
The Impossible Family

The ninth book for my Doctor Who fan fiction with elements of RWBY, Symphogear, Madoka Magica, the MCU, Ace Attorney, Sherlock, and SAO in there. It will have me, the Doctor, obviously, the companion, whoever it might be. It will also have characters from RWBY, SAO, Symphogear, Madoka Magica, Sherlock, Ace Attorney, and the MCU in there, all of us interacting with each other. The traveling, the hijinks, the running and traveling continues, and this could be the end for our heroes in the story.

pokecraft98 · TV
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165 Chs

The Adventure of the Great Departure:Trial, Part 2

(Jared's POV)

22nd November, 11:38 a.m.

Supreme Court of Judicature, Defendants' Antechamber 5…

"Sooz will be here later?" I asked, my iPhone 15 Pro Max near my ear. "And Jezaille Brett is still that? Thanks for letting me know, Jack. See ya."

I ended my call with Captain Jack Harkness and placed my phone back inside my sling bag.


"Excellent work, Ryunosuke! That was superb!" Kazuma cheered.

"Ugh... My heart was in my mouth the entire time." Ryunosuke said, annoyed.

"It was almost unbelievable. I mean, looking at you in there... You were drenched in sweat, your eyes popping, your knees knocking AND you were grinding your teeth. It was a grim sight, but before I knew it, you'd started finding inconsistencies in the testimonies. I think you might have a natural talent for being a lawyer." Kazuma said, happily.

"Forget it! It's terrifying! If I get through this, I don't ever want to see the inside of a courtroom again!" Ryunosuke cried.

"Ha ha ha ha hah! Anyway, it looks like we've exposed your phantom lady at least." 

"...!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"Miss Jezaille Brett... A student from Great Britain...is she?" Kazuma asked.

"That's what I was trying to tell everyone from the start. Dr Watson wasn't alone! There was a young woman with him. Like I've been saying all along!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"Yes, you have, haven't you?"

"He has." I said, walking up to Ryunosuke and Kazuma. "Sorry. Was talking to a friend from the future."

"From a telephone?" Kazuma asked. "How is that possible?"

"From a mobile phone that won't be invented for a hundred and twenty three years." I said, happily. "It's able to call anyone across time and space. Still, we found Jezaille Brett."

"I might not be overly confident in the courtroom, but my powers of observation are one thing I am sure of." Ryunosuke said, smiling.

"Yes, I can see that. So...about this young gentlewoman... Thanks to our detective friend, she was hastily escorted away from the scene, it seems. Did you see what happened with that?" Kazuma asked.

"No, I didn't see any of it. I was just on my way out of the restaurant myself. Then, on the floor next to Dr Watson's table... ...I noticed there was a gun lying on the floor. And just after I bent down and picked it up…" Ryonosuke said, remembering the gun shot noise. "I didn't have time to think about where the sound of the gunshot had come from. The waiter ran over to me, looking as white as a sheet... ...and he bundled me into some sort of small pantry next to the kitchen."

"Fast thinking by the detective. He apprehended his suspect without a moment's delay."

"Yes, and because I was shut in the pantry... ...I have no idea what happened outside in the dining area."


"Ah, there you are. Well done, the three of you." Mikotoba said, entering the room.

"Professor Mikotoba!" Kazuma said, excitedly.

"Hey." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "You look well."

"Thank you, Jared. Well... It seems I was right. The three of you make an outstanding team. You've exceeded my expectations, I have to say." Mikotoba said.

"Yes...it seems you planned this from the start. You arranged things so that I wouldn't be able to act as a lawyer in this trial." Kazuma said.

"... Our modern country is still in its infancy. Our justice system, even more so. Which is why... ...I firmly believe that we need to send our brightest young stars overseas to learn all they can. I wanted to avoid a situation that may have resulted in your study tour to Great Britain being cancelled." Mikotoba said, looking at Kazuma.

"... Well, it makes no difference. Lawyer or otherwise, if I'm the kind of man who can't help his best friend avert the worst crisis of his life... ...I shouldn't waste everyone's time by going to study overseas anyway."

"What?! What are you saying, Kazuma?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Hmph. So that's your stance... I was afraid you'd feel that way." Mikotoba said, sadly.

"Kazuma!" Ryunosuke said, terrified.

"Well then, it looks like it all comes down to you, young man."

"To, to me?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes. You need to prove your innocence, and uncover what really took place in that restaurant. I must say, I very much want to know the truth. After all, I have a personal connection to this case." Mikotoba said.

"Same. I do." I said, frowning.

'Come to think of it, he said the same thing earlier this morning, didn't he?' Ryonosuke asked, thinking this to himself, before speaking aloud. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, Professor... ...did you know the victim?"

"Yes, I did. As you're probably aware, Dr John H. Watson was a visiting professor at Yumei. And it was I who invited him." Mikotoba said, letting out a sigh.

"And in another time and place, Dr. John H. Watson and I were best friends." I said, looking down at the floor. "The both of us worked alongside each other with a friend solving cases in the early 21st century."

"Oh! I, I see…" Ryunosuke said, looking between Mikotoba and I.

"I...didn't know that before." Kazuma said, in awe.

"Anyway, you're about to go into battle. The victim was a university professor from Great Britain. And a well known one at that. Naturally our government is looking to identify and punish the culprit as quickly as possible." Mikotoba said.

"But let's not forget who we're going up against. The 'gentlewoman' whose involvement our police bureau went to extraordinary lengths to hide." Kazuma said, smirking.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"Yes, and I'm sure the prosecution will be using every tool at their disposal to quash your case. But I've no doubt that you three will put up a good fight, right to the last. Best of luck!" Mikotoba said, excitedly.

"Thank you!" Ryunosuke chirped.

"Now then... ...I need you to run an errand at the university at once. There's something I think we may need." Mikotoba said, looking at Susato.

"Of course. Good luck...Kazuma-sama, Jared-san." Susato said, happily.

"Defendant Naruhodo! Court recess is over. Please make your way back inside the courtroom at once!" The bailiff yelled.

"It's time. Let's get back to it, partner. You as well, Jared. Let's go in there and deal a decisive blow before those old fossils know what's hit them!" Kazuma said, looking between Ryunosuke and I.

