
A broken puppet

AN: Hi, it's been a while. What happened? Eh life? Meh, I'm sure you can all understand. Sometimes you just have to drop something in exchange for something else. Well today at-least I have free time so I'll write.

Ps: Not gonna lie, not sure what I had planned so this chapter will be improvised. Thanks for waiting.


With the inclusion of another person into the fight the already overwhelmed apostle became even more so.

To Miledi's bewilderment, she watched as the once-beautiful puppet turned into a lump of charred flesh.

Noint's previously calm straight face had turned into a scowl. She knew she was beaten yet she refused to give up.


Noint screamed as she landed on the ground after being thrown away by Tsukasa.

"You may have bested me but know that you have not won. MY LORD HAS AN ARMY WITH A POWER FAR GREATER THAN YOU MERE GAME PIECES COULD POSSIBLY COMPREHEND." Noint screamed with clear agitation. Her once graceful wings were burnt and bruised, causing her to be unable to fly.

"So the puppet had emotions." Nemesis chuckled out loud as she floated above the fallen apostle.

Something about the way the girl looked down at her only further enraged Noint.

"YOU DARE!" She screamed again attempting to form an attack, though before she could Shea came down on her abdomen with her hammer. Her descent was further increased in power thanks to Yogiri using his gravity magic on her.

"GAHHH." Noint's collection of mana was disturbed immediately as her mouth opened and spat out blood.

Tears fell from her eyes and blurred her vision. Even with it being blurred though she could still vaguely make out the large smirk of the black-haired girl hovering above her.

"HAHA, this is priceless. Are you actually crying?! Aw, can little miss puppet not take the torture." Nemesis went into a fit of laughter as she slammed her fist at empty air while holding her stomach.

"Shut." Noint attempted to speak but her pulverized stomach combined with her frustration caused it to come out extremely pitifully.

"Hmm? What was that? Where's that tone you used when you first transformed huh? Can't talk all big now can you?" Nemesis further teased the girl as she got in her face.

By this point, Noint was far too beat up to do anything. Her anger combined with the knowledge that she could do nothing to stop her words caused her to cry further.

"So they do have an actual ego? Or is it just the leaders?" Yogiri who had approached spoke as he dug his pointer finger into the apostle's cheek.

"Hmph, let's hope it's all of them," Nemesis smirked menacingly.

"Hmm." Nemesis hummed before her menacing smile only turned further so. Turning her head away from Noint she slowly drifted to Yogiri's side before landing next to him where he was squatting next to the apostle.

"You know Yogiri, I just had a pretty good idea." Nemesis wrapped her short arm around him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Puppet or not, she is pretty hot, right?" She spoke her left hand extending and pulling at the breastplate. Ripping it off revealed that Noint had perfectly round and shapely breasts with cherry-pink nipples.

"Definitely." Yogiri nodded shamelessly as he unhesitatingly copped a feel and indulged in the soft sensation.

Surprisingly Noint who had been silent twitched a bit. "Why?" Her voice came out as a semi-moan.

"She even has erogenous zones." Nemesis with her eyes opening wide nudged at Yogiri.

"So what do you say? How about when we finally kill Ehit we add cucking him to the list and make an army of cum slut maids that will dedicate their lives to serving you." Nemesis spoke all in one breath. Her breath was rough and drool was escaping her mouth.

"What do I say?" Yogiri started turning to Nemesis. "Sound's like a plan." A smile almost as wicked as Nemesis's own made its way to his lips as the two hyped up on their delusions began making out right next to the downed apostle.

"W-what?" Noint even with her damaged abdomen still was able to speak those words. She was completely lost at the sudden change.

"Eh. I'm lost." Shea who had been standing nearby scratched her head.

"This development... this one doesn't like it." Tio frowned.

"Me neither." Darkness huffed in agreement. Both were more against the fact that with more slaves their punishment would be lessened.

"Since when did either of you get the idea that your opinion mattered?" Yue who had admittedly enjoyed bullying the two almost as much as Yogiri blasted them both away with a wind spell.

"We should have known it'd turn out like this." Tsukasa approached behind Yue and wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder.

"Nn." Yue nodded before turning away from the two she blasted away and to Nemesis and Yogiri.

In the little time, they had been left alone both were naked. Nemesis was using the still-down Apostle as support as she gripped at Noint's breast while Yogiri plowed her anal cavity from behind.

"They're going to take a while... I could use a bath." Yue turned to Tsukasa with a turned head.

"Guess I'll join you." Tsukasa nodded.

While Yue worked on constructing the makeshift bath with her magic Tsukasa undressed.

