
the importance of brevery

Tatiana is the adopted daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnson their only life and hope there pampered her like a little princess there don't even allowed her to no the hardships of the world thinking she will get hurt There want Tatiana to live a happy and care free live. Tatiana was adopted Whan she was 6 Tatiana was taken to the orphanage when she was 3 . but she always refused to get adopted hoping that her parents will fine her one day unitll she became six that she meat a little boy a little older than her in the orphanage and not longer as the boy came to the orphanage he got sick and they was no money for the treatment and Tatiana have no choice but to agree to get adopted because she was the boy only friend and she had to do something for the boy. that's why she end up in Mr and Mrs Johnson hand she have a lovely mother and a father that everyone will dream of having but one thing is still missing in her life which is the little in the orphanage there has look for him everywhere but can't find him the say he was taken away from his family not long after he was discharge from hospital and not long after the orphanage had and incidents so all the files are missing they can't fine him no matter how the search for him, is like he just disappear and she has been day dreaming how the day she will find him be. maybe it will be the best day of her life. but it was the opposite when she meet him her father that love her the most committed suicide and her mother in a sick bad. she loose her sanity, she is going crazy just thinking about everything that has happened and she finally want to give you she wanted to commit suicide the same way her father did. stood Tatiana at the rooftop devastated she can't help it but cry louder Ricky even though we didn't meet again in this life we will surely meet in the after life your Nana is going to say goodbye now please stay safe and if heaven give me opportunity to ask for a one favor, I will ask to meet you, before saying goodbye to this world Ricky boy but since I can't meet I will still say bye with that Tatiana was ready to jump down from the rooftop what did she have now nothing, her happy family has shattered and her Ricky in no were to be found all hope are good GOODBYE. she closed her eyes and wanted to jump but a pair of hand grap her huge her so tight that she can't even breakfast my nana did I give you the the permission to die a majestic teenage boy can be heard nana you said we will never be a quieter but a fighter do you lie to me back then? why do you want to quit now? Tatiana doesn't have the time to react because she was so shock. is this the real deal? she ask herself is this the Ricky she has been looking for? "yes it the real deal" when she confirm is the real deal. all her lost hope has been restore she be energetic and have the will to live again she go back, sold the Johnson villa her father left for them, just to achieve her dreams of been together with Ricky she made so many selfish decision, neglected her sick mother, neglected her father words before he died just to be with him she want to the the school she swear never to go just for him but the person in question loss his memories after few weeks of reunion and she try everything desperately to make him remember her. been hate by him, been bullied by him and his friends until she was on the stage of losing everything again that she remembers the things she should prioritise the most her mother , the Johnson family, the Johnson group, her friends and herself. But will she achieve that? will the pampered princess of the Johnson family beer all the hardships she once run away from?

Aliciathomas1 · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

chapter 14:NANA DEAR

" I don't care what you call me as long as you don't disturb me again."

" Well then you have to get prepared,because you are not getting rid of me any time soon" Little Tatiana said

That day they talk a lot before going their ways

And Eric feel a little better that day since his mother pass away.

And from then on, like Tatiana has said he can't seem to get rid of Tatiana because she keep pestering him.

He was annoyed at first but he letter get use to Tatiana.

And Tatiana has been a very good friend for him

She even took a blame for him.

She will starve herself just to make sure that he have something to eat before the end of the day.

When everyone frame and bullied him Tatiana will make sure to protect and always take the blame for him.

Tatiana was a very good and cheerful girl and was liked by everyone before. but because of his temper and Tatiana always taking the blame for him, Tatiana is now label as a violent and arrogant girl in the orphanage.

Is not that he want Tatiana to take the blame for him but who's Tatiana, she's so stubborn.

She will rather fight and make the whole orphanage chaotic just for him and at the end of the day she will just ask him to smile for her

That's the payment she needed for all the trouble.

And that's what Eric don't seem to understand.

I mean who fight destroy and take blame for someone bad doing just to make that smile for her.

And one day he decided to asked Tatiana how far can she go just to make him happy.

Tatiana answer shuddered him and make him dumbfounded

Because Tatiana just smile at him and said

'I can kill, fight and destroy the world just to make you happy my Ricky boy'

And you have to remember that in the world you have that someone that can do anything for you and that's me'

'and one day if I lost my memories and can't remember you, knock me out and after a while, I will wake up and continue from were I stop and that's to do all the deity work for you and all you have to do is just to smile for me and be happy.'

And the reply he could come up at that moment was to give her the adorable smile she liked the most and said, 'Nana dear I can't even beer to tell you that you are ugly anymore thinking that I will hurt you with my word, so how can I beer to knock you out' he murmured out loud that even Felix his assistant heard him.

" Sir we here" Felix voice wake him up from his day dreaming

" Got it." He was about to get down from the car but he seems to remember something and ask. " By the way how is the coming collaboration with the HOPE HIGH modelling agency?" Eric Samuel ask

" There's no problem for now

Everything is fine on both sides." Felix answer

" And about the thing I ask you to investigate about the HOPE HIGH modelling agency . Still no result yet?" Eric Samuel ask

" Well, for now we haven't finalised the results of the investigation-"

"But? "Eric Samuel ask

"But based on the little information we gather the mysterious owner is non other than Diana Johnson, Mrs. Johnson of the Johnson group." Felix said

" You mean the wife of Mr Johnson the richest man in the country?

What will she do with a small modelling company and I heard she merge her company with her husband company just to take care of their only daughter.

So why decided to start a modelling company now?" Eric Samuel ask because even with her intelligence he can't seem to understand this woman well.

Merging her top notch traveling agency company with her husband just to start a small modelling company.

Maybe people don't seems to think alike this days .

"Did you check why she decided to start a modelling agency?

For what I no her husband don't have anything to do with anything entertainment or are they trying to start investing in the entertainment and modelling agency and if yes why his wife?" Eric Samuel ask

" Yes we check but it seems like her daughter is not interesting in managing their family business but she's rather interested in some entertaining like been a song writer, screen writer modelling and so on.

But what get me wondering is that, it seems like her husband is not aware that his wife started a modelling agency." Felix explain because he don't understand this Mrs Johnson either

" Reject the collaboration with them don't sign the contract."Eric said

"But.. but why sir?" His assistant ask confused

Is like everybody are making weird decision this days

First is that Mrs Johnson and now his boss

Everyone will be thrilled to collaborate with Hope high modelling agency if there have ties with the Johnson group but why in God name did his boss wanted to reject a collaboration with them if is not a weird decision

And his boss is always a smart man . So he really want to know the reason.

" Because if Diana Johnson really established this company because of her daughter then she will likely handover it to her one day and I don't have the time to deal with spoil brats." Eric Samuel answered

"But sir, for what I know Mrs Johnson may not hand over the company to her."

" And why do you think so?." Eric Samuel ask seem very interested to hear Felix opinion

" For what the rumor says Mrs Johnson pampered her daughter a lot so if her daughter don't want to manage a company Mrs Johnson will never force her to do something she doesn't want to do and maybe Mrs Johnson started this modelling agency because her daughter is interested in it. So she want to make her future easier for her by starting this company without letting even her daughter know because she don't want anyone to know about this company not even her husband or daughter so the chance of handing over this company for her is slim."