

Jack found a corpse. Or, to be more specific, he found the remains of a ravaged corpse, radiating a divine aura. It looked mostly like the exoskeleton, but there were enough leftover bits of the rest of its body to conclude that this was not the result of molting, but rather what was left of a deity after facing defeat, and possibly having been devoured by another.

The length of it suggested that its original shape was very similar to the centipedal monster Lex had faced.

The corpse was in an underground excavation site that was heavily restricted, and guarded by some of the most powerful insects in the colony.

Lex could tell by the scurrying insects that surrounded the corpse that they had been studying it, and possibly been trying to make use of it to enhance themselves. The overpowered, evil creatures that formed as a result were probably failed experiments. Or maybe even successful experiments, based on what the objective was.