"... Um, Kazuma…Jared…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"What?" Kazuma asked.

"What's up?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Thank you. Really." Ryunosuke said.

"What for?" Kazuma asked.

"Well, if you and Jared hadn't said you both believed me, then... ...I'm fairly sure I'd already have been found guilty by now." Ryunosuke said, looking at Kazuma.

"Look, I have faith in you. As a lawyer, and as a friend."

"Ryunosuke, we are your friends." I said, taking out some chocolate chip cookies to snack on them. "You think we wouldn't want to help you?"

"Kazuma, coming from you, that means a lot. And Jared, thank you for being there for me and Kazuma." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself.  'If I'm found guilty in this trial... ...he's really going to give up on his dream of studying abroad. That's the kind of true friend he is. So this isn't just my battle any more. Whoever we're up against, we absolutely cannot afford to lose!' He then said this aloud. "Alright then... ...I'll save the thank-yous for after the trial."

"Ryunosuke, you and Jared can treat me to one of those sukiyaki meals I like from 'Yumei Cafeteria' on University Street. With an extra large portion, of course!" Kazuma chirped.

22nd November, 12:09 p.m.

Supreme Court of Judicature, Courtroom 2…

"The court hereby resumes the trial of Ryunosuke Naruhodo. Prosecutor Auchi, have you managed to subpoena the witness?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency! Against all odds. And thanks to a certain young stripling, the prosecution is now under rather painful scrutiny from the government." Auchi said.

"Ugh... Sorry…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"Let the government scrutinise. That's their job. It's nothing to worry about." Kazuma said, scoffing.

"It really isn't." I said, tossing a chocolate chip cookie into my mouth. "Any government complains about the things that don't make them look good."

"It's highly unlikely that the good relations we've forged with Great Britain will emerge from this trial unscathed. Will you still think it's nothing to worry about when the new treaty breaks down and our nation founders?!" Auchi exclaimed.

"Again... Terribly sorry…" Ryunosuke said.

"If the friendship between our nations is really so fragile, then the treaty isn't worth the paper it's written on. You really have nothing to worry about, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said, smiling.

"What do you mean?" Auchi asked.

"A secret trial, anxiety over some foreign government's opinions, a bungled investigation, missing witnesses... Is this what our nation's justice system is? Is this the Supreme Court of Japan, or of England?!" Kazuma exclaimed.

"Shut up! Shut up, you jumped-up rookie boy! You and your friend know nothings! Nothing of the situation our nation finds itself in! By aligning ourselves with this great world power, we'll become strong! Diplomacy has never been more critical! Steady political manoeuvring is what will secure our futures!" Auchi said, angrily.

"... I won't deny that I'm no expert. I'm just a student. And one who could arguably study harder, too. But standing here now in our Supreme Court, there is one thing that I feel very strongly: A country that fails to uphold the truth in its justice system is a country with no future at all." Ryunosuke said.


"...!" The Judge said, at a loss for words.

"Well said, Ryunosuke. Despite the wide-eyed look of terror." Kazuma said.

"Good job." I said, smiling. "You made Prosecutor Auchi be pissed."

"You little braaaaats!" Auchi yelled.

"Thank you, Counsel. This court is the pinnacle of our nation's justice system, and exists solely for the pursuance of truth. With that in mind, this trial will now resume with the next witness taking the stand. The visiting student from Great Britain, Miss Jezaille Brett!" The Judge said, angrily.

"Yes... ...Your Excellencyyyyyyy!" Auchi said, worried.

Jezaille Brett walked into the courtroom with Satoru Hosonaga, and I know her true identity. I looked down at the floor, knowing who she was.

"Well, what a delight it is to welcome such a fine gentlewoman to Japan! And from such a distant land!" Auchi said, looking at Jezaille Brett.

"Tea! Someone bring English tea! In England, no discussions take place without tea!" The Judge cried.

"...Is that true?" Ryunosuke asked.

"...No idea." Kazuma said, letting out a sigh.

"It's true." I said, laughing a lot. "The British do love their tea."

One of the bailiff entered the room with a tea pot and a cup of tea to give to Jezaille Brett.

"So, erm... Ahem! Could we possibly trouble you to state your name and occupation for the court?" Auchi asked.

"Of course. My name is Satoru Hosonaga. I have been working undercover as the head waiter at La Carneval, but my true…" Hosonaga said.

"Yes, yes, we know all about you already!" Auchi said, angrily.

"Inspector Hosonaga! Where are your manners? In England, it's always ladies first!" The Judge yelled.

"...Is that true?" Ryunosuke asked.

"...No idea." Kazuma said, sadly.

"Ladies first is common anywhere." I said, frowning. "Not just England. People try to do it in America."

"More importantly, a little earlier today you said something to us. You said your powers of observation are the one thing you're sure of." Kazuma said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"Oh, yes... I think I did, didn't I?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yet your description for this amazing sight was simply 'a woman'. Sorry, Ryunosuke, but powers of observation aside, your powers of description are sorely lacking." 

"...Guilty." Ryunosuke said.

"So, dear lady, once again, if we may trouble you for your name and occupation, please." Auchi said.

"My name is Jezaille Brett. I come from London, England. I'm a visiting research student, currently enrolled in Yumei University's medical faculty." Brett said.

"..." Auchi said.

"..." The Judge said.


"Um, I'm terribly sorry, dear lady, but...what?" Auchi asked.

"Would you want me or Inspector Hosonaga to translate for you?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"It doesn't matter to me." Brett said. "You and Inspector Hosonaga can rotate translating for me."

"She says her name is Jezaille Brett. She comes from London, England. She's a visiting research student, currently enrolled in Yumei University's medical faculty." 

"Oh, my! What a rare treat to hear the dulcet tones of the delightful language of the British people! I'm afraid I don't understand a word you said, but it was as beautiful as a hummingbird's song!" Auchi said, excitedly.

"As far as I can tell... ...Jared's translating her words faithfully enough. I can assume the detective would do the same too." Kazuma said.

"Yes, I agree. Haha, you'll obviously do fine in England, Kazuma. Her English doesn't rattle you at all, does it?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Nor you. You've clearly been paying attention in your English classes, Ryunosuke."

