
The Ignorant Revenger

(I will take suggestions and plot points that are commented for how to progress or improve the rest of the chapters)

Daoistad84jB · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Where Endings and Beginning Meet

<p>Amidst boundless emptiness, a towering youth with raven locks, a sun-kissed complexion tinged with pallidness, limbs elonged, and a paunchy abdomen, his visage marred by remnants of teenage blemishes with dots, laid motionless, as if asleep in an abyss of white.<br/><br/>He gradually stirred from his slumber with a persistent tick echoing within his mind, urging him to wake. As his eyes creaked open, he found himself enveloped by a sterile expanse of paleness, a boundless space stretching as far as one imagined. Through the haze of his grogginess, he saw a hazy silhouette of a man, seated right before him yet seeming distant, his features obscured by the blurriness of his own vision.<br/><br/>"Well, ain't this is an interesting dream?" The teenager stated as he'd slowly ruffle through the pockets of his shorts, pulling out and equipping a pair of glasses.<br/><br/>"I'm afraid this is no dream young one, this is simply a space created for your soul." The man said as the teen cleared a look at him.<br/><br/>The man had ethereal quality, his very form glimmered like the purest gold, while his radiant aura blazed like a star. His skin, from the soles of his feet to his broad shoulders was soft and supple. His hair was shorn from the sides, gathered in a knot atop his head, which was secured in place by a simple yet ornate hairpin that glinted with a dull but captivating lustre.<br/><br/>"Hm so am I dead then?" <br/><br/>"Yes and no, quite in between one may say" A voice came from behind the boy.<br/><br/>The youth pivoted to gaze upon the source of the voice and beheld a figure enveloped in a cloak of deepest azure, the flowing tresses of his alabaster hair cascading down his powerful frame in a wild and unfettered torrent. His beard, a luxurious mane that flowed down his chest, was illuminated by the radiance of his sole, yet resplendent eye.<br/><br/>"Are you quite sure? If I'm not then why am I seeing mythical beings around me?"<br/><br/>"Hm? you still knew of us? Most of your realm had forsaken our existence." The old man said as he joyously laughed.<br/><br/>"Of course I do, what fan of myth wouldn't recognize Odin and The Buddha?"<br/><br/>"Many for none have seen us with their own vision" The Buddha replied.<br/><br/>"You have a point there, so what may be my situation for two deified beings to visit and bring me to a space of my soul?" <br/><br/>"Well you see young man it seems Thanatos had planned to guide your soul through far, too early." A deep voice bellowed across the space, a clinking of metal going through the expanse.<br/><br/>A shiver ran through the boy's back as the words ran through his ears. "Huh…so why am I only in between right now?" <br/><br/>"You see young one it seems what your parents know as the father, the son and holy spirit had forsaken you as your realm had forsaken us." Odin said while grabbing a cooked boar's leg out of thin-air.<br/><br/>"As such we see it fit to give you a chance at life, within a place where there will be a path of your proper send off…" <br/><br/>"And thus we give you a choice, on which world you shall be reincarnated within" The Buddha said as he stared at the boy.<br/><br/>"Soooo…because of god I died somehow? and you three plan to reincarnate me? Can't you just, you know, reverse my death?" He questioned.<br/><br/>Odin shook his head as he responded. "Our influence in your world has all but dwindled, so we can not return your soul there."<br/><br/>"So you're saying, you can't revive me? That I won't be able to see those who were important to me again, nor my parents who I may despise but put all their love and care into raising this bastard of a son of theirs?" As the words spilled forth from the boy's lips their tone grew more and more agitated with each passing moment.<br/><br/>"Sadly that is the case, but do not fret we may put you in a world similar to it, with most of the individuals you know of existing, but without your being within." The Buddha replied with a voice calm and soothing.<br/><br/>A shadow loomed over the head of the boy as he would ask. "In that place will there be a way to kill that abrahamic son of a flea?"<br/><br/>Odin laughed as smiled widely, with a cold tone he responded. "Yes there is and when that happens we'll welcome the bloodbath!" <br/><br/>"Then send me there, now." The boy demanded as he stood up.