
The Innovator: An Orphaned CEO - New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

_Blue · Romance
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19 Chs

Contract Closed

Beneath the night sky, Neo Aetheria's advanced skyline was bathed in an otherworldly luminescence, casting a captivating glow across the cityscape. Within the makeshift headquarters' dimly lit confines, the team members were in various stages of recovery, both physically and emotionally, from the recent whirlwind of events. The echoes of the battle still lingered in the air, commingling with a palpable tension that saturated the atmosphere.

The aftermath of Denver's unleashed power served as a harsh reminder of the unpredictable nature of the cybernetic enhancements that had become integral to their existence. Scorch marks were etched onto the walls, and the flickering lights contributed to the eerie ambiance of the room. The team's faces conveyed a range of emotions—shock, disbelief, and introspection—as they grappled with the enormity of the events that had transpired.

Guided by the Brotherhood members, the team found themselves aboard the hovering aircraft, a backdrop of unease coloring their thoughts. The presence of Orlov and the revelation of their connection to "Cross" had woven an intricate tapestry of uncertainty. Despite the tension, the team comprehended the necessity of adhering to the charade, knowing that patience and cunning were essential ingredients in their bid to regain control over their fate.

Within the confines of the Brotherhood's aircraft, the atmosphere was charged with tension. The team members were led to a confined area, their hands bound, and their weapons confiscated. The clinical, sterile environment contrasted sharply with the chaotic tableau they had left behind. The aircraft's mechanical hum underscored the gravity of the situation, with each team member's mind racing with strategies and potential courses of action.

Among them, Alexander Cross, adopting the guise of Anderson, leaned casually against the metallic wall. His exterior projected a veneer of calm resolve, though his mind churned with intricate calculations and strategic contemplations. The revelations of recent hours had shattered the façade he had so meticulously maintained. Interactions with Orlov had unmasked a more multifaceted persona, and the Brotherhood's involvement had introduced another layer of complexity into the unfolding narrative.

Alexander's gaze shifted towards his fellow comrades. Vincent's eyes held a mix of cautiousness and determination, and his resolute jaw was a testament to his vigilant assessment of their captors. Sylvia's countenance mirrored defiance, her eyes ablaze with an indomitable spirit. Meanwhile, Ethan, the tech prodigy, appeared immersed in introspection, his thoughts undoubtedly charting a course through myriad possibilities and strategies.

Their collective determination underscored their resilience—individuals united by fate, each bearing their own secrets and histories, yet bound by a shared objective. As the aircraft's engines maintained a steady thrum, Alexander's mind retraced the steps that had led them to this pivotal juncture.

Breaking the silence, Vincenet directed his question towards Alexander. "So, Cross, who is he? What does he look like?"

Alexander met Orlov's gaze before shifting his attention back to his comrades, selecting his words with care. "We've never had the pleasure of meeting him," he responded, his tone measured.

"I know an Alexander Cross, an orphan from the BlueCorp orphanage at the City Center. But I doubt he's the Cross you're referring to," Ethan interjected thoughtfully.

"Could he be the same person who saw us, Sylvia?" Vincent inquired, his scrutinizing gaze directed at their leader.

Sylvia nodded, acknowledging the potential connection. "It's conceivable. That orphan did witness our actions."

Vincenet's gaze intensified as he regarded Orlov. "How did you make contact with Cross?"

Orlov's demeanor shifted, a trace of amusement coloring his response. "On the night of the bidding, he appeared out of nowhere, inquiring about the details of my deal. Success was far from my expectations, but he made it a reality. This individual named Cross appears to be adept at his craft. It might be prudent to consider placing trust in him."

"Perhaps he does deserve some recognition. He did, after all, intervene to save us," Alexander mused, his voice tinged with a sense of contemplation.

As the team exchanged thoughts, the aircraft continued its journey, propelling them forward into uncharted territory. The intricacies of their predicament, the enigmatic figure of Cross, and the layers of complexity surrounding Orlov's role painted a complex tapestry. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, a flicker of hope remained—an aspiration that their tenuous alliance might lead to a pivotal turning point in the destiny of Neo Aetheria.

The aircraft's engines hummed steadily, carrying the team and their enigmatic captor, Orlov, towards an unknown destination. As the minutes stretched into an uneasy silence, the city lights of Neo Aetheria danced like distant stars beyond the aircraft's windows. Each team member's thoughts were a mix of anticipation, curiosity, and a lingering wariness of the situation they found themselves in.

Eventually, the aircraft descended gracefully, touching down within an expansive underground complex. The team disembarked, guided by Brotherhood members whose movements were controlled but not overly harsh. Orlov led the way through a labyrinthine series of corridors, each turn revealing advanced technology and an air of secrecy that only deepened the mystery surrounding their host.

They arrived at a pair of imposing doors, which slid open to reveal a spacious, state-of-the-art laboratory. Bright lights illuminated rows of sleek workstations, holographic displays, and intricate machinery that buzzed with activity. The room seemed to pulse with energy, a testament to the cutting-edge advancements taking place within its confines.

Orlov turned towards the team, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Welcome to my headquarters," he announced, his voice tinged with pride. "This is where innovation and progress intersect, where the boundaries of possibility are pushed beyond their limits."

Ethan's eyes widened in awe as he took in the surroundings. "This is incredible. The level of technological advancement here is staggering."

Sylvia, ever the cautious one, studied the environment carefully. "Impressive, no doubt. But what do you intend to do with us?"