"The court thanks the beautiful lady for taking the stand. Now...if we may trouble you to confirm something, Miss Brett." The Judge said.

"..." Brett said.

"Three days ago, at a restaurant called La Carneval, a grim murder took place. The court has been led to believe that you were dining there with the victim, Dr Watson, at the time. Is that correct?"

"Three days ago, at a restaurant called La Carneval, a grim murder took place. The court has been led to believe that you were dining there with the victim, Dr Watson, at the time. Is that correct?" Hosonaga asked, looking over at Brett.

"Yes." Brett said.

"She said...'Yes.'" I said, looking at Ryunosuke and Kazuma. 

"This could take some time…" Ryunosuke said.

"So even though she's studying here in Japan, she can't speak any Japanese?" Kazuma asked.

"Yeah. I'm able to understand Japanese since it's being translated back into English into my head." I said, happily. "And as I speak English, it's being translated to Japanese which you hear. With help from the TARDIS translation matrix."

"Oh. I see."

"I'd like to apologise for disappearing from the scene. I was due to make a presentation at the university, so I had to leave immediately." Brett said.

"She'd like to apologise for disappearing from the scene. She says that she was due to make a presentation at the university, so she had to leave immediately." Hosonaga said.

"Interesting, when you're the one who engineered her escape…" Kazuma said.

"I was just following special orders from the bureau."

"Well now, dear lady, would you be so kind as to cast your eyes over this photographic print? Seeing as you were, so unfortunately, present at the scene of the crime... ...could it be that your resplendent eyes caught sight of the wicked perpetrator, perhaps?" Auchi asked.

"It was a very frightening...and sorrowful sight." Brett said.

"Apparently, it was a very frightening...and sorrowful sight." I said, letting out a sigh.

"Do you mean to say...?" The Judge asked.

"Yes. It would appear the lady did witness the crime. The very moment when the accused, standing right there in this courtroom... ...shot the victim in cold blood!" Hosonaga cried.

"Order! Order in court!" 

"Did, did you hear that, Your Excellency? Here we have an absolutely conclusive witness statement!" Auchi said, excitedly.


"Well, it looks like it's clear now. Clear who our real enemy is!" Kazuma said, angrily.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"Unfortunately, I will have to ask you to formally testify, if you please. Kindly tell the court the exact nature of this frightening and sorrowful sight you described." The Judge said.

"Can you kindly tell the court the exact nature of this frightening and sorrowful sight you described?" Hosonaga asked.

Witness Testimony

- A Frightening and Sorrowful Sight -

"I had arranged to meet for a slightly late luncheon with Dr Watson that day. The professor was unable to eat, so I ordered for myself only. A beef steak." Brett said.

"'I had arranged to meet for a slightly late luncheon with Dr Watson that day. The professor was unable to eat, so I ordered for myself only. A beef steak.'" Hosonaga said, translating for Brett.

"After a while, the accused came over to greet the professor, and they got into a fierce argument. Then, not long afterwards, the accused took the professor's gun, and shot him right before my eyes!" 

"'After a while, the accused came over to greet the professor, and they got into a fierce argument. Then, not long afterwards, the accused took the professor's gun, and shot him right before my eyes!'"

"I don't carry a gun myself, so obviously I couldn't have been the culprit." 

'I don't carry a gun myself, so obviously I couldn't have been the culprit.'

"Hmph. This is a condemning testimony indeed." The Judge said.

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "No! I, I didn't have any kind of argument with the professor at all!"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "Quiet, you filthy wretch! Look at you, you black-hearted blackguard! And look at this snow-white angel! I'm sure even a dark-minded scoundrel like you can imagine whose words the court is going to believe!"

"Ugh…" Ryunosuke said, annoyed.

"You're still making the same mistakes, Ryunosuke. You mustn't blurt out when you're goaded like that. That's a lesson you need to learn." Kazuma said, sadly.

"Ugh, but he's so annoying!"

"I know. But he's the default prosecutor." I said, frowning. "He's supposed to be annoying."

"Of course, I was at the scene as well. I took statements from this lady and the two witnesses who testified before, and reported back to the bureau. It was decided that Miss Brett was not involved, so I let her go." Hosonaga said.

"The testimonies of the last two witnesses were completely worthless, however." Kazuma said.

"Well, even so... On the day in question, the lady was wearing the same outfit as she is today. As you can see, there is nowhere about her person where she could conceal a firearm."

"Victorian outfits, easy to hide things." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I would think she could hide a gun almost ANYWHERE in that outfit if she wanted to…'

"Unless and until the precise location where the witness is to have hidden a weapon can be shown, this is moot." Auchi said.

"'There are no pockets in my outfit. I have nowhere to hide a gun.' Those are the witness's own words on the matter." Hosonaga said.

"Ryunosuke!" I cried, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Argh! That's ridiculous! If only I was allowed to lift up her dress, I could prove it!'

"Don't think about doing anything rash, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said, sadly.

"Ryunosuke was thinking about lifting up a woman's dress." I said, frowning. "Which is wrong by the way."

"But I didn't fire the gun I picked up! There must have been another gun there that day!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"You're right about that. Which means...this lady was hiding a gun somewhere... Yes, that's what we have to prove now. And to do so, we will need to pull her testimony apart." Kazuma said.

"The defence may now cross-examine the witness." The Judge said.

"Oh! Yes, Your Excellency!" Ryunosuke said, worried.


- A Frightening and Sorrowful Sight -

"'I had arranged to meet for a slightly late luncheon with Dr Watson that day.'" Hosonaga said, translating for Brett.

"This looks a bit suspicious." I said, under my breath.

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "After 2 p.m., in fact. That's really quite a late lunch, isn't it?"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "You don't keep up with the latest fashions from Britain, do you? Late luncheons are en vogue. Isn't that right?"

"No." Brett said.

"Ugh…" Auchi said, annoyed.

"Hm, a decisive English 'no' has quite a sting to it." Kazuma said.

"The gentlewoman is currently working in the victim's research laboratory, it seems. So it was apparently a daily occurrence that they would lunch together." Hosonaga said.

"But on the day in question, the victim had another appointment at the clinic first."