<br/><br/>"Very well!" All Three Exclaimed with the Buddha and the Norse Allfather raised their palms in unison, their eyes gleamed with a brilliant light that radiated outwards, as if drawing upon the very essence of the universe itself.<br/><br/>When they did so, an innumerable number of eyes and palms appeared behind them, each glowing with two distinct mystical energies that pulsated and shimmered in the space.<br/><br/>And in that moment, the boy felt themselves slowly slipping away, disappearing from the white void and into the boundless mysteries of the cosmos beyond.<br/><br/>"State your Identity one last time!" A voice echoed <br/><br/>The boy looked straight into the eyes and stood as he exclaimed. "I am Zan Ui, the child of the sun and the night, siblings of Z. A bastard of a child who fought with his family with knives and only cared for himself and sometimes the pets. And pan all the way!"<br/><br/>As Zan Ui's soul vanished, it departed this plane entirely, leaving behind only the fading memory of the white space that had once surrounded it.<br/><br/>——————————————————<br/>——————————————————<br/><br/>Zan's eyes fluttered open as he found himself staring up at a radiant woman in a flowing Yukata, her smile gentle and welcoming.<br/><br/>He took in his surroundings, turning his head to the left and right, marvelling at the strange and new world he found himself in. As he looked down at his own tiny, stubby hands, a grim realisation set in. <br/><br/>Yup…he's not just a baby…but a newborn…<br/><br/>"Oh look at that face! Just like how your grandpa looked at your dad!" The woman exclaimed as she pinched the baby Zan's cheek.<br/><br/>"Oh come on hun' don't insult our only son right after you meet him." A man behind her said as he laughed.<br/><br/>"Aww come on Sinui! You gotta admit, he has the same look! especially with that underlying anger that can't be expressed!" She chuckled.<br/><br/>"Ha ha ha…very funny, well let's name the little man, shall we? I'm thinking of Dae, how about you honey?" He smiled.<br/><br/>"Greatness really? Don't want him to have a big ego now do we?" She giggled.<br/><br/>"Well a little confidence doesn't hurt anyone now does it hun'? Plus it's better than what you named our daughter, I mean righteousness seriously?" He snorted<br/><br/>"Hey! Eui is a good name! And she's exactly living up to it!" Exclaimed by the smiling woman.<br/><br/>"Yeah yeah whatever you say Hae-won." <br/><br/>"Hmph! then...how about…Haneul?" <br/><br/>"Hmmmm…of course! he'll reach the highest peaks after all, especially once the system awakens!" Sinui said, slightly chuckling.<br/><br/>As the two conversed, Zan, now Haneul, was furiously wriggling around uncomfortably. Feeling every inch of his infant body as it interacted with the world around him was…intolerable, very intolerable.<br/><br/><br/>As time went on he assimilated to his vessel, he noticed that something was off with his new body, his senses and mind were over stimulated. His eyes caught every detail, hyper focusing on yet dilating to see seemingly everything at once, he even felt his organs from inside of him as they pulsated, contracted and more, while his brain was processed everything continuously faster and faster, and then finally he felt…something…in his body…something obviously very foreign and unknown. <br/><br/>As he slowly understood his new form, he started to glow while his body slowly raised itself above the bed and into the air. <br/><br/>As the couple known as his parents walked into the room he laid in, Hae-won jumped back with a surprised expression while Sin-ui would smile in surprise as they saw the infant.<br/><br/>"Well ain't this a surprise! An awakening after just being born! And with so much mana as well!" Sin-ui exclaimed excitedly <br/><br/>"Goddamnit! Then he'll be a fucking awakener? I definitely thought he'd be a Martial Artist!" Hae-won scowled as she clicked her tongue.<br/><br/>"Yup! Hehe!"<br/><br/>As Haneul glowed, his body involuntarily started to cry out, the glow growing brighter and brighter as a strange energy emanated from his nerves.<br/><br/>The glow slowly started to stop as the infant lost his consciousness, falling back down to the bed.<br/><br/>"Fuck…<br/>We should still have the divine doctor check up on him." Hae-won suggested with a more domineering voice. <br/><br/>"Yeah yeah sure hun'~" Sin-ui replied with a playful snicker.<br/><br/>As the lovers started to…discuss? with each other from behind the door of the room there stood a young girl, her obsidian hair flowed down her back as she listened into the situation. <br/><br/>It was Haneul's sister and the eldest of the family Eui.