
Introduction: The install

I start my days like every other man, watch some anime, abuse my phone of all its memory, clear my history, and begin a new, as you do. As of then, I realize! I'm all out of good quality anime to watch!! Days go by searching, watching, and asking around to no prosperity. Eventually after scrolling, trial, and error of installing random apps on the webstore it happens! I discover these apps with all very similar names "webtoons", "webcomics", and " wecomics", now I thought "Yes! this is it! Apps that can satisfy my profound interests!" oh man was I wrong every single one was a horrible excuse of an app, subscription here, payment there, I was done I had uninstalled every last one it was the end I was back into a state of boredom then I thought "There has to be something! I refuse to believe that the best that there is are just apps out there to take every last dollar, every last cent!" then once again it hit me, like a truck there's this app called "webnovel" now at this time I wasn't really interested in reading straight books, I was mostly enjoying comics that had action scenes, a cocky main character, or even a little bit of Harlem. On the first install of the app, I realized instantly the coins, the fast passes, and the level. But this didn't stop me, no no I took advantage of the free 50 coins I had gotten and the 3 fast passes I had gotten from a referral code I had found randomly on the comments.