
The Innovator: An Orphaned CEO - New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

_Blue · Romance
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19 Chs

Pre-Strat Plan

Psi gestured for 'X' and Theta to join the gathering in the dimly lit room. As they entered, 'X' observed the diverse group of individuals, each radiating a unique aura of expertise and purpose. It was clear that this faction, led by Psi, was comprised of individuals who played distinct and vital roles within Aeonia's intricate tapestry.

Psi began the introductions, his commanding presence filling the room. "Allow me to introduce you to some of our key members," he said, his voice resonating with authority. "Each of them brings a unique skill set to our faction, contributing to our pursuit of knowledge, power, and influence."

Psi turned his attention to a figure standing near the center of the room. "This is '2D'," he introduced, indicating a tall and imposing avatar. "2D is our frontliner, a skilled combatant who ensures our safety and protects our interests. Their combat expertise and tactical acumen have proven invaluable time and time again."

'X' nodded respectfully towards '2D,' recognizing the importance of a strong and capable protector in the dangerous world they were delving into.

Psi's gaze shifted to another individual, who was intently focused on a holographic interface. "Next, we have 'MK'," Psi continued, gesturing towards the figure. "MK is our hacker, a master of digital infiltration and manipulation. Their ability to breach even the most secure systems and extract valuable information has made them an indispensable asset."

'X' studied 'MK' briefly, noting the aura of focused intensity surrounding them. In a world driven by data and technology, having a skilled hacker on their side was undoubtedly a strategic advantage.

Psi's attention then turned to a figure exuding an air of quiet confidence. "This is 'V'," he introduced. "V serves as my co-leader and trusted advisor. Their strategic insights and diplomatic finesse have played a significant role in shaping our faction's direction and alliances."

'X' couldn't help but be intrigued by 'V's' role as a co-leader and advisor, realizing that the faction's leadership was a collaboration of distinct talents and perspectives.

Finally, Psi's attention returned to 'X,' and a faint smile played on his lips as he spoke. "And this is 'X'," Psi said, introducing 'X' to the rest of the group. "X is the partner of our esteemed information and tech genius, Theta. Their unique insights and discernment have already proven valuable in our encounter, and I believe they have the potential to be a valuable addition to our faction."

Psi turned towards Theta, as if to emphasize the significance of 'X' joining the information team. "As you know, Theta, having a reliable and skilled partner is crucial in your line of work," Psi said. "It allows you to extend your reach and capabilities, uncovering secrets and connections that might otherwise remain hidden."

Theta nodded in agreement, acknowledging the importance of a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of Aeonia's society. "Absolutely," Theta replied. "The Nexus is a vast and intricate web of information, and having 'X' by my side will undoubtedly enhance our ability to gather intel and make informed decisions."

Psi then addressed 'X' directly, his voice resonating with assurance. "You'll find that being a part of our information team can be both rewarding and perilous," he warned.

"Our upcoming mission will put your skills to the test, and the information you uncover could have far-reaching consequences."

He continued, "2D, you will be in charge of scouting a specific location where the clandestine gathering is set to take place. We need to ensure we have eyes on the ground and are aware of any potential threats or surprises."

2D nodded confidently, acknowledging the responsibility that came with their role as the frontliner. They were well-versed in reconnaissance and knew the importance of thorough preparation.

"MK" Psi turned to the hacker and said, "Your task is to update and optimize our tech to breach the place's security systems. We need to have access to any data or communication that occurs during the gathering without being detected. Your expertise will be invaluable in ensuring we stay one step ahead."

MK's eyes gleamed with determination, appreciating the weight of the task. The hacker was used to cracking even the most fortified systems, and the challenge of infiltrating a high-profile gathering only fueled their excitement.

"As for me," Theta said, "I've just acquired valuable information from this module I got from Jones. The data it holds holds every information we need."

Theta stepped forward, holding the module in her hand, and began explaining its contents to the rest of the group. "This module contains data on the recent haywiring event that occurred in the cybernetic augmentation facility of Neo-Aetheria," Theta began. "As you know, haywiring is a term used to describe when a cybernetic enhancement malfunctions and affects the neural interfaces of individuals, causing chaos and potential danger."

Psi and the others listened intently, recognizing the significance of this information. "The data reveals that the haywiring event was not an isolated incident," Theta continued. "There have been multiple occurrences, and they seem to be linked to a specific batch of cybernetic implants that were distributed by a certain company operating within Aeonia."

Theta paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "This is concerning for several reasons," Theta emphasized. "First, it indicates a potential flaw or malicious intent in the design or production of these augmentations. Second, it raises questions about the involvement of this company in the distribution of faulty cybernetics, which could have far-reaching consequences for the population of Neo-Aetheria."

MK's eyes lit up with curiosity, already contemplating the possibilities for uncovering the truth behind this cybernetic malfunction. "If we can trace the origins of these faulty augmentations," MK suggested, "we might be able to expose the company responsible and uncover any ulterior motives they might have."

"You're absolutely right," Psi affirmed, impressed with MK's quick insight. "This revelation sheds new light on our upcoming mission. It appears that this clandestine gathering is connected to the company in question. The people attending might be involved in either distributing or acquiring these faulty augmentations."