<br/><br/>"Looks like the wait is over…" She whispered as she breathed a sigh. <br/><br/>"No matter what...I need to make sure that jerk is allied to me before they descend…" Eui remarked as she slowly walked away.<br/><br/>———————————————————<br/>———————————————————<br/><br/>With the break of dawn, the sun gradually ascended into the sky, as it illuminated a mountainous edifice loomed that over the land. The massive structure towered high above, glimmering with obsidian jade-hued glass and walls as pale as ivory. The building exuded an aura of magnificence, as if emitting an energy that transcended reality. It was situated at the edge of the bustling city of Seoul, amidst the bright and vibrant landscape.<br/><br/>At the top floor of said building, the sun shone upon Hae-won and Sin-ui through a wall made from the obsidian glass, in which they watched as a pastel coloured car arrived at the entrance of their colossal home.<br/><br/>The vehicle had a streamlined body that curves smoothly, chrome accents on the grille with large striking headlights and its body was glistened with a metallic and glossy alabaster shine accompanied with large pale wheels.<br/><br/>When the vehicle soon stopped at the gates that towered like the trunk of Yggdrasil, a man then emerged from the rear end of it.<br/><br/>As the man stepped into the light of the sun, his visage revealed a countenance both weathered and unadorned. His hair, a faded grey, cascaded down to his shoulders, meticulously styled to match the purity of his skin. He was dressed in a suit, the jacket of which was a pristine white, fashioned after a hanbok with a prominent azure button securing it around his chest. The ivory embroidery of a dragon lay on his shoulders while a crimson phoenix and a viridescent crane, locked in battle yet entwined in each other's embrace, adorned the back.<br/><br/>The man looked upon the mountain sized building, tilting his head upwards to meet the eyes of the Matriarch of this home he would put on a wide grin.<br/><br/>He took a step forward as the colossal gates slowly opened with a thundering creek that shook the ground he was standing on, keeping his smile bright as he'd continue inside of the sky piercing building.<br/><br/>As the man walked through the building Haneul soon started to open his eyes, as he fully widened them a cyan glow would illuminate in front of him. <br/><br/>As his consciousness would slowly set in he would fully take in the light in front of him, it was an incandescent box with luminescent outlines and coruscating letters glowing in the visage of the status screen in video games.<br/><br/>'So it's gonna be one of those stories…' he thought as he looked at the screen.<br/><br/>———————————————————<br/>Name: Haneul Seungcheon <br/>Age: 1 day <br/>———————————————————<br/> Level: 1<br/> Exp: 0/50<br/> Power: 75<br/> Agility: 75<br/> Endurance: 75<br/> Intel: 65<br/> Mana: 125/125<br/><br/> Status:<br/><br/> Skills:<br/> Auto Synth - Combining automatically skills, attacks, and all other potential variables that could be used or could combine.<br/> Prominent Sub-Skill: 2<br/> Hyper-Analysation - Increasing the sensory capability to analyse the user and their surroundings to assist the Auto Synth skill to safely control and make combinations.<br/> Accelerated Thought - Increasing the nerve impulses of the user to heighten the speed of thought of the mind of the user, the speed increases by triple Hyper-Analysation Sub-Skill and can increase further by directing mana to the nervous system.<br/><br/> Mana Heart - A Mana Heart without a second name being truer than all, caused by a special nerve organ that constantly naturally supplies and aids in control of Mana and magical spells, abilities and skills. It allows an easier understanding of anything related to mana, from making magic circles to learning spells.<br/> Prominent Sub-Skill: 3 <br/> Passive Magic Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Magical Origins like Elemental, Draconic and Ancient. <br/> Passive Archaic Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Archaic Origins like Demonic, Dark and Chaos.<br/> Passive Celestial Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Otherworldly Origins like Heavenly, Light and Order.<br/>———————————————————<br/><br/>'Hm I think this is a good starting point in these genres right? Also having two skills at birth huh? Well looks like I won't need to work too much for my revenge… perfect!' He exclaimed in his mind with a wide smile on his face, as he relaxed his spine on the bed.<br/><br/>As Haneul thought to himself he'd hear the ding and the opening of an elevator, he turned his eyes to his side as he saw a man in a hanbok style suit would soon enter his new abode.