Tsubaki who was off to the side just stood with her hand planted on her face.

"Kids these days." She spoke looking like she needed some booze.

"What the hell is happening?" Miledi who was in awe before now stood confused.

"You'll get used to it. I'm guessing we won't be able to get back to the hideout until those two are done so for now, I say we relax." Tsubaki shrugged before like Tsukasa, she began undressing.

Yue had carved out a large part of the land and filled it with hot water. She had also placed a barrier on the edges of the mini crater to prevent dirt from entering the water.

Like that, with the sound of flesh hitting flesh as background noise a naked Yue, Tsubaki, and Tsukasa entered the bath. As for the rest, Miledi just stood in place staring at the scene. Tio and Darkness when they returned had done much the same and watched their master plow his mistress. Lastly, Shea with how easily she fell into being sexually depraved, undressed, and joined in on the fun. Nemesis was insistent on keeping her holes plugged with his dick so unfortunately she was only allowed the use of his fingers.




"We should get going." A black haired teen spoke as he laid naked on a floating cushion.

His hands wrapped around the waist of the tan girl lying face first on his chest as he squeezed on the soft flesh he had been holding until then.

"Eh, I guess. Though we are still far above where we should be, at least if we're following the original." Nemesis with her head buried in his chest spoke, though it was muffled.

Even now while the two weren't actively fucking each other's brains out, Yogiri's member was still thoroughly lodged in her juicy cunt.

"Oh right, where's Shea?" Yogiri as if suddenly remembering asked Nemesis.

"Down there, she fell off a while ago." Nemesis pointed to the ground below them where a naked bunny girl was sprawled out on the floor.

Shea always did have low sexual stamina. So much so that she'd pass out after around 2 rounds.

With a sigh, Yogiri sat up with the girl still in his lap. As good as it felt when her walls constricted around him, he reluctantly held her by the armpits and pulled her off of him and onto his lap.

Luckily all his semen had dried by now, so he wasn't subjected to having it pour onto his crotch.

He then, with Nemesis slightly pouting used his gravity magic to pull Shea up before laying her on the cushion next to them.

"She's gonna be out for a while." Nemesis slapped the girl on her bare leg, only to get no reaction.

"It's fine." Yogiri began pulling out each of their clothes from his inventory. "She'll wake up before we arrive."

Throughout the months Yogiri had found himself getting exceptionally skilled at dressing unconscious women. As suspect as that might sound, it was a surprisingly useful skill to have.

In seconds Shea was fully dressed, still sleeping at the edge of the cushion.

Nemesis followed afterward though not before making sure she cleaned up the residue of her mess off Yogiri's penis.

When the three were done dressing they remained on the cushion and floated to the makeshift bath their team had constructed.




With the threat of Noint being extinguished, the group was ready to once again continue their labyrinth hunt.

Before that however Nemesis as if remembering something had grown a smile similar in size to when she thought of her slave harem idea.

Acting on that spontaneous thought she hopped down from her place on Yogiri's lap and landed at the feet of the barely alive apostle.

With all her new abilities she had completely overlooked some of the ones she had before joining the group chat. Specifically, two of her abilities called [Tran-Fusion] and [Body-Jack] one allowed her to invade someone's body and affect their consciousness, whether it be showing them images or corrupting their mentality. The other allowed her to take full control over lesser-minded beings.

With Noint half-dead already she posed no resistance when Nemesis suddenly held out her hand to her forehead and suddenly disappeared into a black blur.

Nemesis, after easily invading the girl's body appeared in the girl's mind.

'And here I thought we wouldn't be able to initiate this amazing scheme until later on, what a stroke of genius I have come upon.' Nemesis's words penetrated Noint's mind like a knife through butter.

'What? What's happening?' Noint at being able to see Nemesis even when her eyes were closed asked confused.

'What's happening? What's happening is that you little miss will soon learn to worship a new God.' Nemesis's smirk was clear as day in the girl's consciousness.

'A new God? Laughable, Ehit is the only true God. Your insolence will not go unpunished. Especially with those crude statements you so foolishly declared before.' Noint spoke internally, she was enraged but saw no way to get rid of what was inside her.


'I'd like to see how long those claims of yours may last. Good luck puppet, soon enough you will hold the title of the first of whom Yogiri has taken from Ehit.'

After those last words resonated through Noint's mind, Nemesis disappeared from her mind appearing back in the real world.

Noint spat out curses at the girl even after she was gone. For a few seconds after she left her mind once again remained quiet. That was until, a weird holographic projection showed up, on it a display of their previous battle.

