up North, you won't be bothered by the enforcers or any legal troubles."

A murmur of interest swept through the virtual platform as factions considered the allure of not only wealth but also a year of unimpeded activity in the West, a region known for its advanced technology and access to resources.

Psi and his team listened closely, realizing that this bidding war between Diaz and Jones could lead to a frenzy of competition and potential misinformation.

Through their encrypted channel, Psi whispered to his team, "This is getting more complicated. The stakes are higher now, and we must be careful not to be drawn into the chaos. Keep a close eye on the situation and stay true to our mission."

As the heated exchange between Diaz and Jones continued, Hashimoto, the Dealer of the East, stood up from his seat on the virtual stage. His avatar projected an enigmatic aura, and his presence demanded attention from the crowd.

With a calm yet assertive tone, Hashimoto spoke, "Gentlemen, your offers are intriguing, but let us not overlook the value of ancient knowledge and cutting-edge technology. I am willing to match the rewards, offering five hundred million creds to those who bring me information on the faulty cybernetics. But, in addition, I will provide two upgraded artifacts from my collection to aid your factions in your endeavors."

The crowd murmured with curiosity and anticipation at Hashimoto's offer. The promise of rare and powerful artifacts added an extra layer of allure to his proposal. The East was known for its connection to ancient technology, and the artifacts in Hashimoto's possession were highly sought-after.

Hashimoto continued, "Furthermore, I will extend a 50% discount to all tTechDocs in my region for their services. These enhancements will be invaluable to any faction looking to gain an edge in the Nexus."

Psi's team exchanged glances, realizing that Hashimoto's offer presented yet another layer of complexity to the situation. Each Dealer's proposition catered to different aspects, and factions were now faced with a challenging decision.

As the bidding war intensified between Diaz, Jones, and Hashimoto, Orlov, the Dealer of the North, remained calm and composed on the virtual stage. His avatar emanated an air of mystery and intelligence that drew the attention of those present.

When the crowd turned their focus to Orlov, he spoke in a measured tone: "My esteemed colleagues, while the pursuit of wealth and knowledge is indeed enticing, let us not forget the importance of camaraderie and influence in the Nexus. I offer a different path to those who dare to venture into the depths of 'Haywiring.'"

Orlov's proposition was distinct from the others, emphasizing partnership and influence within his organization. He continued, "I am prepared to reward those who bring me the faulty cybernetics and the body they originated from with a sum of 100 million creds. But in addition to that, I will extend an invitation to join The Brotherhood as an executive, granting access to our resources and the opportunity to partake in groundbreaking experiments and data acquisition."

The crowd reacted with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. Orlov's Brotherhood was known for its undefeated streak in gang wars and territorial defense. For some factions, the prospect of partnering with them was an alluring opportunity to gain influence and leverage.

Psi listened carefully to the propositions put forth by Diaz, Jones, Hashimoto, and Orlov. As the leader of his team, he knew the importance of making the right decision and staying true to their mission.

Through the encrypted channel, Psi communicated with his team: "We cannot allow ourselves to be drawn into the chaos of these bidding wars. Our goal is to uncover the truth behind the faulty cybernetics, and we must do it independently."

V nodded in agreement, saying, "You're right. We can't risk getting entangled in the agendas of these powerful dealers. Let's acquire the cybernetics ourselves, gather the data we need, and then make an informed decision about what to do with it."

MK added, "Psi is right. We need to be in control of our actions and avoid becoming pawns in their games."

Theta agreed, "I concur. We can use the five million creds you have, Psi, to pay for the information or any other resources we may need."

Psi's voice remained firm. "Good. Let's continue with our original plan. We'll gather information discreetly, track down the faulty cybernetics, and determine the truth behind 'Haywiring' without getting involved in these deals."

Alexander chimed in, "We also need to be cautious of potential traps or misinformation planted by others seeking to exploit the situation."

Psi acknowledged, "Absolutely. We must verify every piece of data we come across. Let's remain focused and vigilant."

As the bidding war continued on the virtual stage, Psi's team redirected their attention to their mission. They needed to acquire the faulty cybernetics, investigate the incidents, and uncover any potential threats to Aeonia.

While the offers from the Dealers were tempting, Psi knew that true power lay in having control over the situation and information. Trusting their skills and experience, the team embarked on their journey, resolute in their determination to uphold the integrity of their mission.

As the team continued to observe the unfolding situation in the Nexus, Alexander couldn't help but contemplate Orlov's proposition. Joining The Brotherhood as an executive could potentially grant him access to considerable power and resources. It was an opportunity he couldn't easily dismiss.

