
Chapter-9 (Farewell and First maturation )

In safe house---


" So you are flix and flor," Corvo said with a smile as two phoenixes were happily chewing fruits and veggies that Corvo have given.

Some minutes back-----

Corvo was unconscious on the ground with Will but was transported as Flix and Flor used [apparition] and they return home.

Corvo wakes up as he felt too hot due to [Phoenix Apparition] and drinks some water as he was too thirsty after the duel.

Now, -----------------------------

Corvo massages them as a reward for their service waves his wand and bowel of water appears so they can drink to their heart.

' Phoenix is pure vegetarian and loves berries and juice ' He thought their next reward.

" You both did great work for bringing me back thanks " He continued to spoil both and praise them for their effort so they continue to be obedient and loyal.

" So what next..." He said with confusion.

" For the memory, I had seen he had done much great stuff new rule and treaty for nonhumans like vamps, wolf's kind, and many laws for next-generation plus he was not racist a perfect example of legend " Corvo stated as he had seen his memory and his glory.

" Just like him...I should start influencing others the current minister of magic is shi* a scumbag cling to power nothing else " Corvo further stated reading the record Will had collected and analyze half ways.


" I am hungry " He went to the kitchen fridge open automatically and takes out eggs, vegetables and rice.

Breaking the egg for omelets, steaming water for rice in a vessel and roasting veggies for dinner at it was dark/night out.

" Magic is convenient..ha haha shi* have to bury him " He was cooking food with magic which was quite fun and goes to wash hands but remember that he had forgotten to bury will due to trivial matter.

" How can I " Rushing to the coffin where Will's body was in Corvo was too worried he tries to hold it but was too heavy for him alone.

The coffin starts to levitate as Corvo starts walking toward the graveyard to bury.

" So time to dig " He takes out a spade and began digging.

After digging some meter deep in the ground he sits and the coffin goes in covering the coffin with the soil he waves his wand.

He writes the name and date of Will on a stone tablet and places it.

" I don't have much to say, mentor.....had seen your life both from Glory till tragic...."

" You were the man of your words...but broke many heart and life just for....*huff doesn't want to sound like a complaining bitc* but *deep breath you had many good choices and opportunity but no...hope you achieve peace bye, " He said what he felt as Will was a spoil, presumptuous and arrogant person till his 20's.

But was changed when his mother died and began a revolution as his mother was killed by no another than a death eater and a dark lord.

Corvo left the burial as he was feeling the sentimental as he had seen and felt how Will would have felt at that moment.

" Dam this ritual..." He said with anger as it was frustrating to feel other pain and seeing them suffer while you are powerless just watching it. "It's rainy outside "

It wasn't able to rain inside due to barriers holding all physical things out.

" So I am next....." He mutters under his breath walk calmly toward Jupiter(Nickname of his house) looking up.

He opens the gate and goes to wash his face off after finishing cleaning he went to the dinner table and sits on it, not on a chair.

Start eating he was physically there but mentally somewhere else thinking about something else.

Finishing off the meals and doing dishes he left the house to find Lily as it been 1:00 Am he goes to the nonactive volcano and wait for her but she didn't come.

Feeling sleepy and tired he lies down and looks at the sky twinkling star and shooting star noticed some constellations and closing off the eyes as today there were many shocks he had felt and taken.

" When people get hurt and feel powerless, they learn pain and hate.

And when they hurt others they are the one who becomes hated, filled with guilt and regrets.

But knowing it all helps them to be kind to each other irrespective of race and all.

These small things allow them to grow.....And how you will grow will depend completely on oneself

and the choice you made "

Might edit the previous chapter just to make it more readable..........


Hate_Lolicreators' thoughts