

A guy who suffers and a girl who lives to fix the broken meet in the un luckiest situation. What could they possible have in store for us. Stick around to find out more.

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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Ling Fei's Thrid person POV

Groaning from the gushing pain of a throbbing headache, the pale girl laying on the hospital bed regained consciousness. Scrambled pictures entered her mind as the throbbing slowly became a mild ache. Perplexed by the situation, she began asking a series of questions as she was shocked by the pain and the fact, she was alive.

The blinding white lights and rustling pulled her from her internal interrogation. With caution, she peaked to the left then the right, and noticed she was in a hospital room. Spotting a small hand mirror on the bedside table, she grabbed it hastily and looked at herself, only to drop her jaw and widen her now doe eyes in shocked disbelief. The beige walls began closing in on her as she discovered that she was now in the body of a Chinese teenager. Gone was her bouncy blonde hair, almond eyes, and tan skin. The reflection that looked back at the teenager was an icy pale, hazel doe eyed girl with silky, long brown hair.

The reborn teen snapped back to reality as the sound of chatter and footsteps got closer to her hospital room. She quickly assembled the scrambled pieces of her body's memories in a poor attempt to familiarize herself with everything. Before she had any time to process those memories, a brooding ash black-haired, deep brown-eyed, defined jawline man approached her together with a slightly shorter and plumper man in a doctor's coat. She scooted back as the dangerously handsome man came closer as the warning bells deafened her. With a deep raspy voice, he growled out.

Before the girl had any time to prepare herself mentally, the golden, melanin-dripping skyscraper began questioning her identity. Confused about what was happening and who he was Ling Fei stared at him once more and thought to herself how nice it would be to know the handsome cold man. Ling Fei gathered her courage and asked who the man in front of her was.

His nose scrunched up and he rolled his eyes before he answered. Unexpectedly, the rude man's company was the cause of her hospitalization. Ling Fei furrowed her brows as she became lost in her thoughts. Suddenly a harsh detached voice broke her out of her daydreams.

" Since you are not dead 1.5 million should do."

The corners of Ling Fei's mouth drooped, and she glared fiercely at him in disbelief at his arrogance and cold detached eyes. Disappointed that the first person she met was so disgusting, she tuned out Xiao Min as he continued with his monologue. Ling Fei's attention snapped back to reality as her light blue hospital room door was slammed shut. She sighed in satisfaction that the cold human finally left.

In an attempt to forget Xiao Min's repulsive attitude, Ling Fei turned her attention onto the stubby, beer-belly doctor in front of her.

"Everything looks fine at the moment. You were lucky to be rushed here in time. You got a total of fourteen stitches and have a mild concussion now. Is there any family I can contact for you?" The pudgy man whose name was omitted from his monologue, paused to wait for Ling Fei's response.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she hesitated then grumbled out "No family."

Because of the man who looked like the blown-up version of Mr. Potato's question, Ling Fei nee Elizabeth was forced to recall her current body's situation. She was a nineteen-year-old third-year senior in Shunyi School about to take the college entrance exam in two weeks. Ling Fei groaned as she dreaded the thought of returning to high school and taking a life-altering exam as soon as she arrived in a new body. The white-robed small man's screechy voice raised the haze on her cerebrum and brought her back to the present.

" The bill has been taken care of; you can get discharged now." With those last few words, he exited through the light blue doors of the hospital room.