
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

This is unfair. It's completely uncalled for and utterly ridiculous. What the heck is my dad thinking?

I look over at my dad as he drives, following behind Trevor. For the record, I did not want to come. First of all, it's Trevor. Second of all, his mother thinks I am a stripper. But my dad wouldn't hear it. He was an odd combination of excited and nervous. He even put on a suit and tie. And had already purchased a cocktail dress for me.

Trevor pulls up to a guard shack. He lives in a gated community. Shocker. That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it. The guard opens the gate and we follow the pompous prick in front of us inside. And my mouth falls. This isn't a gated community, it's a freaking mansion.

I look over at my dad and he looks completely broken. "Dad, what wrong? I told you this was a bad idea, let's just go home." I watch his jaw harden.

"Riley, enough. We are here and I expect you to be on your best behavior. I want absolutely no attitude towards Elizabeth." Elizabeth? Huh?

"Is that Trevor's mom? He told you her name?" I watch the shock on his face before he just nods his head.

"Not another word. I mean it." I'm stunned. He wasn't like this back home and I hated it. It made me feel like he was a ticking time bomb.

He parks the car and before I can get out my door is opened and Trevor pulls me into his big arms. I'm not going to lie, his arms feel amazing. He smiles at me. "Hey, beautiful."

I feel my face turn red and attempt to remove myself from his embrace. "Nah uh, you're staying by me the entire night. You look too good to let go."

Dad clears his throat and says, "Maybe let her go Trev, this might not be the right way to get her on your mother's good side." Trev? My dad and Trevor were on nickname terms?

Trevor reluctantly releases me but just as quickly grabs my hand with a look of determination in his eyes. "She'll lover her. She has to." I shake my head.

"She doesn't have to do anything and neither do I. I don't what your deal is, Trevor but we aren't even friends. I don't like you."

He looks as though he's been slapped but he still doesn't let me go.

"RILEY THAT IS ENOUGH! I told you to be on your best behavior and I meant it!" I quickly look down and nod my head, my heart slowly crumbling.

"No, I deserved that sir. She'll come around eventually though. How could she not?" With that Trevor led the way to the front door where we were greeted by the hostess herself.

"Trevor, when you said you were bringing friends I wasn't expecting...them." She looks down at us from the top step like we were the dirt under her designer shoes. "I thought I made it perfectly clear they aren't wanted here."

Trevor looks hurt, embarrassed, and determined. "Give them a chance, Mom. I don't understand why you act like you have a stick shoved up your ass when it comes to them." I watch her eyes widen.

"Trevor that is no way to talk to your mother, son. But honey, I think we should give the Brinks a shot. They obviously mean a lot to Trevor for him to bring them home." I just stared at the big intimidating man that I am guessing is Trevor's father.

I watch Mrs. Lyles roll her eyes as she steps aside. "Oh, Noah. You and your habit of taking in strays." I watch Mr. Lyles' face turn red as Trevor ushers my dad and me inside.

"Oh come on now, Elizabeth. The only stray I see here is you." I look to the left of me and spot a small framed, short woman with peppered color hair making her way down the staircase. She approaches us and introduces herself.

"I'm Layla Lyles, mother to the big Lyles and Nana to the smaller one. Any friend of Trevor's is always welcomed into my home." She squeezes my hand and smiles warmly. "You are very beautiful. I can see why my grandson has taken interest in you. You'll have to forgive my daughter in law, she seems to forget her humble beginnings here." I look at Elizabeth's face. Priceless. Layla winks at me and loudly whispers, "She was the 'nanny' before she was the missus."

"Okay, Mother. I think that is enough. Trevor, why don't you give Riley a tour of the house and I'll take Mr. Brinks here to my office for a drink." Noah smiles and nods. He still hadn't released my hand from earlier so it wasn't hard for him to pull me along.

I don't put up a fight, I was happy to be excused. He leads me up the grand spiral staircase that wraps around a beautiful crystal chandelier. I smile in awe. "You have a beautiful home, Trevor." He smiles too.

"Thank you. It's alright. I'm sorry about my mom, she's just super protective of me. I've never introduce a girl to her, so maybe she's scared of losing me. I mean, who wouldn't be?" He winks at me as we walk to a door at the end of the hallway.

"So dang cocky. Don't think this means we're friends or anything, I just wanted to escape the tension." He laughs and pulls me into the room. Well, I thought it was a room.

I look up to see a dome ceiling. In front of me are five rows of luxurious theater recliners and in front of those is a projection screen twice the size of the theater back home.

"This is incredible. Are we watching a movie?" He laughs and finally let's go of my hand.

"We don't have enough time, I just figured you might want a pop and snack." I look questioningly at him.

"A popping snack? What is that?" He laughs again as I follow him to what appears to be a bar. He hits a switch that causes the glass to illuminate and I see all of the sugary goodness inside.

"Mountain Dew? Pepsi? Dr. Pepper? What's your pop of choice, girl. "Don't be one of those girls that only drink water, please."

It's my turn to laugh. "Oh! That's right. You guys call sodas pops over this way. My bad. Mountain Dew- all day every day, baby. Hit me. And I want some chocolate covered peanuts too."

I watch him watch me. "Damn girl, you are amazing. And you called me baby! I'm baby! I'm your baby!" I blush.

"Obviously I didn't mean it that way, now food me please." He laughs and gives me my request. I can not believe these people have their own soda fountain. I have got to talk to dad. I didn't even know that was a thing that people do!

"Why so serious, babe? What's on your mind?" I look at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes I can manage and point to the fountain of caffeinated bliss.

"I want. Please let me have it?" He laughs and takes me hand again. He does t actually respond to the question and I begin to wonder if he knows I was serious.

He leads me out of the theater room and through the door right beside it. I gasp. Trevor's room is beautiful. And dark. Grey, king sized bed frame with black bedding. Grey walls with black trim. Black windows over the curtain and a balcony to the side.

"I like your room. It suits you." He sits on his bed and pats a spot beside him. I oblige.

"I like it a lot better with you in it." I snort and pop another peanut in my mouth. "No Riley, really. I don't think you are aware of the affect you have. On rooms, on people. You light up a room without even trying. You make anyone who sees you smile. Yes, you're drop dead gorgeous but it's more than that. There is something so genuine about you. It makes me never want to let you go. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about the way I act when it comes to you. I've never been that way towards a girl but then again I've never had this weird attraction towards one. I'm going to be honest with you, Peaches. I'm not the nicest guy. I have a bad reputation and an even worse past. I hang out with some bad crowds. I lead a dark life. But you- ever since I first laid eyes on you- looking so lost in your boots and ripped jeans, you reminded me of the sun. So warm and wholesome. So good. I haven't felt this warm inside since I was a child. Since my real mom died. I'd be crazy to let that go. To let you go. You're the sun to my moon. I will do whatever it takes to truly make you mine, baby girl."

I melted. Right then and there I melted. Staring into Trevor Lyles' gorgeous brown eyes was like staring down the rabbit hole. I, Riley Brinks, was truly in trouble. And I didn't care.