

Samuel Whitmore was a Texas based Artificial intelligence engineer. He was a very brilliant scientist and gradually he had began to gain grounds within the community of young engineers. He had attended several seminars and organized several himself. Samuel had a belief, that as long as he remained an A.I engineer, he could decide one day to take the world over using his skills and no consequences would be served on him. Samuel even sometimes envisioned being the US president, without going through the ballot nor having popularity with the people. He thought he could just think it and be it. Sam began to work on a particular device that could change human realities to a parallel and manipulated ones. He was trying to combine a time machine with an alternate existence. He thought of the idea to build the machine, but bringing it to life with the assistance of his fellow engineers. They started building the machine in their laboratory, and tried several simulations along with it. Sam's mom was a Spanish citizen but his father an American. Sam can speak both English and Spanish fluently. Sam had been crushing on Peyton from the third street and sometimes deliberately passed by Peyton's house. Peyton was an artist and a model. Sam and Peyton met at an event in Los Angeles. He liked her instantly at first sight, Sam approached Peyton and introduced himself as an A.I designer. "We are said to be the second creator after God who is undoubtedly the ultimate creator, " Sam said to amuse Peyton. Peyton smiled but didn't bother looking at him. Maybe because it was their first encounter, "I'm Peyton, the queen of L.A, " she said sarcastically. "Indeed you are, your beauty is truly mesmerizing and radiates the true essence of honor and brevity" . Peyton still wouldn't budge, but rather smile. Sam continued with his unusual poetic chanting, "they say a petal beautifies the flower, the sun beautifies the sky, while the moon beautifies the night, but your beauty brightens everything nature and soothe my aching heart", Sam became a momentary poetic oracle. Peyton could no longer resist knowing the identity of the adamant poet, She rolled her chair in his direction to have a glimpse. "I am listening, " she said feigning to be rigid to his sweet words. " Allow me the grace to bless my heart with your royalty, slap and tickle me please, " He requested. Peyton smiled again, skimmed him in a seducing matey. She stood up from her chair and raised her hand against Sam's cheek, but he avoided it. " Didn't you request me to slap you, " Peyton said and smiled again. " I'll be seeing you, she said and went away.

Sam was out with his friends two weeks after when he saw ahead of him a car being parked. A radiant damsel alighted from the car. To his surprise, it was Peyton. Sam could recognize her immediately. " Who would have thought she lives three streets away from me, " he said and parked his car. He alighted and watched as Peyton approached her apartment, he quickly closed up to her and arrest her attention. "Hey Peyton, remember me?"Sam asked. Peyton was surprised to see him too. " What are you doing here?" She asked. "I live on the third street,"Sam responded." Do you want to have a drink with me tonight?" Sam asked. "I would have loved to, but my boyfriend is coming tonight to pick me up, "She responded. Sam felt defeated with the response as it ricocheted in his brain like a bullet. " Okay, can we go out some other time?" Sam asked. " Let me think about that," she said. Sam's taste turned sour, with a teasing heat exuding from his nerves. Peyton got into the house as Sam turned to his car and started the ignition. He was yet to move, when a Ferrari car packed in front of Peyton's house. The car hooted and Peyton came out the door. Sam was reluctant to move the car without confirming the identity of the person with the Ferrari. Then he saw a tall handsome guy alighted from the car." Who's that guy?" Sam asked in the car. One of his friends; Lucas responded, "it's Clark Russell, he plays for the Oceanside basketball team in L.A. " Clark met Peyton by the entrance of the house, he cuddled and pecked her. Sam was left infuriated and jealous in his car. Peyton went into the house with Clark. "I've seen enough, " Sam said and drove off.

Sam arrived home very late in the night. His mom was already left worried as it's quite unlike him to stay out for so long. Sam came in quietly hoping to escape his mom's one thousand and one questions about his whereabouts, he closed the door gently then turned to gradually head to his room, "where are you coming from, so late?" her mom asked, his skin could almost jump off his body, for how scared he was to hearing her voice unexpectedly. His mum was on the couch checking the time. "Where have you been?" She asked again. "hey mom, you scared the shit out of me, what are you doing?"he responded. " Always remember that as long as you reside under my roof, you can't just go out and come in late, " her mom cautioned. I've been at my laboratory working on a project, " Sam explained." But you should have called to alleviate my worries. " I'm so sorry mom, " he pleaded. " I left your dinner in the freezer, you should put it in the microwave, don't stay up too late, " his mom said and went to bed. Sam went into his room, but just couldn't get the thought of Peyton off his mind and couldn't bare the thought of not having her to himself. He thought of getting the reality switch machine functional in no time. He snuck out the window again and head to the lab. He installed further adjustments to the machine and tried some simulations. His decision was to use the machine to become a very successful and popular sports player, he equally wished to be placed directly in Peyton's life, but the machine could only align with a single character. After several hours at the lab, he realized it's almost day break, he left the lab and snuck in before his mom realized he was out again.