<br/><br/>"Thank you for coming so quickly, Divine Doctor." Hae-won remarked at the man as she bowed to him.<br/><br/>"Well why wouldn't I quickly come when the Seungcheon family called for me ho!ho!ho!" The Divine Doctor responded with a bellowing laugh.<br/><br/>"In anycase just check Haneul and definitely prove that he'll be my successor." Sin-ui said with a confident tone as he smirked.<br/><br/>"Right right" The doctor responded with an amused tone of voice. <br/><br/>"Let us proceed." The Divine Doctor said while jauntily walking to the bed where Haneul laid.<br/><br/>Haneul looked up at The Divine Doctor as he thought to himself. 'Hmm…a white haired old man wearing that kind of outfit? And that woman that is this body's mom bowed to him?...if this was a Murim story he'd be like a divine demon right?'<br/><br/>Haneul pondered as the Divine Doctor would observe the body of the infant, the doctor smirked as he put both of his index fingers onto Haneul's stomach and forehead respectively as closed his eyes.<br/><br/>As the doctor does so, Haneul suddenly felt another foreign energy inside of him tunnelling through his body, the uncomfortability he felt from the enigmatic energy he sensed earlier came back even stronger as both esoteric energies collided with each other.<br/><br/>As the two essences interacted with each other, the one brought by the doctor pierced through the original foreign energy and surged through the infant's whole body.<br/><br/>The Divine Doctor opened his eyes wide and took several steps back as a bright smile slowly appeared on his expression, the energy retracting from Haneul's body as the doctor's fingers left his skin.<br/><br/>"Ohohoho, quite exquisite, truly incredible!" The Divine Doctor exclaimed, laughing loudly as if manic.<br/><br/>"How is he…doc?" Hae-won would ask with an expectant face.<br/><br/>"Oh Great Heavenly Empress! Matriarch of the Seungcheon Clan! To have two family members that have such a heavenly constitution! And to have one already have such internal energy! Ohoho!" The Divine Doctor exclaimed, as he laughed wildly and loudly.<br/><br/>"Wait wait, how's that possible? He is an awakener...I mean it was unlikely but he already awakened! It shouldn't be possible for him to have high potential as a Martial Artist, even if he was a hybrid!" Sin-ui questioningly exclaimed with a surprised look.<br/><br/>"There's only one meaning to this good sir Monarch…He is the first and only perfect combination of our two worlds!" The Divine Doctor said as he frantically guffawed.<br/><br/>Haneul would look at the bewildered parents and the laughing man. 'Wait...so this world is a combination of Murim and Hunters, Huh...since that old man called this body's mother with usually impressive titles…then they must be really important, not just rich...right? Man...this revenge is gonna be easier than I thought!" Haneul thought as he chuckled in his mind.<br/><br/>As he laughed a message box would pop up in the air in front of him, shining onto his eyes he would read…<br/><br/>–———————————————————<br/>The Old One-Eyed Wise Ruler of War would be laughing joyously.<br/>–———————————————————<br/><br/>–——————————————————— <br/>The Ruler of The Realm of The Dead would smirk widely.<br/>———————————————————<br/><br/>———————————————————<br/>———————————————————<br/><br/>5 years later….<br/><br/>As the light of the sun shined through black tinted windows illuminating a young girl as she fixed up her school uniform, while she adjusted the bow of the outfit her arms would glisten exasperatingly in its muscular structure.<br/><br/>As she finished the bow up she started to stretch her body, breathing slowly in and out as she bent her muscles thoroughly. <br/><br/>She took a deep breath as she fixed her posture, gulping down her throat she soon slowly walked out of her room. As she walked through the halls of her home she soon found and approached her little brother as he rested on their sofa.<br/><br/>He'd snored loudly as he laid upside down on their couch with his head hanging off the edge as their TV played videos known as the Ark The Survival Stories. <br/><br/>'Is this guy really…him?...I didn't know he'd change so much with me just changing the way I act…' Eui thought as she sighed exhaustedly, she'd kick his chin as it dangled off the couch from his head.<br/><br/>"Uwaah! Ow!" He shouted as his eyes bursted open awake as he fell off the couch face first.<br/><br/>"What was that for noona!? I was just resting!" He exclaimed as he sat up on the floor.<br/><br/>"Stop being a slob younger brother, don't you remember this is your first day of school?"