
The Innkeeper

In the depths of a newborn universe, a cultivator takes advantage of the abundant energy to refine himself a treasure. But after 14 billion years of refining and quite a few more to go, he decides to entertain himself by releasing countless systems and watching how the creatures of this fledgling universe handle them. On Earth, a young man, lost and confused about what to do with his life, sits in a park and looks up at the night sky. A shooting star, a wish and a bang. When the boy finally wakes up he hears a sound, "assimilation complete. Launching System. Welcome to the Midnight Inn. Host Designation: The Innkeeper." Discord: https://discord.gg/yqCkHedcUP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551387105778 Instagram: https://instagram.com/theinnkeepernovel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

lifesketcher · Fantaisie
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Lex is fat

Lex felt like he was meeting Geeves for the first time, and he quite liked it. Even if his prior meeting had not been extremely brief, how could Geeves show off his sadistic side in front of the Innkeeper? He had been on his best behavior. But now, in front of Leo, in his extremely sleep deprived state, Geeves has thoroughly lost all inhibition, and so let his true self show.

What Lex didn't realize was that his true self was not a sadist as he made it seem like, no. His true self was an artist, and he exhibited his art through his suits. The appearance of the suit was just the surface of the art. The functionality of the suit is what gave his art depth.

"I like the idea," confirmed Lex. "What are the limits of what you can do with the suit?"