For what felt like hours, but was only seconds in the real world, she was forced to watch and rewatch her shameful defeat over and over.

Her anger had long since reached the boiling point, and she had tried hard to simply make it go away. Unfortunately, her control was nonexistent.

It was only when her frustration led to tears that the display stopped.

She was confused but more so relieved as she yet again tried to futilely use her sense of sight. Nothing changed however as she was simply shrouded in darkness. The only thing stopping her from believing she was in a dream was the fact that she could taste the blood in her mouth, feel the pain of her limbs being bent out of shape, and lastly, smell the stench of blood coming from her own injuries.

It seemed somewhere along the fight her eardrums and been busted and she was left not only unable to see but also unable to hear.

This left her only to her thoughts as she tried to ignore all her other senses, they all detecting things that she found unpleasant.

For around a minute she was left with silence and darkness until like before the same holographic display appeared in her mind. Dread filled her as she was not ready to experience that humiliation again.

This time, however, it wasn't the previous fight that played on the display. Instead, it was her.

In this display, she was clad in a black-and-white maid outfit that was clearly too small signified by her butt and breast that were spilling out of the clothes.

She watched in shame as the her in the projection walked around a kitchen, happily humming with a glee-filled expression on her face.

She filled a teacup with a brown liquid before placing it on top of a metallic tray. After filling it with various snacks she had seen during her time disguised as a servant, she walked out of the kitchen and down a long hall.

With that same smile, she suddenly took a left at a corner walking into a large living room. There, a naked man she recognized as the youth she was fighting before, sat on a couch.

He didn't even turn his head to face her as she in the display placed the tray on the table in front of him.

"My lord." For the first time, the woman spoke her voice shaking with need.

The youth turned his head to the girl, his lips showing his unamusment.

"Get to work. Slut." He ordered before the Noint in the projection nodded her head and an insane smile like no other overtook her face.

The revealing cloth she wore disappeared from her body, leaving her naked. This gave the real Noint a clear view of the display's front.

Everything was normal, that was until she looked right above her shaved vagina. Right there just below her stomach was a pink heart tattoo that had the words, "property of Yogiri" written clearly inside.

What happened next was even more shocking as the Noint in the display got on all fours and began crawling to the naked man.

As she crawled, a clear liquid dripped from her snatch leaving a trail from where she started to between his legs where she stopped.

With her eyes looking up at the man, she clasped her hands together.

"Thank you Yogiri-Sama for yet again blessing this undeserving slut with the opportunity to serve you."

The Noint in the projection spoke with hearts in her eyes as she then took the giant rod that was the man's penis and swallowed it whole.

Even if she was the one servicing him, the constant twitching of her legs and rolling of her eyes showed she was receiving the most pleasure.

For another 2 hours, Noint watched as the her in the projection was dominated like a mindless slut by the man above her.

By the end of it, and when the display turned off, an anger so profound washed over her. Along with the fact that she could not in any way express that anger drove her to insanity. She cursed and cursed by nothing she could do what get rid of the memory.

It was only another minute before another projection was shown. This one different from the other two as it showed in vivid detail a spiritual being she recognized as Ehit being tortured and abused by the same man she had seen dominating her before.

Display by display, Noint was subjected to days of watching Yogiri Takatou, trample on everything she found important. Her lord dying, her comrades being obliterated, etc.

When her curses ran out and her rage turned to sorrow, Noint was left broken. It was at that time the display yet again changed. This time, another video of her smiling in bliss as Yogiri used her as a sex toy.

Instead of raging like before, she just watched in silence. An imaginary her forming in her own headspace as that her sat in the fetal position with only her head raised to watch the projection.

The days of watching herself cry and mourn every time something was taken from her, made her not want to avert her eyes from the scene of her with a genuine smile.

She had called out to Ehit so many times, but never did he respond.

For around 5 minutes she watch the display a small bit of joy reaching her broken heart before it was all snatched away as she instead of being subjected to another viewing of her lord being destroyed, was left in darkness.

This was fine too, however. At least she wouldn't have to watch any more of that painful stuff.

Noint in her imaginary body put her head down as she lay in the dark empty space. Unknowingly, she found herself no longer calling out to Ehit, her faith already disappearing.




On the outside, only a few minutes had passed. Nemesis was asked numerous times what she had done but all they got was 'it's a surprise' and it shall be revealed shortly.'

That was all she said before she took out one of the slave collars she had received a while ago and fastened it around the apostle's neck. She grinned at seeing it not fall apart, a clear sign that whatever will may have resisted the collar before was gone.

Her plan was coming to fruition at an almost laughable speed.