"It was on the medical report card." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes, which we can prove from the medical report card that was submitted as evidence earlier.'

"That's right. Miss Brett and the victim went to lunch following the victim's treatment, which is why it was so late." Hosonaga said.

"Yes, yes, that all makes perfect sense." The Judge said.

"Such wonderful logic! What a shining example of English intelligence this fine gentlewoman is!" Auchi said, excitedly.

"So you both arrived at the restaurant. What happened next?" Kazuma asked.

"'The professor was unable to eat, so I ordered for myself only. A beef steak.'" Hosonaga said, translating for Brett.

"That sounds a bit weird." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "He was unable to eat, you say. And that was because he'd just had a tooth removed at Hotta Clinic, correct?"

"That's right." Hosonaga said.

"Um…" I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Um, you're supposed to actually check with the witness before answering…'

"Was Miss Brett aware of that fact?" Kazuma asked.

"It seems so, yes. She'd heard that the professor was to have some dental treatment." Hosonaga said.

"So that would mean... ...that it WAS you who ate the steak pictured here. Is that right, Miss Brett?" Ryunosuke asked.

"That's right, yes. The print you have there shows the table exactly as it was left after the horrifying events."

"That's weird." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. ''Exactly as it was left'...?'

"Dear me! What a harrowing experience! To have travelled to a distant island on the far side of the world and be embroiled in such a tragic incident... Have no fear, my dear lady! I swear I will crush the evil fiend that has subjected you to this terrible plight!" Auchi said, terrified.

"So the victim, Dr Watson, had nothing to eat or drink at all?" Kazuma asked.

"That's right. Other than some carbonated water." Hosonaga said.

"Just water?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes. The professor was unable to eat, but he had been given permission to drink water. So it appears that the diners toasted their lunch with a glass of water each."

"Of course it's sparkling water." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Hm, they each raised a glass of carbonated water…'

"What do you think, Ryunosuke, Jared? About the witness's last statement." Kazuma said.

"It's very meaningful." I said, sadly. "It's definitely relevant to the case."

"That last statement of yours, Miss Brett...has a profound bearing on this case!" Ryunosuke yelled.

"Well, well, how fascinating. Do tell us, what is this 'profound bearing', hm?" Auchi asked.

"... ..."

"The significance of the statement will become apparent when the time is right. The defence calls for the witness's last statement to be formally added to the testimony." Kazuma said.

"Hmph! Well sidestepped, Counsel." Auchi said, scoffing.

"Very well. Miss Brett... Kindly repeat what you just said to be added to your official testimony." The Judge said.

"'Gladly,' she said." Hosonaga said.

"..." Brett said.

"That was brilliant, Kazuma! I'm going to remember that one." Ryunosuke said, happily.

"Which one?" Kazuma asked.

"'The significance will become apparent when the time is right.' I could really use that phrase!"

"I'd hope there are some other useful tips you're picking up from this experience than that, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said, frowning.

"Honestly, I feel the same." I said, letting out a sigh.

Brett changes her statement 'The professor was unable to eat, so I ordered for myself only. A beef steak.' to 'I ordered a beef steak for myself, and the professor and I said "cheers" over a glass of carbonated water.'

"Here you go, Ryunosuke." I said, passing Ryunosuke the Crime Scene Photograph. "Take a look at this."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand and presenting the Crime Scene Photograph. "... That's it! Let me just confirm something, please. It's...to do with this photographic print. Just a short while ago, you spoke of this print showing the victim's table at the crime scene... ...that it was 'exactly as it was left'."

"'That is correct,' the lady says." Hosonaga said.

"Well! That is... It's, um... It's odd! Very odd!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"Dear me. What's odd is the defence's inability to express itself." Auchi said.


"Ryunosuke, what is it about the print that looks odd to you?" Kazuma asked.

"Well obviously, it's...it's the 'cheers'!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.

"The...'cheers'?" Auchi asked.

"Miss Brett just told us that she and the professor said 'cheers' over a glass of water. But if that's true... ...there should be two glasses on the table, not one!" Ryunosuke yelled.

"Ah…" The Judge said, in awe.

"...!" Hosonaga said, at a loss for words.

"You're quite right, Counsel. There's only one glass pictured here!"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "Are we supposed to be impressed by this nit-picking over minutiae? What possible difference does the presence or absence of a glass make on the case?"

"Objection." Kazuma said, doing the Objection pose. "Minutiae, you say? Could it be that the detective here removed a glass from the table to conceal the lady's presence?"

"Of course not! I would never do something so reckless." Hosonga said, scoffing.

"But there should have been two glasses on the table! Or are you going to try to tell me you can clink with only one?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"... You're quite right. I certainly took two glasses to the table."

"I took the glass from the table." Brett said.

"Inspector! What did the lady say?" The Judge asked.

"It would seem that it was Miss Brett who took the glass from the table." Hosonga said.

"What?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"'It was all so terrifying, everything that happened. I panicked and thought I should try to hide the fact that I'd been there at all,' she's saying."

"Good gracious!" The Judge cried.

"...Sorry." Brett said, sadly.

"There, as I assured the court before... this is of no consequence at all." Auchi said.

"Oh, please…" Ryunosuke said, scoffing.

"We must remember that this student had just murdered the lady's luncheon companion before her very eyes! Who could blame her for concealing a glass or two in her state of disarray?"

"That's absurd!"

"Oh really? So do we take it that you are now going to accuse this vulnerable, young and beautiful woman of...mischief?"

"What?! No no no! This, this can't be put down to 'mischief'!"

"I'd like to know... ...exactly how the lady took the glass from the scene." Kazuma said.

"I slipped it into a small handbag I was carrying." Brett said.

"It would seem that she slipped it into a small handbag she was carrying." Hosonaga said.

"A handbag, you say?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency. A small, handheld pouch commonly carried by well-to-do women in England." Hosonaga said.

"Basically, it's a purse." I said, frowning.

"So, the beautiful lady has very graciously explained how and why she removed the glass from the scene now. However! The fact remains that this glass has absolutely no bearing on the case!" Auchi said, angrily.

"Hm…" The Judge said.

"This student has been trying to confuse the court with logical reasoning! But in the end, it comes to nothing. No more pretentious accusations! You have wasted enough time already!"

