
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Ch 14 : Payback

Even though the assassin lives in the slums, and is a lowly thug, he has seen and researched a lot about magic.

Being an assassin, he always spent his spare time reading about magic and trying his luck with new spells. He has read before about spacial magic in a book, but all the books said that it was lost, and nearly one person in a billion had an affinity for spacial magic.

The assassin's expression turned even darker, "Who the hell are you? By the looks of it you are a famous magic caster. What is someone like you doing in a place like this, and attacking us out of the blue? I've never even seen you before", he said while staring at Martin.

At this point, he knew that they have no chance of surviving if they chose to fight any further, they will end up like his comrades, and the only way was to talk his way out of this situation.

Suddenly the assassin felt a sharp pain in his leg, losing his balance and falling on the floor, glancing at his bleeding leg he saw the dagger that was in Martin's hand stabbed into his leg, before processing the pain, all that was running in the assassin's mind was, how did he get struck by the dagger from such a distance, even if the cloaked individual in front of him had thrown the dagger at his leg he would at least have the chance to dodge or block it.

In the next moment, waves of pain washed over the assassin screaming in agony, "Why are you doing this to me? Why me, I don't even know you?".

Passing his gaze over the unsightly assassin, Martin replied coldly, "And you don't have to, not interested in getting introduced to a corpse".

At this point, the assassin forgot his pain, and started yelling and cursing at Martin, "It's that old hag isn't she, she sent you after us, I'll make her pay for this", it's as if he had lost the last strand of his sanity, now he only looks like a wild animal.

"And here I was being kind and wanted to finish you off quickly, but never mind that, I'll be back with you in a minute," hearing those words the assassin started crawling towards the open door trying to escape his cruel fate, as Martin watched him.

Seeing this, Martin turned his gaze back to the archer and started walking toward him, with every step Martin took, the cloaked archer felt his reality crumbling more and more until he stood in front of him, Martin raised his sword slowly and then slashed at the archer.

Upon seeing Martin Raise his sword, the archer instinctively tried to block with his wooden bow, the sharp edge of the sword cut through it as butter, pushing its way at its holder, leaving a scar on him, the silver blade tore at his black cloak, revealing a thin woman with black hair and black eyes, despair sketched on her face.

Noticing Martin's sword still looming above her, she knew that he didn't change his intentions of killing her, even after seeing her true appearance, hurriedly she placed her head on the floor and begged for her life, "Please don't kill me, I beg of you, I was just doing what those guys told me".

Suddenly the temperature of the room dropped, noticing the change the woman slowly looked up at Martin, only to see his chilly gaze filled with bloodlust, with a coldhearted tone, he replied "I do not show mercy to those who point their sword at me", following those words a swift move with his sword finished her off, "that's three".

Outside the hut a trail of blood can be seen, there was the assassin, crawling with all the strength he had left, screaming, and yelling for help, trying to reach the small forest near the hut, believing that if he reached it, he would find a way to lose that lunatic.

hearing the screams coming from the hut, absolute terror surfaced on his face, when he heard footsteps coming towards him from the hut, he started squirming, trying to crawl faster, "Where do you think you're going? ".

Storing the newly acquired silver blade sword in his storage space, Martin pulled out the dagger from the assassin's leg, "I'll be taking this back, now you will tell me where you hid the money".

The assassin shuddered in fear upon seeing Martin, at this point he no longer sees him as a human being, all he sees is a ruthless monster in human skin, promptly the assassin replied, "Inside the kitchen drawer, the first one to the right".

"Good, stay still till I come back."

Martin then entered the hut once again, opening the said drawer, he found the paper bag accompanied by lots of others, "what do we have here, looks like the inn wasn't their only target", a grin appearing on his face he continued, "well this solves my small money problem."

He placed the paper bags in the safety of his storage space, and headed back out, upon his arrival at the assassin's side the latter promptly said, "You got what you want, so just please leave me alone",

"You know what? You didn't make things too hard for me", holding the dagger, Martin stabbed the assassin in the back, which killed him instantly, "you can leave now."

Looking at himself, Martin found himself covered in blood, "What a mess, let's clean up first". Closing his eyes, a blue magic array appeared beneath his feet, absorbing the particles of magic in the area, and concentrating them, transforming into a strong circular current of water, while he was in the midst of it, cleaning his clothes and body.

Following the blue magic array's disappearance, a new one appeared in the same position but had a light green color, which formed gushes of wind that soon turned into a small tornado drying him off.

"Here we go, good as new, it's time to return the money".

Suddenly, the faint sound of a stick breaking was heard from the nearby forest, turning his gaze toward the source of the sound, "Hello is anyone there", Martin announced.

But nothing other than an eerie silence loomed at the forest entrance, "I Should get out of here, don't want any more trouble", saying those words, Martin covered his face with his black cloak even more, racing with his steps leaving the slums.

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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