
The Infamous : American Football

In "Infamous," DJ, a high school football prodigy with a troubled past marked by his mother's mental abuse, finds solace and a sense of belonging through his teammates, friends, and burgeoning romance. Watch as he navigates the drama and pressures of leading his team to victory, he grapples with the weight of his responsibilities and the need to prioritize himself walking on the path to become “Infamous.”

B1G_DREAM · sport
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23 Chs

Fresh Start

These were the current levels of his football skills. It's graded based on the user's skills compared to the best high school football players in the world at each individual stat.

Although some of his stats might be rated highly now, even though he hadn't played football in a while, if he set the settings to college or the NFL, he would see F grades everywhere.

There was a complicated swirl of emotions coursing through his head. 'Damn, am I really that bad? I thought I'd be at least a 90, but I guess this is the reality, and me sitting

here whining about it isn't going to change it.'

Inside his room, DJ sat up, his mind racing with a mix of excitement and determination. The stats he had just seen were a wake-up call, a reminder of the gap between his current state and his potential. He knew he had to set concrete goals if he wanted to

close that gap and become the best player on the field.

'I need to get serious about this. If I'm going to make it, I need to improve every aspect of my


He grabbed a notebook from his desk and started jotting down his goals. The first step was to create a plan to improve his stats. He divided his goals into three main categories: physical conditioning, technical skills, and game intelligence.

Physical Conditioning


Increase Strength:

Goal: Raise strength rating from

D to B.

Plan: Daily weight training

focusing on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench press.

Enhance Stamina:

Goal: Improve stamina rating

from C+ to A.

Plan: Implement a rigorous

cardio regimen including interval training, long-distance running, and

agility drills.

Improve Toughness:

Goal: Increase toughness rating

from C+ to B+.

Plan: Engage in endurance

activities and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to build mental

and physical resilience.

Technical Skills Goals:

Route Running:

Goal: Perfect short, medium, and

deep route running (SRR, MRR, DRR) from B to A.

Plan: Work on footwork drills,

cone drills, and practice different routes with precision.


Goal: Improve catching and

catching in traffic from B+ to A.

Plan: Daily catching drills,

including one-handed catches, high-point catching, and catching in

contested situations.


Goal: Enhance release from B to A.

Plan: Focus on hand fighting

techniques and drills to improve initial burst off the line of scrimmage.

Game Intelligence Goals:

Increase Awareness:

Goal: Raise awareness rating

from B+ to A.

Plan: Watch game film, study defenses, and learn to read opposing players' body language and movements.

Improve Ball-Carrier Vision:

Goal: Keep vision rating at A-

and maintain top-tier awareness while carrying the ball.

Plan: Simulate game scenarios

and practice making quick decisions while running with the ball.

With his goals set, DJ felt a renewed sense of purpose. But he knew he couldn't do it alone; he needed guidance and support from someone who understood his potential and could help him achieve these targets. It was time to contact his high school football coach.

He pulled out his phone and found Coach Carter's number. His hand trembled slightly as he dialed the number, the anticipation building with each ring.

"Hello, this is Coach Carter."

"Hey, Coach, it's DJ King."

"DJ! It's been a while. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay, Coach. I wanted to talk to you about something important. I've decided to get back into football, and I want to join the team again."

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Coach Carter responded, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and excitement. "That's great to hear, DJ. We could really use you on the team. But are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I've never been more ready, Coach. I've set some goals for myself, and I'm determined to improve. I know I have a lot of work to do, but I'm committed to giving it my all."

"I believe in you, DJ. You've always had the talent, and now it sounds like you've got the drive too. Let's get you back on the field. We have practice tomorrow at 3 PM. Can you

make it?"

"I'll be there, Coach. Thanks for giving me this chance."

"No problem, DJ. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do. Let's work together to make this season one to remember."

After hanging up the phone, DJ felt a surge of motivation. He knew this was just the beginning, but he was ready to tackle the challenges ahead. He spent the rest of the evening preparing his gear, making sure everything was in order for practice the next


'I can't believe I almost forgot to call him,'

Before heading to bed, he had to call his brother, Jalen. It had been a while since they last talked, and DJ knew it was time to

reconnect. He found Jalen's number and hit the call button, listening to the ringing with a mix of hope and anxiety.

"DJ? Hey, man, it's been a minute!" Jalen's voice came through the line, warm and familiar.

"Yeah, it has. How've you been, Jalen?"

"I'm good. Busy with practice and classes, but you know how it is. What about you? How are you holding up?"

DJ took a deep breath. "I'm okay. I got out of

juvie recently, and I'm trying to get my life back on track. I decided to rejoin the football team."

"That's great news, DJ! I knew you'd come around. You've always had the talent. How's Dad? I heard he picked you up."

"Yeah, he did. He's been supportive, which helps a lot. But there's something I need to talk to you about. It's been tough with Mom. I can't shake the feeling that she treats me differently than you."

Jalen sighed on the other end. "DJ, I've noticed it too. I think it has to do with a lot of unresolved issues between her and Dad, and unfortunately, you've been caught in the middle. But that doesn't mean you should let it define you. You're your own person, and you've got to do what's best for you."

"I know. It's just hard sometimes, feeling like

I'm never enough for her. But I'm trying to move past it. I want to focus on football and make something of myself."

"You've got the right mindset, DJ. Use it as

motivation. Prove to yourself and to everyone else what you're capable of. And

remember, I'm always here for you. If you need to talk, vent, or anything, just

call me."

"Thanks, Jalen. It means a lot to hear that. How's Syracuse treating you?"

"It's been amazing. The team is great, and I'm

learning a lot. It's challenging, but I love it. You should come visit sometime. It'd be good for you to see what college life is like."

"I'd like that. Maybe once things settle down a

bit. Right now, I need to focus on getting back in shape and proving myself on the field."

"I get it. One step at a time. Just remember, DJ, you've got people who believe in you. Don't let anyone, not even Mom, make you

feel otherwise."

"Thanks, Jalen. I really needed to hear that."

"Anytime, little bro. Now go out there and let them what you're made of."

After hanging up, DJ felt a wave of relief wash

over him. Talking to Jalen had given him a boost of confidence and a renewed sense of purpose. He knew his brother was right; he had to use the challenges he faced as fuel for his determination.

As he lay back down on his bed, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. He had a plan, he had goals, and he had the support of his coach and brother. Now, it was up to him to put in the work and make his dreams a reality.



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