"Indeed, the lady has offered a satisfactory explanation as to why she removed this glass. I think henceforth we can consider the matter to have no bearing on the case. Counsel for the Defence, are you in agreement?"

"Um, well…" Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'I don't know, really…'

"If you want to pursue this matter further... ...you're going to need to show that it has some deeper significance." Kazuma said.

"Yes, you're right." Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'So she took the glass away in her handbag. If there's a deeper significance there, it's…'

"It's the handbag." I said, happily. "Why not ask about it?"

"Wait! The lady put the glass in her handbag, you say?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes. Do try to keep up. It's already been explained to the court that all English gentlewomen carry handbags for small items." Auchi said.

"Let me see... A little while ago, Miss Brett stated the following... 'There are no pockets in my outfit. I have nowhere to hide a gun.' But! What she forgot to mention, was her handbag. In which it would be perfectly possible to conceal a gun!"

"You're right!" The Judge yelled.

"Well done, partner. I had a feeling you'd pick up on that, too." Kazuma said, smirking.

"What are you insinuating, you vile blackguard?!" Auchi exclaimed.

"It's really very simple. The gunshot was heard when the defendant picked up the gun from the restaurant floor. As he didn't fire that gun, we can deduce there must have been another firearm at the scene. The true murder weapon, if you will."

"You, you can't seriously be suggesting…"

"Inspector Hosonaga!" Ryunosuke said, looking at Hosonaga.

"Yes?" Hosonaga asked.

"Did you or did you not search Miss Jezaille Brett's handbag on the day of the murder?"

"No, sir, I did not."

'As I thought!' Ryunosuke said, thinking this to himself, before speaking aloud. "In other words, another gun - the one that was actually used to kill the professor... ...could have been hidden in Miss Brett's handbag!"

"Nnn... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Auchi cried, breaking down.

"Order! Order! Order!" The Judge said, angrily.

"What is the meaning of this, Inspector?" Auchi asked.

"The meaning of what, Prosecutor Auchi?" Hosonga asked.

"Why on earth did you not have the lady open her handbag and show you the contents at the time? Thanks to your bungling incompetence, now she has to endure these...uncomfortable accusations!"

"Brilliant work, partner! Now we have a chance to expose the real woman behind the mask!" Kazuma cheered.

"Do you think so, Kazuma?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Kazuma knows so." I said, happily. "I know too. You're doing amazing, Ryunosuke."

"Ahem! ...Ahem! AHEM! ...AHEM! ...AHEM, AHEM! Well, what a sorry situation. Clearly you have no faith in the police." Hosonaga said.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"As I said, I did not search the lady's handbag after the shooting. Simply because...it was unnecessary."

"Unnecessary in what way?"

"I ought to thank the student lawyer, really. I have a piece of evidence here that I had completely forgotten about." Hosonaga said, taking out a printed photo. "This photographic print. This print is of a photograph that I thought would be prudent to take immediately after the shooting. As you can see, it clearly shows Miss Brett's handbag."

"Well I never! You can see right through to what's inside!" The Judge said, excitedly.

"That's right. Apparently, meshwork bags like these are the height of fashion in London at the moment." 

"Hm, so the contents are clearly visible."

"Exactly. So there was no need to search the lady's handbag. If there had been a gun inside, it would have been immediately obvious." Hosonaga said, sadly.

"Agh!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.

"As you can see, there's nothing to imply Miss Brett's guilt here. Thank you for helping to prove that, Naruhodo-san." 


"Order! Order! Inspector Hosonaga, you will submit that print as evidence at once!" The Judge yelled.

"Certainly, Your Excellency." Hosonga said, happily.

The photograph of the handbag has been entered into the Court Record.

"I think you've had long enough to cross-examine the witness, Counsel." The Judge said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"..." Ryunosuke said.

"The court has now been shown considerable evidence. As the photographic print just submitted into the Court Record appears to have no further significance... ...I am satisfied that there is no longer any room for doubt in this matter, and I must make my ruling."

"Indeed. And there is only one logical conclusion. That the pathetic rookie slumped over the bench before us is the only possible perpetrator of this crime." Auchi said.

"Crap." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'No... Just when I thought I was beginning to turn things around... I'm in a worse situation than I was at the start!'

"..." Kazuma said, guilty.

"Um, Kazuma…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"... I'm sorry, Ryunosuke, Jared." Kazuma said, looking between Ryunosuke and I.


"Now that the cross-examination of the witness is over, there's no way to force the trial to continue."

"What?! You, you mean, this is it...?" Ryunosuke asked.


"Yeah. This is it." I said, letting out a sigh. "There's no way to save this trial."

"Tsh huh huh! I must say, you put up quite a fight...for a rookie student. But the weak are meat, while the strong eat! You were wasting your time. There is no way to defeat true justice! A fact you can chew on to your heart's content...from the inside of your cell!" Auchi yelled.

'This can't be happening...! Am I really going to be found guilty of a crime that I didn't commit? And Kazuma... His dream of going to study in Great Britain will slip through his fingers.' Ryunosuke said, thinking this to himself, before talking aloud. "... Kazuma…"

"What?" Kazuma asked.

"Is there really... Is there really no chance now of turning this trial around?" Ryunosuke asked.

"You heard the judge. There's nothing about that last photograph the detective produced that we can contest. Which means...there's no basis on which we can argue for the trial to continue."


"Very well. I will now proceed immediately to the ruling." The Judge said.

"It seems we will be able to report to the British government on time after all!" Auchi cheered.

"That smug little…" Kazuma said, annoyed.

"Ryunosuke, stop this ruling." I said, sadly. "Before it's too late."

"Ryunosuke Naruhodo, having considered all of the evidence placed before me, I hereby find you…" The Judge said.

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Wait! ...Your Excellency!"

"...Ryunosuke?!" Kazuma exclaimed.

"I, I don't think you can rule on this case yet!"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "This amateurishness is getting tedious! When His Excellency deems that the trial is over, he gives his ruling. That is the most basic protocol of the courtroom!"