<br/><br/>"Aw c'mon! I don't want to go to school! especially middle school!" Haneul shouted while he complained inwardly. 'I've already been through it until high school…No way am I going back!'<br/><br/>"Well you passed the test so you have to." She tiredly retorted.<br/><br/>"Hey! YOU guys tricked me! Who would make a 5 year old take a test for 2ND GRADERS! What's next gonna make me do one for highschool!?" <br/><br/>Eui sighed as she then kicked him up the stomach to make him stand.<br/><br/>"Ow! Fuck!" Haneul exclaimed as he hunched over and held his stomach.<br/><br/>"Just go change and prepare." Eui said as she sighed and walked off, soon entering the elevator and with a ding riding it down.<br/><br/>"God Noona...why are you so violent all the time, huh?" He asked as she left while he slowly walked to the bathroom.<br/><br/>As he slowly bathed he checked his status window.<br/><br/>———————————————————<br/>Name: Haneul Seungcheon <br/>Age: 5 years <br/>———————————————————<br/> Level: 1<br/> Exp: 0/50<br/> Power: 75<br/> Agility: 75<br/> Endurance: 75<br/> Intel: 65<br/> Mana: 125/125<br/><br/> Status:<br/><br/> Skills:<br/> Auto Synth - Combining automatically skills, attacks, and all other potential variables that could be used or could combine.<br/> Prominent Sub-Skill: 2<br/> Hyper-Analysation - Increasing the sensory capability to analyse the user and their surroundings to assist the Auto Synth skill to safely control and make combinations.<br/> Accelerated Thought - Increasing the nerve impulses of the user to heighten the speed of thought of the mind of the user, the speed increases by triple Hyper-Analysation Sub-Skill and can increase further by directing mana to the nervous system.<br/><br/> Mana Heart - A Mana Heart without a second name being truer than all, caused by a special nerve organ that constantly naturally supplies and aids in control of Mana and magical spells, abilities and skills. It allows an easier understanding of anything related to mana, from making magic circles to learning spells.<br/> Prominent Sub-Skill: 3 <br/> Passive Magic Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Magical Origins like Elemental, Draconic and Ancient. <br/> Passive Archaic Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Archaic Origins like Demonic, Dark and Chaos.<br/> Passive Celestial Resistance - Resistant to Spells, Abilities and Skills of Otherworldly Origins like Heavenly, Light and Order.<br/>———————————————————<br/><br/>Haneul sighs as he thinks. "So this will be the day that'll start the development of the awakener stuff huh? Well it isn't like I need to do much once I start levelling in those dungeons or gate things and with the system this will be pretty much smooth sailing" he said as he smirked.<br/><br/>As he finished bathing he got out of the bath and went into his room and started to put on his school clothing which lay on his bed, as he puts them kn he grabbed his phone and called from it. "Gregory, did the donation go through this month as well?"<br/><br/>"Yes yes..young master…and as always we made sure that the Matriarch and Master will not notice anything." A voice from the phone responded.<br/><br/>"Good job Greg…I'll make sure your kids get a great scholarship." Haneul replied as he smirked.<br/><br/>"Why, thank you young master." The voice said in monotone.<br/><br/>"Just make sure you keep on the good work, see you later." Haneul said as he hung up.<br/><br/>When he finished dressing up, he'd grab his bag as he started to walk out of the room, walking into the elevator and starting to go down the building.<br/><br/>As he travelled down the structure he eventually arrived at the lowest floor, stepping out, he tilted his straight as he saw his sister leaning against a black beetle vehicle.<br/><br/>Haneul approached the vehicle with a sigh while he waved at Eui as she waited by the car.<br/><br/>"Took you long enough, would you stop calling the servants while dressing? I mean you don't even hide who you're talking to well." Eui said as she snickered. <br/><br/>"Yeah yeah let's just go….I'll blame you if I get bullied." Haneul remarked as he stepped in the car.<br/><br/>"Yeah, yeah…who would ever bully you?" She replied as she followed him in, the car starting its engine as they entered the vehicle.<br/><br/>Haneul leaned on the wall of the car as he looked out from the dark tinted window, he'd observed the outside world.<br/><br/>The engine of the beetle growled as the vehicle started to move, the gates opening with a roar as the vehicle drove past them.<br/><br/>Haneul hummed as they were driven to their destination while Eui looked out the window as she sat comfortably on her seat, she gazed out as the vehicle passed through the road her eyes would intently stare until she noticed something.