Orlov's smile remained enigmatic as he gestured towards a central platform. "You will soon understand the role I have in mind for each of you." He walked over to a holographic console and began manipulating the controls. Displays flickered to life, showcasing data, blueprints, and plans that hinted at the scope of his vision.

"As you've deduced, I had a hand in orchestrating our encounter," Orlov began. "Cross, as he's called, recognized the potential each of you possesses: your unique blend of skills, determination, and—most importantly—your willingness to challenge the status quo in Neo Aetheria."

Alexander's curiosity got the better of him. "And what exactly do you want with us?"

Orlov's gaze met his. "I have a proposition—a partnership, if you will. Neo Aetheria stands at a crossroads, a city on the brink of a new era. But that transition requires catalysts—individuals who can drive change, expose secrets, and challenge those who hold power."

Vincent's skepticism lingered. "And you believe we're the catalysts you need?"

Orlov nodded, his expression unwavering. "Indeed. With my resources and your skills, we can navigate the intricate web of influence that defines this city. We can uncover hidden truths, expose corruption, and pave the way for a better future."

Sylvia's eyes narrowed. "And what's in it for us?"

Orlov's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Recognition, power, and the chance to make a lasting impact. You will be recognized as key executives within my organization, wielding influence and authority to shape Neo Aetheria's trajectory."

Alexander exchanged a glance with his teammates, their unspoken camaraderie evident. "And if we refuse?"

Orlov's gaze remained steady. "Then you are free to leave. However, I suspect you'll find that the Brotherhood is not as forgiving as I am. You've seen their capabilities."

Ethan stepped forward, his curiosity piqued. "What's the first step?"

Orlov's smile widened. "The first step is to equip you with the tools and knowledge you'll need to navigate this intricate game. I have assembled a team of experts in various fields—technology, espionage, and strategy. They will serve as your mentors, guiding you through the challenges that lie ahead."

As the team absorbed Orlov's proposal, their thoughts swirled with uncertainty and possibility. The allure of recognition, influence, and the chance to shape their city's destiny was undeniable. Yet they couldn't ignore the risks and implications of aligning themselves with an enigmatic figure like Orlov.

Vincent's voice held a note of caution. "Before we make any decisions, we need to know more about your goals and your true intentions."

Orlov's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Fair enough. I will provide you with the answers you seek. But first, let us finalize our arrangement."

With a gesture, holographic displays shimmered to life, revealing contracts, agreements, and terms that formalized the team's entry into Orlov's organization. The words glowed with a sense of promise and possibility, but also an underlying sense of commitment.

"Consider me out of the discussion. I was once an ArmedTech soldier; any more involvement would put this place in danger." Vincent explained his situation.

"So what are you going to do now?" Sylvia asked.

"Guess I'll be a full-time merc," Vincent replied. "But of course, we still share the same goal; call me if you ever need a freelance merc."

"I'm In! I mean, just look at all this utilities and equipment! Ethan exclaimed excitedly.

"Me too, but my time is only available at certain moments; I need to take care of home, and I'll be working 8 hours here daily, Alexander as Anderson replied.

"As for me," Sylvia replied.

"Hey, stay, please; we'll need someone like you here." Alexander interrupted before Sylvia could even finish.

Sylvia felt Anderson's gaze with all its purity and determination. She felt as if she had taken in a stray dog with its tail wagging with all its happiness.

"Who said I'm out? You did not let me finish, Sylvia replied. "With that look, how can I not?" Sylvia muttered with a bit of blush.

"What's that?" Alexander asked.

"N... Nothing, what?" Sylvia replied flustered.

Orlov's enigmatic smile seemed to widen as he observed the exchange. "Ah, the bonds of camaraderie and shared purpose. It's a powerful force indeed." He allowed a moment of silence before continuing. "Now that the matter is settled, I believe it's time for you to meet your mentors and begin your journey."

As Orlov spoke, the holographic displays shifted, revealing profiles of experts from various fields—technology, strategy, information retrieval, and more. Each mentor's accomplishments were impressive, and their credentials were impeccable. Orlov guided them through the profiles, detailing how each mentor would assist and guide the team on their mission to challenge the status quo in Neo Aetheria.

"Our first task will be to investigate the rising influence of Haywire on individuals," Orlov explained. "They are expanding rapidly and have been involved in suspicious activities with different power players. Uncovering the truth behind their operations will be your initial objective."

Sylvia's eyes narrowed. "And what do you expect to gain from this?"

Orlov's gaze held a depth of sincerity. "The balance of power in Neo Aetheria must shift, and BlueCorp's actions threaten that balance. By exposing their secrets, we can pave the way for change and ensure a better future for this city."

Alexander exchanged a glance with his team. The weight of their decision settled upon them, but their determination remained resolute. With their signatures affixed to the holographic contracts, they had embarked on a path that would forever alter their destinies and the fate of Neo Aetheria.

As they left Orlov's laboratory, guided by their mentors, the team felt a mixture of trepidation and excitement. The city outside continued to shimmer with its otherworldly luminescence, but now there was a renewed sense of purpose in their hearts—a belief that together, they could shape the course of history and lead Neo Aetheria towards a brighter future.

"Win-win now, this is what you call business. The Art of War is Timeless even in another world, Alexander whispered at the back of his mind.


The members seem to be doing well. Thank you for your hospitality; they will be great assets under you. As for the payment, you can send it to this account: 9*** *** ****. I'll be in touch for the body extraction at ATech Laboratories. Again, pleasure doing biz.
