
The immortal authors end

The main character fights and collects some shit.

20OneAndOnly06 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Shadow on the hunt

Lucian's mind raced with a frantic urgency as fear gripped him like never before. It was a foreign sensation, one that unsettled him to his core. Even when held at gunpoint by Russian gangsters, he had never felt this level of dread. Fear had always evaded him, but now it devoured him entirely. Perhaps Lucians lack of fear was the reason that Deron had to always rescue him from trouble.

Each step of the approaching shadow sent shivers down Lucian's spine, jolting him out of his thoughts. He couldn't afford to remain standing any longer. His mind raced through countless options, weighing the possibilities of fleeing, fighting, or attempting to reason with this otherworldly creature. Every action and every word were crucial for his survival

As Lucian grappled with his choices, the shadow's silent steps continued, closing in on him. It seemed to feed off his fear, sensing his vulnerability. Time slipped away, and the urgency of the situation intensified.

In a sudden burst of speed, the shadow lunged towards Lucian with a speed that left him little time to react. Lucians incredible instincts kicked in, and he swiftly sidestepped, narrowly evading the shadow's onslaught. Without hesitation, he pivoted on his heels and sprinted towards the safety of the main street. Behind him, the shadow crashed into the brick wall, causing debris to rain down as the wall crumbled under its force.

As Lucian surged forward, he could hear the shadow regaining its composure, its presence ever-persistent.

Lucian knew that he had little to no time before the shadow would attempt another attack, so he ran as fast as his body allowed him to.

Just in front of him he saw the dimly lit streetlamps.

The dimly lit street ahead became his guiding light, drawing him closer with each step. Lucian's heartbeat thundered in his ears, synchronized with his rapid breaths. He strained his senses, acutely aware of every shadow, every flicker of movement around him.

With each stride, Lucian's mind raced, searching for a strategy. He needed an advantage, a way to turn the tide against his enemy. The shadow's relentless pursuit echoed behind him, a constant reminder of the imminent danger he faced.

As Lucian continued his frenzied escape, a strange heat began to emanate from within him, coursing through his veins and muscles like a feverish inferno. The intensity of the sensation sent a shiver down his spine, reminding him of the horrifying scene he had witnessed—the old man consumed by flames.

Aware that this incredible heat was the shadow's doing, Lucian realized he couldn't simply outrun it forever. His body had become a battleground, his life hanging on a thin thread that was about to get cut. Desperation fueled his determination, urging him to find a way to combat this malevolent force that wanted to kill him in the most horrible way possible.

His hand instinctively reached to his waist, where his concealed weapon was, waiting for someone to use it. With a swift motion, he retrieved his custom-crafted gun, a creation born from his own insanity mixed with his genius. Its deceptive appearance as a mere pistol hiding its true nature—a hand cannon capable of decimating walls with a single shot.

Lucian loaded a single, thick bullet into the gun's elongated cylinder-like chamber. Each step he took, every beat of his racing heart, carried the weight of his life on the line. He was uncertain it would do any harm to the strange creature, but in this dire situation, he was prepared to throw caution to the nearest trash can and seize any opportunity for survival.

Lucian knew that he had only one chance, only one bullet. To miss the shot would mean death. He wasn't even sure that it would harm the shadow at all, but in his situation, he was ready to try anything.

The realization dawned upon him: this shot had to count. The stakes were too high. He couldn't afford to miss.

As Lucian pressed on, the weight of his hand-cannon felt reassuringly solid in his grip. His fingers curled around the trigger, their touch poised and steady, aligning with his unwavering determination.

Amidst his desperate sprint toward the main street, time seemed to stretch.




In one fluid motion, Lucian leaped forward, his body rolling and spinning. A swift move brought him to a sudden halt, facing his pursuer head-on. With both hands clenched tightly around the formidable hand-cannon, he poised himself for the deciding moment.

The shadow, caught off guard by Lucian's audacity, momentarily faltered, hesitating in its relentless pursuit. A flicker of uncertainty danced within its smoky form, as if sensing the imminent danger in the barrel of the gun. However, in the blink of an eye, its hesitation dissipated, its shadowy eyes filled with rage, it lunged forward with a ferocity that shattered the sound barrier, unleashing an explosive sound that nearly destroyed Lucian's eardrums.


Lucian's voice echoed in his mind, his resolve materialized in that single word. Time seemed to slow as his finger exerted pressure on the trigger, a second stretching into eternity. The world held its breath, anticipating the outcome of this act.

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