<br/><br/>She saw a fight between two tall yet lean individuals carrying European weaponry and one short pale young boy, with pure black hair and eyes.<br/><br/>The young boy would have bruises all over his body, his doll-like skin brittled black, purple and red as he laid on the ground with blood running down his nose breathing heavily.<br/><br/>"Stop the car" Eui ordered their chauffeur, with a nod from them the beetle would halt, quickly she got out of the car and Haneul sighed as he followed her. <br/><br/>As she stepped out, she'd looked at the young boy and the two others. She breathed deeply and fixed her posture then suddenly sprinted and….sent a flying kick on the noggin of the bigger of the two attackers.<br/><br/>"What do you think you two are doing!? Two professionals versus one newbie! Ridiculous!" She exclaimed, roaring at them while Haneul just watched on the sidelines and took a look at the young boy. <br/><br/>Observing their body, his eyes dilated widely as he took a peek at them. He was not much in terms of Mana but his physical structure was…well let's just say it was similar to his own.<br/><br/>"Hm he'll have talent once he levels up eh? His muscular features are well above level 3 even though sister screamed he was just a newbie. But his mana is meh, so most good skills are…off..." Haneul commented as he would keep observing the boy.<br/><br/>As Haneul examined the boy with eyes full of fascination his sister finished beating the two thug awakeners, the two had bruises all over their body as their structure twisted wildly and strangely and blood rushed down their mouth and noise. <br/><br/>She breathed out like a sigh as she dropped the smaller of the two's head she held, as they hit the ground with a thud she turned to the young boy.<br/><br/>She shook her hand profusely to make the blood on her fists fly away and started to walk towards them.<br/><br/>"Why hello there! you're new in town right?" She asked while stretching her arm out at the young man to give them a hand.<br/><br/>The young man takes the hand, standing up. "Thank you and yes I am..." He responded with a grough tone.<br/><br/>"No problem, what's your name, boy?" Eui asked as she smiled at him.<br/><br/>"I am...my name is Shin Kim, how about you?" He asked the girl that had saved him.<br/><br/>"Ahem, my name is Eui-" As she started to respond, Haneul suddenly jumped towards the two and hit his sister on the stomach with his elbow.<br/><br/>"Hey Noona! so this is where you have been! You know we need to go to school quickly! And oh did you make a friend?" Haneul asked in a child-like manner.<br/><br/>"What the hell—" She tried to speak but Haneul just started dragging her away. <br/><br/>"In any case we'll have to go now hyung! See you next around!" He exclaimed while he ran back into the car.<br/><br/>"Uh...well bye—" Shin responded with an awkward laugh.<br/><br/>Haneul quickly threw Eui in the car and jumped in as he shouted. "Go! NOW!" <br/><br/>"Right sir!" The driver responded as he jumped at the thud of Eui landing in the back seat, he quickly started driving. <br/><br/>"Fuck little bro…what was that for!" Eui exclaimed as she rubbed her stomach while starting to sit up.<br/><br/>"You know the rule, no revealing our surname until we're professionals." Haneul said with a laconic tone.<br/><br/>"Right, the slob is gonna lecture me…I mean in any case we'll definitely meet him in the pros anyway, You would know that more than anyone." Eui commented as she sighed while fixing her posture as the car drove quickly.<br/><br/>"I'm still 5, my analysis isn't as good as mom's, and so what? Doesn't mean there's gonna be an exception just because of that." Haneul said as he cracked his neck and leaned on the door once more.<br/><br/>"Yeah sure…." Eui responded sarcastically as she sighed as she thought to herself. 'At least we were able to get acquainted early, I guess I'll just become his benefactor later on.'<br/><br/>As the obsidian beetle soon arrived at the gates of the school the vehicle would stop at the front of it. "We're here young master and young lady."<br/><br/>As the vehicle stopped, Haneul and Eui left the car with Eui sighing loudly. "Make sure not to do anything, you'll embarrass me too if you do."<br/><br/>"Right right, I'll just make sure they don't go to the infirmary." He responded as he started to walk through the gates.<br/><br/>Eui would sigh once more as she walked to the building which her class was in. "His attitude alone should make it fine…<br/>Well it's time to find the captain..."</p>