
The Innkeeper

In the depths of a newborn universe, a cultivator takes advantage of the abundant energy to refine himself a treasure. But after 14 billion years of refining and quite a few more to go, he decides to entertain himself by releasing countless systems and watching how the creatures of this fledgling universe handle them. On Earth, a young man, lost and confused about what to do with his life, sits in a park and looks up at the night sky. A shooting star, a wish and a bang. When the boy finally wakes up he hears a sound, "assimilation complete. Launching System. Welcome to the Midnight Inn. Host Designation: The Innkeeper." Discord: https://discord.gg/yqCkHedcUP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551387105778 Instagram: https://instagram.com/theinnkeepernovel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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Lex had to stifle his laugh as he read the remarks for the 1 Minute Butter Knife token. It seemed the system had felt offended at his disregard of the Butter Knife. To be honest, his remark had been somewhat motivated by how little the knife had helped him of late.

Indeed in the beginning it had helped him, but even with its upgrade from Butter Knife to Fruit Knife, it was merely able to handle Golden core cultivators. Sure, that was still above Lex's power level, but he had many powerful workers at the Inn now in front of whom a measly Golden core cultivator was nothing.

But it seemed he had taken the Butter knife lightly, as its upgrade sounded monumentally strong. Its description did not give an exact power level at which the knife was effective, but the remarks made it sound especially strong.