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Your Excellency, just a moment ago you said this: 'As the photographic print just submitted appears to have no further significance... ...there is no longer any room for doubt in this matter, and I must make my ruling.' Now, that means that if there was a problem with the evidence - some significant detail, I mean... ...then ruling on the case at this time... would be out of the question!"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "This is blatant straw-clutching! Look at this photographic print! All it shows is the handbag the gentlewoman was carrying on the day in question. There can be no 'problem' with this evidence!"


"You'd better know what you're doing, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said, frowning.

"He does." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Are you sure?"


"Hm... I understand your objection, Counsel. Certainly, the new evidence submitted by the detective has not undergone the court's scrutiny. However, I fail to see how we can glean any new information from this handbag." The Judge said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"Ha! My thoughts exactly! Really, the prosecution is becoming tired of this rookie's desperate wheezes!" Auchi chirped.

"The wrist mark." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes, I am desperate! But this isn't a wheeze. There's something about this photograph which just doesn't seem right. If only I could put my finger on it...!'

"Very well, I will grant the defence one final opportunity." The Judge said.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"What?!" Auchi exclaimed.

"But be warned that if I am unsatisfied by your response here, the trial will be over with immediate effect. Do I make myself clear?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Ryunosuke said.

"So, take another look at the photographic print Inspector Hosonaga submitted before. You will identify for the court where in this print we see the 'significant detail' to which you have alluded!" The Judge said, angrily.

"The wrist mark." I said, pointing down at a part of the photo. "Look at it, Ryunosuke."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, presenting the wrist mark. "Look at this, here... There's a very unusual mark on the victim's wrist."

"That is true. It looks almost...like a burn of some description." The Judge said.

"...!" Brett said, at a loss for words.

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "Dear me! I was pondering what new piffle you would come out with. A burn, you say? On the victim's wrist? Clearly that has nothing whatsoever to do with the magnificent lady's handbag!"

"Yes, that is a burn mark, you're right." Hosonaga said, in awe.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, shocked.

"Go on, Inspector." The Judge said.

"The police coroner also noticed it when he was performing the post-mortem examination. It was deemed unrelated to the cause of death, so he didn't note it in his report." Hosonaga said.

"What did I tell you? In any case, we have no idea when the victim suffered this burn, do we? And no possible way of knowing, either." Auchi said.

"The more I look at it, the more I find myself intrigued by the curious shape of this mark... However, as Prosecutor Auchi points out, unless a firm connection to the case can be shown... ...I cannot allow any further time to be spent on the precise details of this burn." The Judge said.

"...!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"I have a lunch appointment with the dean and other university staff. I would like to know if I may be excused from the stand now." Brett said.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency... It would seem Miss Brett has a lunch appointment with the dean and other university staff. She would like to know if she may be excused from the stand now." Hosonaga said.

"Oh, of course, of course, dear lady! We shan't hold you up any longer! I'm quite sure His Excellency is about to give his final ruling anyway." Auchi said.

"..." The Judge said.

"What's your thinking on this, Ryunosuke, Jared? Do you believe this burn does have something to do with the case?" Kazuma asked, looking between Ryunosuke and I.

"Yeah. I do." I said, happily. "What do you think, Ryunosuke?"

"To be honest, I'm not really sure. But if I don't keep pushing, then it's all over. So I was thinking I should keep digging and digging... in the hope that I might uncover something useful." Ryunosuke said.

"... Yes, you're right." Kazuma said, sadly.

"I am?!" 

"If we can just link that burn to the case... If we can do that, we might be able to prise this shutting door back open again." Kazuma said.


"Just give up, Counsel! You can't possibly hope to do that." Auchi said, scoffing.

"Indeed. I'm afraid that without evidence, I can't allow you to pursue what is little more than conjecture." The Judge said.

"But if we had evidence? Evidence that irrefutably linked the burn on the victim's wrist to the case. Then you would allow it?" Kazuma asked.

"I would, yes."

"To tell the truth, I hadn't noticed that burn. But as soon as you pointed it out, what I did notice... ...was the colour draining from Miss Brett's face."

"Really?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'I have to find some link between that burn and the case... This is the moment of truth. It's time to find some evidence that proves what that burn really means!'

"So then, the defence will now present its evidence to the court. The evidence that demonstrates an inextricable connection between the victim's burn and this trial!" The Judge said, angrily.

"I think this might help." I said, passing Ryunosuke the Crime Scene Photograph. "For the evidence."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, presenting the Crime Scene Photograph.

"What's this, Counsel? Yet another print?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency. I believe photographic prints are an amazing invention. When we humans look at a scene, we miss things. But in a photograph, things we may have overlooked at the time are recorded forevermore."

"Do hurry up, rookie! What are you trying to say? To inconvenience this poor lady any further really would be quite inexcusable." Auchi said.

"Actually, we may need you to stay with us a little longer, if you don't mind...Miss Brett." 

"..." Brett said, at a loss for words.

"You see, it's very clearly visible in this other photograph. How did the victim come to have that unusually shaped burn on his wrist? The reason is recorded here forevermore!" Ryunosuke yelled.

"What? How?" Hosonaga asked.

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "You can't fool me with your little bluffs, boy! If that's your game, then let's see how it plays out! Show the court exactly what you mean! What is it in this photograph that explains the reason for the victim's burn?"

"Look at this, Ryunosuke." I said, looking at the emblem on the plate. "La Carneval."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, presenting the emblem on the plate.

"The, the beef steak?" Auchi asked.

"Actually, the point is the metal plate the steak was served on." 

"The plate? Ah... AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Judge said, in awe.

"Your Excellency! Are you alright?!" Auchi exclaimed.

"As you can see, there's an emblem on the plate. I would guess it's some sort of trademark of La Carneval." Ryunosuke said.

"Ah!" Hosonaga said, in awe.

"The emblem on the plate... ...and the victim's burn... ...are exactly the same shape!"

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Auchi said, breaking down.

"Ryunosuke! You genius!" Kazuma said, excitedly.

"You're spot on…" Hosonaga said, in awe.

"Which means... ...the victim must have suffered this burn while he was present at the restaurant!" Ryunosuke said, smirking.

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "But... But even if that is the case... ...we can't know if it happened on the day in question or not. It could've been the day before! Or the day before that! It most likely happened at some other, unrelated time!"

