
The Husband Dominates After Divorce

Dzazmie_D_Fountain · Urbain
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Everyone there turned their eyes towards Charles as soon as he finished speaking.

They did not think that he would easily ask that they search his bag.

Did he really take the jewelry?

No one could tell but simply wait in curiosity.

"What if you have hidden it? I don't believe you one bit, you this miserable cleaner!" Elizabeth screamed in disagreement.

"What if you did not keep it in your bag? What if you have already given it to someone to keep for you?"

"I didn't take your jewelry, Elizabeth Wilson! How can you call me a thief only after being divorced for one day?!" Charles retorted in defense.

Immediately after he had signed the papers, Elizabeth had packed her bags and left with them, promising to send a copy of the notarized agreement.

Why was she suddenly so heartless after only one day?

Meanwhile, the people around them started to whisper amongst each other.

"Divorced? Were they married?"

"I guess so. The man said they've been divorced only one day, right?"

"Right. How can she hold onto another man so quickly?"

"It's good that he divorced her! She's a vixen! How are we even sure that she's not only lying to tarnish his image?"

Elizabeth heard the people's words and felt embarrassed. She held onto Raymond tightly and buried her head in his chest.

At that moment, Mr. Smith was already at his limits. He turned to one of the cleaners there and asked for Charles' bag to be brought.

As everyone anticipated what would happen once the bag was brought, a well-dressed middle-aged woman walked out of the elevator in the company of a man.

The man and the woman were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Elizabeth's parents and Charles' ex-parents-in-law.

Immediately Charles saw them, his tensed shoulders eased a little.

Even if they did not like him, he hoped that with Annabelle's presence, at least, a proper investigation would be carried out.

Not that he expected the Wilsons to believe his side of the story since they never liked him from the onset, but as a family that had ranked among the top fifty in Coastline city, he thought that they would be reluctant to throw their hard-earned reputation in the mud and quickly help him.

"What is going on here? Why is everyone gathered here like this?" Annabelle Wilson's voice boomed through the corridor and everybody hurried in turn to greet her.

The woman nodded in response before dropping her eyes on her daughter.

"Elizabeth, what happened?"

Charles started, hoping to explain what was happening. "Mum, this is nothing to wor—"

Before Charles could finish speaking, Annabelle turned to him. "I was talking to my daughter," she declared coldly.

Charles was instantly taken aback by the woman's familiar tone. Although he was caught off guard, he was not completely surprised.

In the past, when Annabelle had spoken to him, she had spoken in a harsh and cold tone.

But now, her voice was even colder and more distant than usual that he almost did not recognize it.

Still, he kept quiet and allowed Elizabeth to respond.

"Mum, this thief here stole the jewelry Bryon brought for our engagement party next week!" Elizabeth declared, running towards her mother as tears started streaming down her face.

Annabelle wrapped her arms around her daughter as her eyes narrowed on Charles.

"How dare he touch your jewelry?! Is he out of his mind?"

Mr. Wilson yelled and hit his cane on the ground.

Everyone quickly took a step back in fear that the old man would wipe them.

He turned to Charles. "Where is my daughter's jewelry, you thief? How dare you steal from her?"

Charles looked at the old man, confusion written on his face.

'Isn't this Andrew Wilson, my father-in-law that never raised his voice at me?'

"Dad! How can you believe that I am a thief without any evidence to prove it?" Charles blurted out in confusion and frustration.

"Spare me the crap, you liar! Haven't you already stolen enough from us? How can you still steal from our daughter?" Annabelle chastised angrily.

Charles' hope faded slowly at the sudden glare of reality in his face.

How could he have forgotten that the Wilsons would never regard him as a son?

He gritted his teeth. "Mum, dad! You've known me for two years. I've been a good son-in-law. Why do you now think of me as a thief when I've never stolen anything from you?!"

Charles did not think that he could keep quiet any more and allow his parents-in-law to insult him.

He stood his ground, despite the doubtful eyes on him and declared, "I am innocent! I did not steal anything from your daughter's room!"

Just then, the person who had gone to retrieve Charles' bag ran into the lobby.

"I found it! I found the jewelry!" Robin screamed, while waving a fistful of jewelry for everyone to see.


A series of loud gasps filled the floor as everyone saw the jewelry.

"Indeed, he had stolen them!"

Charles' pupils constricted slowly as Robin stopped in front of him, panting for air.

"I… I found the money in his locker! He hid it inside an unsuspecting handkerchief!" Robin revealed as his breathing stabilized.

Charles could not believe it. His eyes traveled around the room before finally stopping on Elizabeth's face.

Even though there were tears rolling down her cheeks, she was wearing a huge grin.

Right at that moment, Charles knew that he had been framed! Not by anyone, but by her! His ex-wife!

"How could you?!"

Charles looked at Mr. Smith's, acknowledging the disappointment on his usual kind face.

He wanted to explain that he did not steal the jewelry and that this was all a huge mistake, but he couldn't!

The handkerchief in Robin's hand was his!

No one would believe him!

Yet, he continued to shake his head, saying, "I didn't steal the jewelry, Mr. Smith! You have to believe me, I didn't take it! This is all a misunderstanding! A big setup!"


Andrew slammed his palm against Charles' cheek. "Shut up, you ungrateful thief! After everything we have done for you, this is how you repay us?!"

Charles staggered and held his cheek. The stinging sensation was painful and almost unbearable.



Another slap from an enraged Andrew landed on Charles' face.

"Don't you dare call me that! I am not your father! I can never be a father-in-law to a shameless thief!"

This time, Charles didn't expect the slap and he hit the cold floor before he could even react.

"Ungrateful bastard! It is good that our daughter divorced you! You're nothing but a useless piece of trash!" Annabelle screamed and kicked Charles on his stomach.

Raymond, who had been watching with a satisfied smile, called out to the manager.

"Mr. Smith, call security! I want this thief fired and arrested immediately!" He ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Bryon!" Mr. Smith nodded quickly. He cast one disdainful look at Charles and pulled out his phone.

'Who would have thought that Charles was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing?'

"Security, come to the VIP floor now!" Mr. Smith yelled into the phone before ending the call and dialing another number.

"Is this the police? Yes, please come to Highlife Hotel now! We have just caught a thief!"