2D's expression grew serious as he understood the potential risks involved in dealing with individuals who may have dangerous cybernetics. "If there's even a hint of malicious intent," 2D said, "we need to approach this mission with extreme caution. We can't afford to underestimate any adversaries we may encounter."

"Agreed," Psi nodded. "Our objectives remain twofold. We must gather as much information as we can about the plans and motives of those involved in this cybernetic debacle. Additionally, we must also obtain concrete evidence to expose any organization's or company's role in distributing these faulty augmentations."

Theta added, "Given the sensitive nature of this mission, we need to make sure our actions are discreet and well-coordinated. The potential for backlash from powerful entities within Aeonia is significant."

Psi listened intently to Theta's update about the acquired information from the module. His eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the potential significance of the data. "Good work, Theta," Psi said, his voice measured. "This information could be a game-changer for our mission. We must carefully analyze it and extract every bit of relevant data."

He then turned his attention to the co-leader, V.

"V," Psi said, "I need you to assist Theta in analyzing the data and identifying any patterns or connections. We must be prepared for any surprises that may arise during the mission, and your strategic insights will be invaluable in formulating our approach."

'V' nodded in acknowledgment, fully aware of the responsibility entrusted to them. "Consider it done," they replied, a hint of determination in their voice. "I'll collaborate with Theta to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of the information and its implications."

Psi took a moment to assess the situation before continuing. "Our primary objective is to gather as much information as possible, and maybe we can even get a hold of the cyber augmentation from the recent Haywiring. Security, as we all know, would be very tight. Pacifiers are present. We cannot underestimate the potential ramifications of this operation."

"X," Psi said, turning to address 'X' directly, "your role in this mission is of utmost importance. As Theta's partner, you possess unique insights and discernment that have already proven valuable. I need you to work closely with Theta in analyzing the acquired data and providing additional perspectives on the information we uncover."

"Absolutely," 'X' replied.

Psi nodded in approval. "Excellent; if you have questions, ask Theta through encrypted communication," he said. "Remember, the safety and success of this mission depend on your collaboration and teamwork. Trust each other's judgment and stay vigilant. We're stepping into dangerous territory, and we must be prepared for anything."

Theta and 'X' both nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew that working together was the key to success, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Alright, meeting adjourned; you can now log out; V remain here. And remember the same place, same time, a week from now." Psi ended the meeting with the members.

As the meeting concluded, the members of the faction began to log out one by one. Each avatar faded from the dimly lit room.

'X' initiated a private encrypted communication. "Theta," 'X' began, "I wanted to ask you about the next meet-up. Where and when will it be?"

Theta replied. "It will be at dawn a week after. It is under the bridge just north of City Center where there are vehicle wreckages. The last container is colored red."

The room around 'X' dissolved, and they found themselves back in their own physical bodies, slowly disconnecting from the virtual network. The dimly lit environment of the Nexus vanished, replaced by the familiar surroundings of their room. As they blinked their eyes open, 'X' took a moment to process the intense experience they had just been through.

"Well, things seem to be going so fast," Alexander Whispered as the sun rose from his window.


"Hey V," Psi began, addressing V with a serious expression.

Psi's brows furrowed slightly as he considered the challenges ahead. "Securing the data shard won't be easy. We'll need to coordinate our efforts meticulously and ensure we exploit any vulnerabilities in the security measures."

V leaned in slightly, and their voice lowered. "Perhaps we could use a diversion to draw attention away from the target and create an opportunity for extraction. 'MK' could manipulate security feeds, creating a temporary blind spot."

Psi nodded in approval. "That's a solid idea. It would buy us the time we need to access the body discreetly. Once we have the data shard, 'MK' can focus on infiltrating the augmentation's security systems."

V continued, "As for the augmentation itself, we should plan for a contingency. If an opportunity arises, we could attempt to secure one during the chaos caused by the diversion."

Psi's eyes gleamed with determination. "Agreed. Having that cybernetic in our possession could be useful for experimenation."

V glanced around the room briefly before returning their attention to Psi. "However, we must exercise caution. The repercussions of our actions could be substantial. If we're not discreet, we might trigger a chain of events we're not prepared to handle."

Psi's expression grew more serious. "You're right, V. The balance between gathering evidence and avoiding unnecessary conflict is delicate. We can't afford to underestimate the potential consequences."

V leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing their faces. "Psi, we should also consider a contingency plan in case things go awry. If our extraction attempt is compromised, we need an exit strategy to ensure our team's safety."

Psi nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed, V. We'll prepare for multiple scenarios and establish rendezvous points for extraction. '2D' and 'MK' will play crucial roles in ensuring our safe retreat if needed."

V's gaze met Psi's, and a shared determination was evident between them. "Psi, the success of this mission hinges on our ability to adapt and make quick decisions. Our team's skills and unity will be tested, but I have confidence in our capabilities."

Psi added, "Also, the rival gangs that might have interests in the cybernetics. The data shard we're after holds valuable information, and it's likely that we won't be the only ones trying to get our hands on it."

V nodded. "You're right, there is also that, huh?"

With their plan taking shape and their roles defined, Psi and V shared a nod of agreement. The gravity of their mission was clear, but their resolve to uncover the truth and safeguard their world was unwavering.