"Well...um... Hm…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Objection!" I yelled, doing the Objection pose, before smacking my arm on the table. "Sorry, Prosecutor Auchi. The chances of that happening is super small."


"Don't mention it." I said, happily. "Wanna know why?"

"Why?" Auchi asked.

"The outline of the burn is clearly discernible. Such a serious injury would have caused quite a commotion in the restaurant. Wouldn't you agree, Inspector Hosonaga?" Kazuma asked.

"I can't imagine having missed such a terrible disaster, certainly." Hosonaga said.

"But, but…" Auchi said, frowning.

"I would say, looking at the picture of the wound, that it wasn't suffered very long ago. And, although it's not a particularly large burn, it's extremely well defined, as the defence just pointed out. This was no mild burn, that's for sure."

"Can you be more specific, Inspector?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Well, let's see... ...if the plate was at around ninety degrees centigrade, a burn like that would have taken around three seconds." Hosonaga said.

"It's inconceivable that the victim wouldn't have let out a scream of pain, then." The Judge said.

"I've been investigating at the restaurant for several weeks already, but I've not heard anyone scream at all. As the head waiter of La Carneval, I can testify to that without hesitation."

"But you... You're a detective, not a waaaiteeer!" Auchi cried.

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "There you have it! Something isn't right here! As the detective said... ...anyone who burnt themselves on a piping hot plate for three whole seconds would scream in pain. There's no question of that."

"And yet Inspector Hosonaga never heard the professor scream. Not on that day, or any before it." Kazuma said.

"That's right. And the strange thing is... ...on the day he was shot, I didn't hear him cry out, either."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Well, if the professor had carelessly laid his wrist on the plate for anything like three seconds that day…"

"That would be beyond careless, I think, Counsel." The Judge said.

"...then the rest of us in the restaurant - myself, the sergeant and the old antiques dealer... All of us would, without any question, have heard him scream. Wouldn't you agree, Prosecutor Auchi?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Hm? Um, well... Yes, I suppose…" Auchi said, letting out a sigh.

"So the question is... ...why didn't a single person hear Dr Watson scream?"



"...!" The Judge said, at a loss for words.

"I, I almost don't believe it! Ryunosuke, do you think...?" Kazuma asked.

"Is it true?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

'Can it really be true? I never dreamt we'd arrive at a conclusion like this, but... I'm starting to think that maybe... ...we've been led into a terrible trap!' Ryunosuke said, thinking this to himself, before speaking this aloud. "There's only one explanation I can think of to make sense of this apparent impossibility. On the day in question, when he suffered the burn to his wrist, Dr Watson…"

"What if he was already dead?" 

"No man could remain silent while his wrist was burning on a piping-hot plate for three whole seconds. That's clearly impossible. Apart from in one particular situation…" 

"Counsel, are you suggesting...?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, it's only possible...if the man was already dead." Ryunosuke said.

"A-Already…" Auchi said.

"Dead?" The Judge asked.

"..." Brett said, at a loss for words.

"Knowing what we know now, it's the only possible explanation. When the beef steak was brought to Dr Watson's table that day... ...the professor...was already dead!" Ryunosuke yelled.

"That's... That's... ...madneeessssss!" Auchi cried.

"Order! Order! Order, please! Counsel, explain this absurd notion at once! The victim was killed by a gunshot!" The Judge said, angrily.

"That's right! That's absolutely right, Your Excellency. This, this is just another ridiculous ploy by the rookie student! But clearly, he has no grasp of the facts!"

"Objection." Kazuma said, doing the Objection pose. "No, Prosecutor Auchi, it's you who has no grasp of the facts."

"I beg your pardon?!" Auchi exclaimed.

"As soon as it became apparent that the victim had suffered that burn while at the restaurant... ...this whole case was turned upside-down. Or have you not grasped that yet?"

"Urrr... Ugh…"

"Your Excellency! The court MUST hear from this witness again. If it's true, as we now believe, that the victim was already dead before the gunshot was heard... ...it's highly likely that Miss Brett knows something about it!"

"..." Brett said.

"Incredible... I certainly didn't anticipate this twist of events. I'm sorry to say, Miss Brett... ...that you will have to forget your luncheon engagement." The Judge said, in awe.

"B-But, Your Excellency!" Auchi said, worried.

"..." Brett said.

"The justice system in our country may be in its infancy... ...but rest assured, all reasonable doubt must be dispelled before I am prepared to pass judgement." The Judge said.

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Ryunosuke said, happily.

"..." Brett said, smiling.

"She's smiling." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'What was that smile?'

"Yes, of course... I mean- I'd be delighted to help. Especially if it helps relations between my country and yours." Brett said.

"...!" Ryunosuke said.

"...!" Auchi said.

"...!" The Judge said.

"Ah... Miss, Miss Brett... You...speak Japanese?"

"Well, of course I do. I am studying in your country, after all." Brett said.

"But...then...why have you been speaking through an interpreter until now?" The Judge asked.

"My mother tongue - the Queen's English - is the most refined and elegant language in the world. As a gentlewoman, I try to avoid speaking in your vulgar tone as much as possible."

"..." Ryunosuke said.

"..." Auchi said.

"But it seems the men in this land possess none of the chivalrous virtues of English gentlemen. So I can see that I shall have to lower myself to communicating with you all on your own level." Brett said.

"Oh... Ah...well... You are the epitome of a true English gentlewoman! We are truly honoured by this... This lavish consideration you so graciously afford us!" Auchi said, excitedly.

"... I see. In that case, Miss Brett, I will now ask you to testify in your own words... ...about the events leading up to the death of the victim, Dr Watson!" The Judge yelled.

"..." Brett said.

"So, we're finally going to hear her own words on the matter. Things are getting interesting, Ryunosuke, Jared!" Kazuma chirped.

"Yeah." I said, happily. "Took us long enough."

Witness Testimony

- The Victim's 'Death' -

"Unfortunately, I have no idea when the poor man burnt his wrist like that. When the waiter brought my steak, the professor and I raised our glasses in a toast. As far as I've heard, the post-mortem report showed no other possible cause of death besides the gunshot. If there's some other way a man's life can been…taken without leaving a trace, please, do show me. But of course...this country's inferior investigative techniques probably wouldn't pick up on it anyway." Brett said.

