
The Imaginary Clown: Marvel Fanfiction

A young man named Anthony lives with misfortune throughout his life. He was raised with abuse, neglect, and violence. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who never made him feel alone. Some people say he's just a figment of his imagination. A fracture inside the mind that formed through his environment. To cope with all the pain. Whatever they were saying..... But Anthony knew that was not the case at all, he knew very well that someone was living inside of him. He calls himself, Jihn. ----------------------- Stated inside a mental institution for his crimes and considered mentally insane, he planned a bet with his dear friend, Jihn. If he didn’t got out of that damn prison-like place for 3 months, his so-called imaginary friend will blow everything to bits including the civilians. Will the bet between two insane people be continued or will an unprecedented event happen, that would change both of their lives? (This is my first time writing fanfiction. I hope you can help me progress better for tolerable entertainment.) (PS. Although it’s in Marvel Universe, it won’t follow the MCU version. A lot of other elements will be added to have more spice. Mainly from comics and other genres.)

TocinoMasarap · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Baron Zemo

After the rigorous experiments, there's a lot of things you found out. First—

Your face melts with over-exhaustion.

Second, physically changing every part of your body is taxing. After Jihn took control of the body, you became an abomination. A combination of the different people you've met...

And tossed in a ditch. Usually dismembered.

Third, the description of the man or woman you'll be copying should be accurate, from their voice to their respective private parts.

You glared at the clown, "You're really enjoying this, huh."

After using you for his own entertainment, he went back on being 'the voice in your head'. This fucking...

Jihn snickered, "I apologize, mon chèri," his imaginary eyes narrowed, "It was just sooo fun! We should discover what the other cards can do. Hehe."

Creeped out by the clown, "Let me reshape my damn face first... fuck." you calculated that it would take about an hour to regain your beautiful face and body.

The clown silently rolled his eyes at your thoughts.

So there are 22 cards in the Major Arcana, in standard. You got one down, from weird circumstances.

But the thing is, you're not sure if the trigger to the cards would be the same as the time you got the 'The Temperance' card. You just have to believe in your luck... which is pretty dire until now.

"Let's find a job after this," you said.

Jihn shook his head, "Is your brain pourri? Rotten? collect information first before taking any action!"

"Is your brain pourri? Rotten? collect information first before taking any action!" you mocked the clown.


Your right hand slapped your face, seemingly controlled by the mad clown.

"How dareth thee slapeth me?!"




"Bwahahahaha!!" both of you spilled your guts out from laughing.

Jihn, you better watch out, "I didn't know you can do that," you suspiciously asked.

"And I didn't know you can speak Shakespearean," he chuckled, "Also, that's another secret I would never tell you," winking at you.

Soon, I'll unveil all your secrets, "Watch yo back." you replied.

Jihn only smiled at your pitiful state.

After washing up, you went out to the nearest computer shop. The equipment was still pretty old compared to the world you used to live in.

Opening up Google, you typed your full name into the keyboard. Specifically, searching on any news about the famous crime you've been convicted to. With the joy of locking you up in a mental institution for 2 months until....

You got transported here.

No results were found, you sighed with relief. At least you've confirmed that a fresh new start is just around the corner.

But you remembered that you just tortured a man, and evaporated his whole existence into nothing.

Anyways, you moved into searching about the supernatural events here in this world. When you're about to pass out from boredom, Jihn would take the wheel to gain more information.

From both of your findings, you can definitely cross out the MCU.

Your jaw went slack at the articles you've collected. There was an Avengers, emphasizing the word 'was'. With the disappearance of Fantastic 4, you start to think about which universe this is.

Ugh, it's not like I remember all of them.

But the interesting part is there's a new brand of superheroes called Thunderbolts. Now, you definitely knew the dark history of it. On another note, multiple versions of it exist, too.

I mean in one of its version, they were a band...

The knowledge from your previous world posed no use in this place at all.

Countless possibilities are currently being generated in the world of Marvel. Branches of realities are made every second in different timelines.

Don't even count them, it's a lot.

"Fuck me..." you groaned.

Jihn laughed, "Ha! No one's willing to fuck you anyways, mon chéri."

Well, it's not like you can be sexually attracted to anyone, "Aw, I'm offended." you replied, clutching your heart as if you were hurt.

The clown just raised his middle finger, "Au fait, should we be careful of.. y'know."

The numerous threats across this unknown universe? I don't even fucking know anymore.

You dropped your head down low and said," I think we already got enough problems with our situation, my friend," your tone turning solemnly, "But if anyone tries to fuck us up.."

Jihn madly smiled, "How surprising! I thought the same damn thing!"

His words laced with so much sarcasm, he never seems to be afraid of anything.

"But.. I think the existence of the cards," you paused for a bit, "is related to the Marvel Universe."


"Yeah," you replied.

Jihn cocked his eyebrows, "Are you high?"

"Just overwhelmed."

You collected your stuff and got out of the shop, looking for any possible job you can find.

"Let's just start at being a barista," you'll get another job too, soon enough. But this was one of the easiest jobs to attain right now.

The clown grumbled, "This is a stain on my image."

Ignoring his complaint, you went to look for any available cafes.

After a few good minutes of finding the perfect place, you stumble upon the cafe called 'The Daily Grind'. There's a notice of hiring a new barista, plastered on their display window. Perfect.

You made a resume and sent it to their e-mail, hoping to be immediately hired. The money you have isn't getting any higher.

Thank God it's 2008, "Mon chèri, there's this thing called inflation so we're pretty safe for a few weeks."

"Exactly," you replied.

You added, "If anything went sideways, let's just change our face."

The thought of changing your face to the people you've mutilated makes you a bit uncomfortable.


Almost all the people you ever got close to were only them so you don't really have any other choice.

And I meant physically close enough to kill.

"Little Anthony, I'm a little tired so just nudge me if anything exciting happens," the clown bows as he sends his regards.

He probably got bored from the job hunt, especially at visiting cafes.

"I gotta exercise again.." you lamented.

On the way home, you bought food and a pack of cigarettes. After filling your stomach, you popped a lit cigarette to your mouth. Inhaling it to relieve your stress, c'mon, torturing bad people wasn't just the only thing that's keeping you sane.

How ironic, you thought.

Entering the room, you plopped down on the chair and started reading the journal filled with jotted notes of your very own clown.

Why is his writing so damn sophisticated?

Your eyes turned sharper, "Zemo..." oh that manipulative shitbag, "I wish I could watch all that shitshow."

If it's what you think it is, based on the comics, Zemo is definitely behind the Thunderbolts.

After the disappearance of The Avengers and Fantastic 4, he took the opportunity to gain people's trust and become heroes themselves so he could infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D and other agencies.

Of course, that team consists of reformed villains including Songbird, Beetle and... in the future it will be many more.

It was even called the Marvel's version of Suicide Squad at some point.

"I wonder what our encounter would be if the opportunity ever happens," you mischievously smiled.

You used to religiously read the Marvel comics but now you're living in it.

But you knew deep down, you can never be a hero like them.

A killer of killers.

That's what you are, "If it wasn't for the love for torture maybe I'd have the chance." you chuckled at that measly thought.

You closed the journal, and drifted off to sleep.