
The hymn of vivshi

to be born into a world absent of freedom. Vivshi Viltrano witnesses the world’s horrid truth. stricken of his freedom, the powers of liberation flow forth and ascend him to another plane. In the world, Aeons represents different human state of mind forms, giving life to humans with those with the best affinity. 12 Aeons exist in the world but the day Vivshi is activated, the world goes out of balance. Some strive to end him, others befriend him. To continuously strive for his freedom and the freedom of others, he slowly pieces together a picture of what true liberty is like.

HotAsianBoy · Fantaisie
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79 Chs


Authors note here. I think this volume is gonna end around 30 chapters in. After that, you guys are gonna read about the city of Nautilus where Vivshi helps Marlowlia with her sister Fiviana. I think am gonna take a break in between those volumes tho.

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