
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

I look at Trevor looking at me and my heart skips a beat. We are in our own little bubble, the world outside of us has ceased to exist. My entire life I have felt completely invisible, even when it comes to my dad. But when Trevor looks at me I feel as though I am all that exists.

He takes me hand in his and pulls my head onto his chest as he leans back into the sofa. I feel so safe. I feel him kiss the top of my head before he speaks. "So let's talk, Peaches. I'm ready to get the ball rolling." I laugh and take another dee breath.

"Claudette told me what you did to her." I don't look at his face, I can't. How can I possibly like the guy who broke my only friend's heart? He squeezes my hand tighter before responding.

"I'm not going to deny what I did. And I wish I could say I feel guilty about it but I don't. I wish I could say that was the old me but it isn't. But what I can say, what I can promise you, is when I'm with you I no longer feel like that person. I'm not a good guy, Riley. I'm not going to be your knight in shining armor." I don't know what to say. My chest feels tight and my heart hurts.

"Then what are you doing here, Trevor? Am I a bet too or something?" I sit up and scoot over. I don't want to touch him right now.

"You are not a bet, you never were. I'm here because I want you, Riley. It really is that simple. Am I the best choice for you? No, hell no. I am that asshole. But I will never do wrong by you. I will always make sure you're taken care of. Just give me a chance. Please. I'm begging you."

"You just admitted you feel no guilt for taking my best friend's virginity. That you will never be my knight in shining armor. That you are an asshole. AND you're asking me for a chance? Trevor, get out. I can't even think right now." He picks me up by my waist and sits me on his lap. His grip is like still keeping me in place.

"I was only asking to be polite. As far as I'm concerned you're already mine. I'm Trevor fucking Lyles and I take what I want." I'm so furious I see red.

"That's it. I never want to speak to you again. I'm dead serious." I glare into his eyes, my gaze not once faltering. And he grins.

"And I'm dead serious when I say that if you pull another stunt like you did today that there will be consequences." He leans in to kiss my cheek but I turn my head. "You're my girl, now. Get used to it." He takes my chin in his hand and hold my face in place as he kisses me hard on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow when you get home from school. No pit stops, we have plans." He pushes me off of his lap gently and just leaves.

What have I gotten myself into? I crawl into bed and cry. I wanted Georgia the most I ever have tonight. Obviously I wanted Trevor, I could not help it. But he not at all a good person, he even admitted it.

My birthday was in one month. I might just go then. Legally, my dad couldn't stop me. I felt a little guilty thinking about it but I had done what he wanted and I gave California a chance. It just wasn't for me.

I sighed and looked at the clock. 11:45. I got up and put on some shorts and tee. I grabbed my running shoes and tied them extra tight. I hadn't been on a run since we got here and it was past time.

I make my way quietly down the stairs and and feeling pretty proud of myself as I successfully lock the front door back behind me. Until I see my dad's car isn't back yet. I look at my phone to see if he's tried reaching me today. Nope. That's not like my dad at all. Maybe he met a lady. I smile at the thought and begin to run.

I run fast. I run hard. I pace my breaths. My legs feel like they're going to collapse. My lungs feel as though they have been set aflame. I run harder. I turn corner after corner with no destination in mind. I see what appears to be a quaint little park with a track so I head over to it.

I run a few laps until my body just collapses into a heap on the ground. I just lay there. It's quiet and peaceful. I can actually see a few stars. I don't really think about anything I just enjoy the solitude.

I don't know how much time has passed when I finally decide to check the time but am let down when I see that my phone has died. Great. I get up and look around me. I head out of the park and realize I have no idea where I am. Don't panic, Riley. People used to get lost all of the time without the assistance of a cell phone. And then probably wound up on The First 48 but that's beside the point. You got this. I got this.

I head off in the direction I hoped I had come from, walking this time obviously. I feel a little hopeless as I realize I see nothing that seems familiar. I mean, I don't recognize a single thing. And for L.A, this area seems a bit lifeless. Shady looking buildings and dark alleys and I begin to feel afraid.

You know that feeling you get when you're being watched in a creepy way? Like the hairs on the back of your neck begin to stand up and your instincts are screaming at you to run? Yeah. That's what I am feeling at this moment.

"Hey, honey are you lost or looking to keep a nice man company?" I nearly scream but I don't turn around, I just keep walking. Please get the hint, please get the hint. Apparently he doesn't because I hear his footsteps get closer.

I speed up. So does he. "You don't have to be a bitch about it. I mean why else would you be walking alone on this side of town in the middle of the night? And with those itty bitty shorts too." He's right behind me now. I can smell him just as much as I can feel his breath on my neck. He smells like alcohol. A lot of it.

I try to run but he grabs me and spins me around to face him. "Oh, you're a pretty thing, aren't you? You must think you're too good for a man like me, huh? Cunt." His grip on my arm really hurts at this point. I look up at him and note the eye brow piercing and clean shave. He has a tattoo of a massive green dragon on the side of his neck. He can't be much older than me.

Catching him off guard at take my free hand and slap his face as hard as I can. I dig my nails in deep. He shouts in pain and anger and I take me chance and run. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream as I run in hopes of a savior.

I hear the guy's footsteps behind me and run harder. "RILEY!" I look up to see Trevor and Blaxton running towards me. Right before they get to me I feel the man's hand in my hair as I'm yanked roughly back against his chest.

"This one is already spoken for, Lyles. Go get your own whore." I see Trevor's face contorted into that of a beast and even I feel scared for the guy behind me.

"Let her go, Arron. Before I kill you with my bare fucking hands and send your body parts back to your mother." His grip only tightens. My hair feels like it's about to be pulled out of my head and I let out a small whimper. Trevor pulls out a gun and Blaxton follows suit.

Finally realizing he was fighting a losing battle the guy, Arron, shoved me forward. Blaxton catches me before I fall as Trevor lunges at the guy. I hear knuckles connect with a body and I'm scared to turn around. I hear the guy cry out in pain at the same time I hear a bone chilling crunch. I shove my face in Blaxton's chest and he wraps his arms around me tighter.

"IF YOU EVER LAY ANOTHER HAND ON MY GIRL YOUR HEAD WILL BE TORN FROM YOUR FUCKING BODY. AM I UNDERSTOOD?" I hear a grunt and then was lifted off of the ground into Trevor's arms.

I look up at his face and he still looks mad. This time I'm afraid his anger is towards me though. "What the hell are you doing out here by yourself, Riley? What the hell are you doing out here period?" I start to sniffle but I already feel pathetic for having to be rescued.

"I could ask you the same thing." I look at him indignantly and feel proud that my voice only wavered slightly. He growls.

"Baby girl, I am really angry at you right now, so do not. Push. Me." He shakes his head. "Actually I think I'm more disappointed than angry. I honestly thought you were a smart girl, but you just proved me completely wrong." That did it. That broke the dam and the waterworks started.

"Yeah, well you said you would never be my knight in shining armor and look at you now! Rescuing me and shit." I watched his face soften as he watched me cry. Then he laughed a little. And I cried harder. It had been a long night.

I dig my face into his chest trying to stop the crying. He rubs my back and tries to console me. "Shhhh, baby. It's okay. I've got you now. Didn't I tell you I would always take care of you?" I nod. He kisses my head. And then I fall asleep.