"...That most captivating and beautiful testimony will go down in the Supreme Court's history. Thank you." The Judge said.

"Be careful, Ryunosuke." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Easy does it…'

"I hope that this is the last time I will have to sully my lips with the coarse tones of your unbecoming tongue. Oh.... Forgive me. I do hope I haven't insulted anyone." Brett said.

"Not at all, not at all! It is a delight merely to hear you speak, dear lady! And it seems very clear from your testimony, that this boorish talk of the victim's burn is utterly irrelevant." Auchi said.

"I will be speaking to your country's Minister of Justice about what has happened here today."

"The...Minister of Justice...?"

"May that irritating little bully of a student be given the harshest punishment possible! ...Amen."

"Huh? ...Um, thanks?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'Was, was that a prayer then?'

"Well you'll have to forgive the irritation, Miss Brett, and put up with a cross-examination now." Kazuma said.

"...!" Brett said, at a loss for words.

"I expect you've noticed that this 'little bully of a student', as you put it... ...doesn't miss much."


"I'm sure I don't need to remind you, Counsel, that this will be your final cross-examination in this trial. If you fail to demonstrate any problems with this witness's testimony... ...I will be ruling on the case immediately. Is that clear?" The Judge asked.

"... Yes, Your Excellency." Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.

"Then you may proceed with the cross-examination!"


- The Victim's 'Death' -

"Unfortunately, I have no idea when the poor man burnt his wrist like that. When the waiter brought my steak, the professor and I raised our glasses in a toast. As far as I've heard, the post-mortem report showed no other possible cause of death besides the gunshot. If there's some other way a man's life can been [sic] taken without leaving a trace, please, do show me." Brett said.

"She must be thirsty." I said, passing Ryunosuke the Carbonated Water Bottle. "Sparkling water?"

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, presenting the Carbonated Water Bottle.

"What is this? The bottle of water?" The Judge asked.

"Actually, there is one method of killing a man without leaving a trace that comes to mind…" Ryunosuke said.

"..." Brett said.

"Obviously, I'm referring...to poison."

"Poison?" Auchi asked.

"On the day of his death, we know that Dr. Watson drank from this bottle of carbonated water. Could it be...that there was poison inside?" Ryunosuke asked.

"..." Brett said.

"Could it be that the professor actually died after taking a sip from his glass?"

"Order! Order! Order!" The Judge yelled.

"And on that day, who was sitting at the same table as the professor and able to slip the poison into his drink? There's only person…" Ryunosuke said, looking at Brett. "…who could possibly have done it! Jezaille Brett! It was you!"

"..." Brett said, at a loss for words.

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "This is outrageous! To suggest such a thing without a scrap of evidence! You little rookie imbecile! Have you even considered the delicate situation our country finds itself in now?! Have you forgotten that we have only just signed an accord of friendship with the British Empire?! Have you even the vaguest inkling that your rash accusations could jeopardise the entire treaty?!"

"Objection." Kazuma said, doing the Objection pose. "This is not a political arena. This is a trial to determine one individual's guilt with respect to one crime."


"The fact that this woman is British makes no difference. We are here to determine the truth!"


"Ahem. If I may…" Brett said, sadly.

"I will silence you forever for this disgraceful attack on the lovely young…" Auchi said, happily.

"Shut up!" Brett said, angrily. "It is you! ...Who should be silent."

"Of, of course... ...dear ladyyyyyyyy!"

"Wow…" I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Where did that come from? She, she just snapped!'

"I'm afraid I may have spoken unfairly before. I offer my most humble apologies." Brett said, frowning.

"I'm sorry, my lady, to what are you referring?" The Judge asked.

"I described your police force as 'inferior'. But no matter how inferior they may be, you still investigated this particular point thoroughly, I believe? The bottle, I mean, Inspector. And whether it contained poison or not." Brett said.

"... Of course." Hosonaga said.

"You, you did?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"Have you forgotten what my guiding principle is already? I strive for a flawless investigation every time."

"I don't believe it...!"

"Naturally we tested the inside of the bottle and its contents."

"And...? What did you find, Inspector?" The Judge asked.

"I ordered tests for every toxin that's available in this country at the present time. We could find no trace of poison of any description in the bottle of carbonated water, Your Excellency." Hosonaga said.

"What? Are you sure?" Kazuma asked.

"The tests were meticulously carried out by the Chief Coroner himself."

"No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"I'm very grateful to all you Japanese. You've successfully established my complete innocence in this horrid affair. Thank you." Brett said, smiling.

"But, but of course, dear lady! The pleasure was all ours!" Auchi said, excitedly.

"..." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'I was so sure…'

"This...can't be right! Everything falls into place if he was poisoned...!" Kazuma said, at a loss for words.

"Thank you, Counsel. I think that cross-examination has clarified everything. As the prosecution have asserted, a shot to the chest from this gun is the only conceivable cause of death. Furthermore... The accused, who by his own admission was holding this weapon, is the only possible culprit!" The Judge yelled.

"Ryunosuke. Remember what I said? The worst of times are when lawyers have to force their biggest smiles." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I'm done for…' I spoke this aloud. "You're not done for. I promise."

"The court wishes to apologise for the great inconvenience this has caused you, Miss Brett." The Judge said, looking at Brett.

"Oh no... I'm just glad the matter is resolved." Brett said.

"Before proceeding, I must ask the counsel for the defence... ...do you have any further new evidence to present the court at this point?"

"...Kazuma?" Ryunosuke asked.

"... I'm sorry, Ryunosuke. I have nothing more." Kazuma said, letting out a sigh.

"Well, if you'll excuse me now, I really must be leaving…" Brett said, ready to leave the witness stand.

"Hold it!" Susato cried, entering the courtroom. "Please, wait!"

"...!" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'Isn't that...?'

"What is the meaning of this?" The Judge asked.

"Forgive me for intruding on court proceedings, Your Excellency." Susato said, sadly. "Susato Mikotoba, judicial assistant to the defence."

"Finally." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Mikotoba...? In my darkest hour, with nowhere left to go, she appeared like a bolt of lightning. And in her hand...she carried a small package, wrapped in a furoshiki cloth…'