
The immortal hellhound

A man wakes up in the void after having died in his sleep. Once there, he is told that he will be reincarnated after spinning the infamous wheel for what world and what cheats he will get. He is also told that his appearence will change into the fictional character he can relate to the most. When he next awoke, he was stunned. Just by a small glance, he saw he was covered in white-grey fur, but he never managed to think any further before hearing someone speak. " Hey, you. You're finally awake"

Michaela_9156 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"So you`re telling me, I died?" I asked.

"That is correct. You died in your sleep."

"But why? As far as I knew, I was rather healthy."

"After you fell asleep, a reckless driver rammed straight through your wall, making it collapse and kill the both of you."

I was speechless. I was killed, in my bed, INSIDE my house, by a reckless driver who simply couldn`t be bothered to follow the laws? I wanted to yell bullshit as loud as I could, but I knew that I had to keep it together in front of this being.

"So, what now then? I mean, I died and even if there was the typical fanfiction trope of reincarnation, I doubt I would be sent back. So, what now?" I asked with a resigned tone. I simply didn`t care anymore.

"Ah, so good you asked. Well for starters, you are correct with the assumption that you won`t return to your old world. And as I know you enjoy reading fanfictions and such, I know that you are familiar with these." The person spoke while dramatically snapping his fingers to reveal three wheels. I just couldn`t help but deadpan.

"You want me to.... spin the wheel...?" I asked, and while his figure was obscured due to the light he emitted, I could easily feel the giant grin on his face as he nodded like a hyperactive child.

"Yes indeed. One to decide the world, one to decide a cheat, and one to decide a starting point/background." He explained with what I myself felt were a bit too much enthusiasm.

"So, what can I expect?" I asked. It wouldn`t help me any by not having information. It was the right choice I made by asking if the feeling of satisfaction I could feel emanating from the being was anything to go by.

"Yes, yes indeed. By spinning for a world, you can get anything from My little pony to Warhammer 40k." He spoke, and it scared the shit out of me. Just the thought of ending up in 40k would most likely make anyone in my shoes shit bricks, but I held it as hard I could.

"Then the cheat spin. Like you are familiar with from fanfictions, cheats can be anything really. You want a horse, you get a horse. You want unlimited power, you get unlimited power. That sort of thing. Only now, instead of me simply giving you what you wish for, you have to use your luck to get it." I started to believe I was speaking with Loki the god of mischief, or another god that loved to take the piss on mortals.

"And finally, the starting point/background. This is mostly so that you wont just be thrown into the world with no kind of belonging. This could mean that if you enter the MCU world, you could have been born as the unknown child of Tony Stark and went missing, only to show up at your starting point."

It was rather straight-forward. Spinning those wheels simply meant that I would actually have a certain presence in the world before my arrival. The only downside I could find would be if I spun something like Game of thrones and was immediatly sent to either the wall or death right at the start. Simply said, it all depended on my luck of the draw.

But before I could continue my inner monologue, the being spoke again.

"So, are you ready for this? You only get one shot at this." He asked.

"Are we ever truly ready for anything?" I asked myself, but still loud enough for the being to hear me. I did, however, nod in affirmation of my readyness.

"Splendid!" He exclaimed. "You know the drill, so have at it."

I took what might have been my deepest breath ever before exhaling it. I had to. This was the moment that would define the entirety of my new life, and it was all up to chance. One had to have nerves of fucking tungsten to not shit bricks at the prospect. But still, I steeled my nerves and walked up to the first wheel that symbolized what world I would enter.

I did have a change of heart though after spinning the wheel. I decided that instead of taking it slow, I would simply get it all over with, so I went to the other two wheels and spun them too. It must have come as a surprise to the being if the surprised feeling I got from him was anything to go by, but I simply didn`t care since my entire future was at risk here.

But the wheels spun no matter the surprise of the being or the nervousness I myself felt. They kept spinning, and spinning, and spinning for what felt like forever, but in reality might have only been a few moments. The suspension was just about to kill me, for a second time, but just as I felt like losing my mind, they started to slow down. Slower and slower, until finally stopping. The first to stop was of course the world one, but the other two soon followed.

"Well color me surprised. You actually got one of the better deals I have seen, while still not the best, but you could still live comfortably with this." The being spoke. I could clearly see why he was amazed.

World - Extreme crossover.

Cheat - Semi-gamer system.

Starting point / background - A/N.

"Huh? Why is the last one blank? And what does it mean by semi-gamer system?" I asked while being pretty confused by the results.

"Well, let`s start with the system. It simply means that it will be a gamer system without many of the functions. This includes dungeons and quests. Instead there are achievements you can earn." He said, to which I simply nodded.

"Next is the SP and background. It`s blank since you will gain the memory of the body once you arrive, which will answer whatever questions you would have." Once more I nodded. A thought did strike me though.

"You have mentioned a new body a couple times now, but what do you actually mean by it?" I asked. It would be good to know all I could beforehand so that I wouldn`t mess something up.

"Ah, yes. What that means is that after you leave this place, this void, your entire being, memories, personality and more will be scanned and matched with a person or fictional character that relates to you the most. You could be a slime, Eminem, or heck, you could even become Thor from record of ragnarok. Once again, you will become the same as the person or character that resembles you the most." He told me.

It was a lot to take in. I had just come from being told I had died, to finding out I would enter a new world, getting cheats and now, I would become someone else entirely? Although it would be someone I would relate to, but still, it was a rather large amount of bullshit to go through in one day.

But I was unable to continue my inner ramblings, yet again since the being spoke up.

"Now that all the choices has been made, I believe it is time for you to depart. And remember, it`s your life, live it however you want, for that, is truly free will."

He spoke to me as he started to shine brightly, well, more bright than before. He raised his arms to the sides as he reached the end of his speech and I was blinded. The last thing I heard before going unconcious was simply this:

"Remember, you are your own master."

I couldnt even ask what he meant by that before my brain shut itself down and all went completely black.

The next I knew, I felt myself sit in what would presumeably be a wooden cart. I groggily opened my eyes and went to rub them when I noticed they were bound by rope. I still brought them up and rubbed my eyes, but something caught my attention as I went to put them back down. They were small, smaller than my old hands, and they were covered in fur, white and grey fur with log sharp nails at the end of my fingers.

But I must really have a tendency of being interrupted since I was unable to discern more information before a voice spoke up.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."