
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

By lunchtime I had heard the boys got a week's suspension. I just rolled my eyes. Not my circus, not my monkeys. My grades had always been important to me and the talk with Principal Axe had reminded me of that. They're even more important now than ever because I have hope of going to college back in Georgia. I just haven't talked to my dad about it yet.

I needed time alone after the chaos and the attention that came with it so I came outside to a lonely picnic table for lunch hour. Forget eating, I had too much on my mind.

Both Trevor and Matt had been blowing up my phone ever since they left the school grounds. I hadn't responded yet and really didn't plan to. I haven't even been here a week and all of this was happening. That is crazy. I never had a problem with drama at my old school because I was invisible and I liked it that way. I enjoyed being a loner because the more people you let get close to you, the more you lose your peace and focus.

"Hey, Georgia. I thought that was you out here." I looked up to see Mr. T standing there smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Yes sir, I like the quiet." He snorts and sits down across from me. "What's so funny about that?" I look at him questioningly.

"L.A had been a big change for you, hasn't it? And hey, don't worry about the fight earlier. No one blames you. Two of the school's alpha males fighting over the beautiful new young lady. A tale older than time, eh?" I blush profusely and quickly look down. My future husband just called me beautiful.

"More like a cliche tale. I don't even know why they bothered with me in the first place. At this point, I'd like to resume being a wallflower." He laughs at me again.

"You don't need me to tell you how beautiful you are, there is no doubt that you already know that so it's pretty obvious 'why they even bothered you in the first place' but honestly it's more than that. You're a breath of fresh air compared to the girls around here. You put a different perspective on things. Both Trev and Matt are cool guys, but Riley- you can do better." I raised my head up and matched my eyes with his.

We stared at each other until the bell ending lunch rang. He didn't say anything else and neither did I as well headed back inside. I felt my phone buzz.

Trevor Lyles: *picture message*

I open it and gasp. It's a picture of Mr. T and I from not even three minutes ago. I look around to see how he could have possibly gotten the picture when he wasn't even supposed to be here. I don't see anyone.

Trevor Lyles: Now I know why you haven't messaged me back. I told you to stay away from him.

I start to just ignore him but decide to message him back.

Riley Brinks: I don't know what your problem with Mr. T is but all he did was make sure I was okay. As far as you telling me to stay away from him- you need to get it through your head that we, as in you and me, are nothing. I have only been at this school for two dang days and you want to act like you have some kind of right to me. You don't and you won't. This message is the last time I ever plan on talking to you. I don't know what your deal is or why you're even interested in me and at this point I really do not even care. Have a nice life, Trevor.

I close my phone and head to Spanish. I feel relief from finally ending whatever was going on with us but if I'm being honest with myself, I feel a little sadness as well.

Claudette is in Spanish with me and had saved me the seat next to her. "What's up, girl? Missed you at lunch." I smile at her, thankful to have such a genuine friend already.

"I'm sorry, I just needed a minute to think things out. All good now though." She looks at me as though she doesn't believe me but nods her head anyway. Thankfully the bell rings and class begins.

The rest of the day blurred past and I just got through it. When the final bell rang I was beyond ready to get in Black Beauty and head home. I needed to research out of state scholarships and get on the ball. Georgia would always be home. Never this place.

The first thing I saw when I got home was Trevor's car in the driveway. Great. I was so angry I started shaking.

The second thing I notice is that he isn't in his car. Which means he's probably inside with dad acting like nothing is wrong. It takes me approximately eight seconds to decide I don't want to be here.

I get back in my truck and just drive. I feel my phone come to life and ignore it. Now it feels as if it's having seizures and I ignore that too. I don't know where I'm going and I really don't care.

Eventually I spy a hole-in-the-wall book store and I get really giddy. I love books. I love the smell of books. And I love bookstores. Obviously. I park BB and walk inside, truly happy for possibly the first time since I've been in the Twilight Zone.

I walk in and am greeted by the bored looking associate at the front desk. "Welcome to Wordless," she says without looking up. I love it. I keep walking until I come across an aisle with one of those giant bean bag chairs and I giggle in glee. I grab a random book off of the shelf and pretty much throw my body into the chair.

I look down to see what book I've wound up with. 1984. Yes. Classic. I smile and snuggle even deeper into the chair. Time to say goodbye to reality. For a little while anyway.

I become so engrossed in the book I lose sight of everything else, including time. So it very much startles me when the goth girl from behind the counter taps me on my shoulder to inform me it's past closing time and she has somewhere to be.

I look down at my phone and realize it had died sometime earlier. I was fine with that. I make my way outside and get in my truck. Trevor has to be gone by now so I just head home.

I'm jamming out to "Black and Yellow" as I pull into my driveway. And see his car. "Son of a twatwaffle!" I can't even come home, to my own home, and have peace.

I storm inside ready to go to war. Before I can speak Trevor hits me with, "How was the bookstore?" I stare at him, mouth agape, as he pulls me in for a hug. He leans in to whisper, "I told you that you have no idea who I am, Peaches. I have eyes all over this city."

I wish I could say I was shocked but at this point, nothing surprised me when it came to Trevor. "Why are you here? In my home?" I back up out of his grasp.

"Dinner with my mom, remember?" I stare at him, dumbfounded by his ability to act as if everything is fine and dandy. "Oh and to make things even better, I've invited your dad to join us."