The following morning, Sam was late to wake up owing to his secret mission over the night. His mom knocked on his door, but received no response on three attempts, she forced the door opened and was inside. She saw Sam still sleeping and hooting on the bed like a train transporting metals, she head straight for the window shade and flipped them open, the ray of light rushed in and almost took out Sam's sight. "Hey mom, not again, you're gonna kill me someday if you're not careful, "Sam said, blocking the light to his eyes with his right hand. "Don't you know it's late already, you need to get up now, " his mom ordered. Sam was still feeling so sleepy, he stood up from the bed and staggered to the bathroom. "Mom, " Sam called out, "don't you think it's time i moved out of your house before you kill me?" he said to his mom. Her mom laughed and laughed, " I'll rather kill you here than allow you be killed out there, " She responded. "I'm serious mom, I think i need to have the experience of freedom and responsibility. I need to know if I can survive out there on my own, I want to know what's like living independently of one's parents, " He explained to his mom. " You're serious, or you're yet to fully regain your consciousness?" She asked. I'm serious mom, I just want to know what it's like alone out there, and besides, you know I should be emancipated already at my age and status, " Sam added. Her mom was moved by the maturity exhibited by his son. "It's a good thought honey, it shows that you've grown matured from my little baby to an adult, but I shall grant your wish, only if you promised to be careful out there, " said Mrs Whitmore. "You should trust me mom, I crossed my heart", Sam replied. Her mom smiled. "If it's what you want, I support your decision, " her mom assured.

Sam had prepared to go to his lab, then decided to drop by Peyton's house. He knocked on the door and the door was opened, not by Peyton though, but her dad; Mr Davies. "How may I help you?" He asked Sam. "I'm a friend of Peyton's, I came to check on her, " Sam responded. "Didn't she tell you she'll be out of town?" Mr Davies asked. Sam couldn't respond, "She left for her photo shoots with her friend, " said Mr Davies. "Her friend, you meant Clark?" Sam inquired." That's right, you know him too?" Mr Davies asked. Sam found the information given to him as disturbing again, he bid his goodbyes to Mr Davies and head straight to the lab. Sam grew so desperate and impatient to have Peyton as a girlfriend, without actually making any reasonable efforts to ask her out properly.

Sam arrived at the lab and met Quintin, Kimberly and Charles already working on the Machine, he came into the lab infuriated already."Hey Sam, " Charles acknowledged his entrance."I need this machine functional today, no more simulations, I'm testing on myself, "Sam said. "Don't you think we need to run more tests on the Machine, to be sure it aligns with the space - time continuum and it could initiate an inter - reality probe like we wanted?" Kim asked. Sam mounted the machine unbothered by Kim's theory. " We're testing it now, " he said. He mounted the machine and instructed that Quintin assist him with the catalogue of his intended realities. Quiting was at first reluctant, but when he sensed the desperation and insensitive neglect of their opinions in the decision, he yielded and operate the catalogue. The machine was launched and Sam vanished.

