
The immortal hellhound

A man wakes up in the void after having died in his sleep. Once there, he is told that he will be reincarnated after spinning the infamous wheel for what world and what cheats he will get. He is also told that his appearence will change into the fictional character he can relate to the most. When he next awoke, he was stunned. Just by a small glance, he saw he was covered in white-grey fur, but he never managed to think any further before hearing someone speak. " Hey, you. You're finally awake"

Michaela_9156 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."

I looked up to see a sight that somewhat surprised me, but I managed to avoid showing said surprise on my face. I had realized where I was after all. It also helped that I had gotten a small influx of memories from my body, which at the very least gave me my new name and what race I was.

As I had suspected, I was situated in a wooden cart that was being pulled by a horse. Around me sat multiple other people, most clad in blue cloth armor with various leather fastenings around. There were also a few clad in rags, myself included. But what we all had in common was the bindings. We were all prisoners.

My attention was once more drawn to the man that spoke earlier once he continued speaking.

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." He spoke while soon shifting his gaze from me to the man at my right that was clad in rags, the same as me.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy.-" The man clad in rags started before I interrupted him.

"It`s not the fault of the stormcloaks that we are where we are now. And you say the empire was nice and lazy? Perhaps, but they are still the dogs of the thalmor."

I spoke, using some of the knowledge I had of the situation so I could make a somewhat good first impression with our resident nords, which clearly worked if their expressions were anything to go by.

"Ah, you speak in our favor lass. Not many does that these days. Name`s Ralof."

"Yeah, being half nord myself, I feel the need to speak up for our home." I replied with a bit of information that I gained.

My answer seemed to have shocked my new companions due to the looks I was given, but Ralof soon continued on.

"Half nord you say? I must say that I am curious as to what your race is. I don`t believe I have seen another like you." I was about to answer, but was interrupted.

"Shut up back there!" Came the command of the soldier that was driving the cart, but was I going to take that laying down? Hell no.

"Oh, go and suck your generals cock!" I snapped back.

It probably wasn`t the smartest to say, but seeing as I was here tied up and headed for where they planned to excecute me for absolutely no reason, I simply couldn`t give two shits. It seemed to brighten my companions mood a bit though, even the gagged Ulfric could be seen having a small smirk on his face.

The guard grabbed his horse whip and sent it in my direction. It hin me on my right ear to which I could feel missing a chunk afterwards. Even though it hurt like shit, but I held it in as to not seem weak. I had an image to uphold after all as the snarky one. Ralof however seemed a bit concerned after seeing what happened.

"You alright there lass? Looked like it hurt that one."

"Yeah, I`m fine, and yeah it hurt like shit, but I`m not letting these guys have the satisfaction of seeing me show it." I replied with a smirk.

"Aye, a brave one you are. I never got a name though." He replied with a chuckle that was mirrored by the other stormcloaks nearby.

"Ah, that`s right. Name`s Loona Wolf-fang." I replied.

I intended to answer what my race was, but I didn`t manage to do so as we started to enter the gates of a town before I could. It wasn`t particularly large, but it seemed larger due to the stone walls surrounding it`s entirety. We heard a soldier call out to the front of the wagons.

"General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!"

"Good. Let's get this over with." Came the voice that, if you played a lot of Skyrim, would simply grate on your eardrums. The unmistakeable voice of general Tullius, one of the biggest pricks in the entire game.

"Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me." Prayed the man next to me.

I couldn`t help but agree with him, knowing what was about to happen, I too started to pray a bit in my heart.

"Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this." Spoke Ralof.

"While I agree that the Thalmor are absolute scum, I have met many elves during my journey`s that helped me with a thing or another. That is the only thing I don`t agree with the nords, the generalization of an entire race due to the actions of a select group." I said in a subdued tone, making the others look over at me.

"Hey, I just mean, look at me. I`m not exactly the most human looking in this form, and if it just had something to do with differences like argonians scales, the khajiit`s fur and tail, or even the elves ears....." I just shook my head.

"It`s the same as if saying that a nord with blonde hair is more correct than one with red hair. Then again, I`m most likely the only one who sees it that way." I just closed my eyes and shook my head in exhasperation.

That was a topic that I often contemplated back in my old life while playing the game. Why was there so much hate between races? I could only come to the conclusion that it was the same as when black people were held as slaves back in the day. To be honest, the thought disgusted me, especially now that I myself had been turned into a completely different race from before.

From the memories that I had received, I had quickly discerned who I had become, and to say I was shocked was an understatement. I had become Loona from the Helluva boss series.

I had a dog-like muzzle, razor sharp teeth and a dark grey nose. My eyes had red sclera with white irises. My fur was white with grey patches on my shoulders. I had large messy white hair that was swept to the left side of my face, covering my left eye partially with my bangs. Lastly, I had a large grey, bushy tail with a white underside.

To be honest, I hadn`t really seen a whole lot of the show, but from what I had seen, it almost fit too perfectly that I had become her. The only downside however, would be the loss of my little brother downstairs. To go from a man to woman like this... I cried internally, and I cried hard.

But it seems that I never get to finish my inner dialogue these days since we soon arrived at our stop.

"Whoa." Came the voice of our driver as he stopped the cart near the chopping block. He wouldn`t get more than two stars from me after that trip. Bastard cut my ear after all.

"Why are they stopping?" Came the voice of my neighbor. To be honest, I had somewhat forgotten about him.