Through their encrypted channel, Psi and the team members discussed their next steps. They agreed to acquire the faulty cybernetics themselves and proceed with their original plan. However, Alexander's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the power and influence that could come from aligning himself with The Brotherhood.

Psi continued, "Let's stick to our plan of meeting at the designated spot five days from now. We'll update each other a day before the meeting to share our findings and assess the situation. Until then, do your tasks and be vigilant."

With their plan reinforced, the team dispersed in the virtual Nexus, each member returning to their designated tasks. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they were determined to see it through.

In a decisive move, Alexander made a decision. He disconnected from the encrypted channel, logging out of the virtual Nexus without notifying his team. By doing so, he aimed to avoid any suspicion from his fellow team members.

After logging out, Alexander quickly logged back in under a different alias, masking his true identity. With his new persona, he set out to meet with Orlov, the Dealer of the North.

As Alexander assumed his new persona and approached the meeting spot designated by Orlov, he felt a sense of anticipation mixed with nervousness. The prospect of negotiating with the enigmatic Dealer of the North was both exciting and daunting.

Upon reaching the secluded corner of the virtual Nexus, Alexander spotted Orlov's avatar sitting at a table, exuding an air of mystery. He approached cautiously, taking a moment to observe the virtual surroundings to ensure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Orlov," Alexander said, trying to match his tone with the alias he had chosen. "I've heard about your proposition, and I'm intrigued. But before we proceed, I need to know more about The Brotherhood and what you're seeking from me."

Orlov regarded him with a piercing gaze, studying him carefully. "Ah, I see you've come well prepared," he said, his voice smooth and calculating. "The Brotherhood is a powerful organization that operates discreetly within the Neo-Aetheria. Our expertise lies in research, experimentation, and maintaining our control over key territories."

Alexander nodded, absorbing the information. "And what do you need from me to become your right hand?"

Orlov leaned back in his chair, a slight laugh coming from his mouth. "HAHAHA! You've got some ambition, boy, and you're doing it solo too," he explained. "You would have been the best mercenary there is to pull that off alone."

Alexander straightened his virtual posture, maintaining a calm and collected demeanor despite Orlov's amusement. "I know what I want," he replied confidently.

Orlov's expression shifted slightly, intrigued by Alexander's response. Hmmm, it seems to me you have your own means then," he said, stroking his virtual chin. "Come back when you have what I need, and then we will talk about what you need."

"One more thing: how many have inquired about and accepted your deal?" Alexander continued.

Orlov's eyes glinted with interest. "You do seem to know what you're doing. For now, I have 15 groups and 21 collaborations with mercenaries."

"Good," Alexander whispered as he walked out.

Determined to gather as much information as possible, Alexander decided to approach the other Dealers with the same question. He wanted to understand the full scope of the bidding war and gauge the competition they were up against.

Approaching Diaz, the Dealer from the South, Alexander spoke with confidence, "Diaz, I've heard about your offer. It's impressive, to say the least. But I wonder, how many factions have accepted your proposition so far?"

Diaz leaned back, crossing his arms virtually, and grinned. "Ah, my friend, the competition is fierce," he replied. "Currently, I have 110 factions competing for the reward. They are all hungry for the credits and the backing of the South."

Alexander nodded, taking note of the information. He then turned his attention to Jones, the Dealer of the West. "Jones, your offer is intriguing as well," he said. "I'm curious, how many factions have taken up your proposition?"

Jones flashed his charismatic smile and replied, "Well, my friend, as you can imagine, the response has been overwhelming. Currently, I have 76 factions inquiring about the deal, all looking to secure the credits and the police clearance in the West."

Moving on to Hashimoto, the Dealer of the East, Alexander inquired, "Hashimoto, your proposition is unique with the promise of ancient artifacts and discounts on TechDocs. How many factions have shown interest in your offer?"

Hashimoto's enigmatic avatar remained calm as he answered, "Your interest in the numbers is quite intriguing. As of now, 87 factions have approached me, eager to gain access to the artifacts and the technological edge in the East."

With valuable information gathered from his conversations with the Dealers, Alexander decided it was time to log out of the virtual Nexus and rejoin his team. He knew that the data he had acquired would be crucial in making informed decisions moving forward.

Carefully navigating the virtual interface, Alexander disconnected from the Nexus and closed his connection. He felt a sense of relief as he returned to the real world, the virtual world's allure fading away.