

Two men and a woman entered the room, all holding folders Lex assumed held information about him. They all looked relatively relaxed and gave off friendly vibes that made Lex feel more confident about his chances. They sat down across from him and after and introduced themselves before diving right into the interview.

"Mr. Lex, can you tell me what interested you about Ballor's castle?"

"The freedom and safety," Lex answered promptly, "especially the safety part. Since I accidentally learned about the cultivation world, the strongest impression I've gotten is that it is very unsafe. I spent a lot of time researching various organizations, but Ballor's castle is the one I felt could best safeguard me and my interests."

"Well, we would like to thank you for your confidence in us. We try our best to uphold our standards to the best of our abilities. Have you tried joining any organization before, and if so, which ones?"