Sam woke up to the new reality truly, he was so joyous and fulfilled, he found himself being a golfer. He was truly popular and controlled quite a huge followership on social media, but non of his close relatives and allies in his original reality was with him here and not even Peyton, his main mission . The machine should have chosen for him a parallel reality, but different personality, instead it was an alternate reality. Sam discovered this immediately. He got into his car with the bouncers attached to him and went to Peytons supposed house, to ascertain is theory. The place was already quite different from what he used to know, he knocked on the door, but there was no response. He knocked the second time, still no response. Then he kicked the door in annoyance, but this time he got more than he bargained for. The door was opened, but he was only seeing a figure directly before him. He could only see the loins of a man, he elevated his head to almost 900 before he could see his face. The man in question should be up to 2.5 meters tall. Sam realized instantly he had been unfortunate to have come here, let alone knocked on the door. "How may I help you?" the man asked in a audible and scary tone. "Please I need to see Peyton, that's why I'm here, " Can I see her?" Sam asked. It wasn't known to Sam that the big man also had Peyton who had stolen his money and belongings, but different from the Peyton sam wanted to see. The man looked down on Sam with a distasteful grip, thinking Sam had a hand in the disappearance of Peyton and his properties, he was so infuriated, that he grabbed Sam's neck, his legs vacated the floor immediately, swinging in the air like a tridax. The grip on Sam's neck was already depriving him of Oxygen. He pleaded to the man in a shaky voice, "Ple, ple, please, let me go sir, " The man pulled him closer with just one arm. "You and that witch thought you could stole my money, my properties and still live to tell the tale, when i found her, I'm roasting her for barbecue, " Said the man. Sam just kept nodding in affirmation to his threats. He let go of his neck and dropped him to the floor like a wool." If I ever see you here again, you're dead, you heard me?" Sam couldn't wait to respond as the man charged towards him again. He ran straight to his car and drove off. Sam was so annoyed for being helpless in the hands of a bully, but nobody to help him out. He threatened to fire his bouncers for being a coward in a time of need. Sam was looking out through the side screen, at a point he saw before him on a public monitor, that one person he'd been searching the world to have. He saw Peyton on the screen, but this time she was the first lady to the president of spain. She was attending a fundraiser for the treatment of breast cancer for women Sydney. Sam dropped his lips in surprise, seeing Peyton has a wife of the president. "No this can't be happening, she's the reason for me being here, " Sam soliloquising. The guys in the car with him looked lost, they had no idea what was actually wrong with him. He ordered to be driven to the address of his laboratory, but on the way there, he could sworn there's never going to be a laboratory there. Everything was different from his knowledge of the original reality. They arrived at the spot of his laboratory, but what was found to his desolate was a club house. Sam began to sweat profusely from inside out. Even though the car's A.C was turned on, it couldn't relieve him of the intense heat exuding from his nerves. He had no idea what to say, where to go or how to start processing his failure. Having no idea of where he lives, he just instructed to be taken home. He was taken to his mansion, Very huge and beautiful. Sam forgot the thought of his failure for a second to appreciate the sight friendly mansion before him. Sam whispered to himself, this ain't my mission. He went into the house, the table was already set for dinner, nice foods with mouth dropping aromas. Sam couldn't believe himself living such a luxurious life. He went to his room, took a shower and dropped on his bed, thinking of how he could have everything he wanted. Unknowingly, he dozed off. gunshots began to erupt. Sam woke up, but no longer in the mansion, but at the middle of a battle field. "How did i get here?" He asked himself. Sam rushed up to his feet and saw some African natives with swords and arrows, running towards him. Sam thought he was on a movie set at first, he looked back to know who their target was, but non other than him was in that direction. He realized they were getting too close, then he took to his heels. They chased him till he fell off a cliff and hit his head on a stone at the bottom, they thought he was dead already, so they abandoned him. Sam was unconscious there at the base of the cliff for several hours. His colleagues at the lab in the original reality did not stop working on the machine, they had even upgraded it in his absence so that he could be retrieved, should the need arose . Sam was only gone two day in his present reality, but it was already six days in the original reality. His mom went to the laboratory looking for him, but his colleagues could only lie about his whereabout to his mom.

They adjusted the machine and initiated it to absorb Sam back to the original reality. He appeared before them in a pool of blood, his head wide open from the accident. They cleaned him up and called on one of their friends, who worked at a vertenary store to help stitch him up.

Sam regained consciousness the following afternoon, but afraid of opening his eyes, he was unsure of which reality he'd found himself. He heard voices around him, but couldn't make sense of who they were. His head was thumping even faster than his heart beats from the migraine. Sam partially opened his eyes and looked around, but didn't sense any hostility. He opened his eyes fully, but to his surprise, he was in his laboratory. A sense of relief traveled through his spines. His colleagues realized he'd regain consciousness, so they assisted him to his sit. "Welcome back, what happened at the other side?" Charles asked. "your mom was here yesterday, "Kimberly added, then she busted into laughter momentarily. Quintin condemned her, so she cautioned herself ." I actually thought I was gonna die, one minute I slept off in a mansion, the other I ended up on a battle field about to be mutilated. "What happened to your head?" Kim asked. "I hit it on a stone when I fell off. Sam explained his experience on the other side to his friends. Kim envisaged a more precarious encounters for Sam should he continue with the machine. She cautioned him against the again, again and again against the use of the machine, till proper measures are in place to avoid subsequent mishaps. " Why not be a man and follow a more conventional approach to attract her rather than this inept and obtuse approach," Kim advised. Sam realized he's starting to feel dizzy, he rested his head back on the couch. After a couple of days, Sam had completely recovered. Sam went back to see Peyton, but Peyton already left for France on a modeling tour. He discovered from Peyton's dad, that he got the contract through Clark and even both went on the trip together. Sam felt threatened again by the meer mentioning of Clark. He brushed off the near death experiences of his last travel on his machine. His stubborn nature override his brain suddenly, he decided to go through with the machine processes again. He wished to become the president of the United States this time, which was making is case becoming more of a mystery. He believed becoming the most powerful man in the world, "No one will be better than me, I can have what I want, what I need, what do I do now?" he asked rhetorically. Quintin and Charles equally wanted to use the machine but would rather wait it out for Sam to be used to perfect it, to be sure of a successful mission, So they obliged Sam to be the lab rat again. They tried all they could do to perfect the machine, It was even reprogrammed to to synchronize with the thought of Sam, he can now change realities by mere thinking and jumping off from a height of at least fifteen meters. It was just two weeks after his, return, but he was ready to go again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Adeshina_Okunlolacreators' thoughts