

A guy who suffers and a girl who lives to fix the broken meet in the un luckiest situation. What could they possible have in store for us. Stick around to find out more.

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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Xiao Min POV

Xiao Min parked his car at a nearby alley and sat on the bench in a small playground to clear his head of the thoughts that were plaguing him. Suddenly, a shadow was cast down on him. He looked up and saw the petite girl that ran from him previously. She stood in front of him with her hands behind her back and a lopsided smile that made her look like a golden retriever. Smirking, he looked up and asked her the deciding question. To his surprise she replied both. Thrilled his plan worked, he stood up and grabbed her hands.

"I'll call off the ban now" He stated and dragged her to the SUV parked in an inconspicuous alley. He quickly sent a text to his secretary to cancel the ban of Ling Fei's family. His glistening bulky biceps flexed as he opened the car door for his new pet, causing her to audibly gulp. His lips pulled into a mischievous grin as he guided her into her seat and fastened her seat belt. His face stopped in front of her porcelain forehead and his warm lips pecked her fair skin. He lightly closed the door and contentedly walked to the driver's seat.