"Why do you think? End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us." Answered Ralof.

"No! Wait! We're not rebels!" Cried out the man again.

"Face your death with some courage, thief." Spoke Ralof.

Under the Imperials' watchful eye, the prisoners start jumping out.

"You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!" Once more the man tried to plead with the soldiers to no avail.

"Step toward the block when we call your name. One at a time!" Came the voice of a woman that clearly was higher in the ranks than our coachman, being dressed in what I could remember as imperial heavy armor.

"Empire loves their damn lists." Ralof spat.

"Agreed. Only thing their good for too." I replied, making him chuckle a bit.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm." Shouted the man holding the list. You could also clearly see that he and Ralof had some history together going by the pure fury present in Ralof`s eyes.

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!" Ralof said as the jarl started to walk away.

"Ralof of Riverwood." "Lokir of Rorikstead." The man spoke out.

"No, I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!" Yelled the man now known as Lokir.

He started to make a break for it.

"Halt!" Yelled the woman from earlier.

"You're not going to kill me!" Yelled Lokir over his shoulder as he ran for his life.

"Archers!" Commanded the woman.

Within moments, several arrows had been let loose, hitting the running man, killing him and ending his escape attempt.

"Anyone else feel like running!?" Asked the woman to the rest of us as she turned back in our direction.

"Wait, you there. Step forward. Who are you?" Called the man with a list towards me.

Before I could do anything, time seemed to freeze everything around me. I looked around, trying to figure out how this phenomenon happened, only to find a blue screen in front of my face. I was excited. My system had activated. I had honestly thought that it would happen back when we were on the road, but to do it at that point. *MWUAH* Chefs kiss. To time it with when you would usually create your character, brrr, chills, literal chills.

I soon came out of my semi-orgasm due to my nerd tendencies and concentrated back on the screen in front of me.

[Welcome host]

[You have been successfully brought to your new life.]

[Due to having reached a certain milestone, you have been given a starter-pack.]

[Would host like to open the starter-pack? Y/N]

`Yes!´ I replied in excitement, to which the screen changed once more.


[Due to opening the starter-pack, you have gained: Inventory function, gacha token x2, 500 septims, complete memories of host`s body.]

[Items has been placed inside your inventory.]

I was stunned. Not that I wasn`t grateful for what I got, it just seemed kinda underwhelming to me. But no matter as I inwardly commanded the inventory to open.

[Inventory: Gacha token x2, 500 septims, complete memory pack (one time use)]

I immediatly chose to get the memories since they would help me immensely. I was, however, thankful that time stood still, what with how much I screamed at the pain I had running through my head at that time. It felt as though my head was split open while I was still awake and my brain was removed piece by piece like that guy in the saw movie had to do.

I did however survive the pain, but it was exhausting as all fuck to remain awake with all the stress I put on my mind, but now at least, I knew who I was, who my family was, and overall whatever else I needed to know. But what I knew now, was that the time had come to face the music, and with just that one thought, time restarted.

"I`ll ask again, who are you?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Health - 100 / 100

Mana - 100 / 100

[Skills / abilities:]

Passive -

Enhanced senses - Greatly enhances hosts senses.

Enhanced strength - Greatly enhances hosts physical strength due to hellhound heritage.

Weaponry - Due to hellhound heritage, host is naturally gifted with sharp nails and teeth. Host`s nails are hard as steel and sharp enough to cut through flesh and muscle tissue. Host`s teeth are sharp enough to bite a regular human`s head off.

Active -

Human shapeshift - Gives host the ability to shift between human and hellhound form. This is an innate ability of the hellhound race. Cost 400 mana upon activation with no other cost for keeping skill active.

Charm - Host is able to charm both men and women into following simple and unsuspicious commands by using the prospect of intercourse into play. Cost 150 mana upon activation with a cost of 10 mana per minute after activation.

Intimidation - Due to the host having sharp nails and teeth combined with crass attitude, host is able to intimidate most people. Cost 100 mana.


Reach first milestone after awakening - Rewards: Starter-pack. Status: Completed.

Escape Helgen - Rewards: ????? Status: Active.


Gacha token x2 - Used in the [Gacha] tab to randomly receive rewards. (Note: Tokens never rolls lower than uncommon)

500 septim - Septims are the local currency in the land of Tamriel.

Complete memory pack - Contains complete memory of host`s body from before assimilation. (CONSUMED)


Roll - 2x FREE ROLL.

Trash - high probability.

Common - high-mid probability.

Uncommon - medium probability.

Rare - high-low probability.

Ultra rare - mid-low probability.

Legendary - low-low probability.

Mythical - nigh probable.


Loona Wolf-fang is the daughter of Kodlak Whitemane, the harbinger of the companions in Whiterun, and Sasha Wildflower from Windhelm.

She was abandoned at a young age due to her mother feeling disgust towards her animalistic appearence. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she went to make a life for herself. She trained in multiple weapons after reaching the age of 10 with whatever she could get her hands on and is proficient in quite a few of them.

After having left Skyrim to train in different enviorenments she returned home, only to met with an ambush by imperial soldiers and brought to Helgen for excecution.

[Familial status:]

Father - Kodlak Whitemane: Alive. Ignorant of the existance of a daughter.

Mother - Sasha Wildflower: Alive. Disgusted by the birth of her daughter.