

No one had ever thought that zombies would be the ones responsible for the end of the world. It wasn't how they had imagined the world to end. The world had turned to ruins just because of one person. Everyone was fighting for their lives. It was either you fought or you died. Morals had died as no one was there to uphold the law. Ophelia was still locked up in the room with four walks and no window. Every day she thought about how she was going to escape but couldn't remember those thoughts the next day. It was as if she was in a simulation and she had reached a point where she didn't know if it was real or not. She had no idea what was going out there in the world. The world that she longed to see so much. She didn't know that they had destroyed it. What was she? Riley had already lost hope of finding her sister because if she was alive then she would have flu d her already. As they packed their things from the camp they all hoped that they were going to find shelter. They had a heard a government facility that was working on a cure maybe that was the only way for them. They had no idea what was in store for them. Were they going to survive or were they just going to be like the other people who had gone to search for the cure and were turned into lab rats? The big question is was this all real or were they just in a simulation?

zigginah · Fantaisie
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22 Chs



Ophelia squinted her eyes as she adjusted to the light. The bandage on her hand reminded her what had happened the previous day.

She remembered the conversation that she had heard but hadn't dared to ask about.

What project was she part of?

She sat upright on her bed as she stretched. It was all like it was all before. Void of any life apart from her. No door no window how did she even breathe?

She touched her bald head and wondered if she had always been like that.

She heard footsteps and a sound as a cube opened to reveal a door and one of the guards entered with a tray in his hands.

He placed the tray on the floor and stood there and she wondered what it was all about.

She took the tray and there were pills and a glass of water. She took them and after she was done the guard left.

She could feel her head getting heavy and she wondered if maybe it was because of the pills that she had taken.

Maybe if she lay down for a little bit then she would feel nice she thought as she lay down.

As the doctor stood up to watch what was going on in Ophelia's room the other doctors wondered what this was all about.

Their research wasn't going anywhere and they were still fixated on seeing what Ophelia's brain would do as if they already didn't know that it was an amazing piece of work.

"If I may ask, what are the pills for ?", Dr. Ruffal the head of the department asked her.

"The pills have all the microbes that if attacked by them wouldn't be able to survive them ", Amelia said as she smiled.

" Are you crazy ? ", doctor Ruffal asked her.

"Why, don't you think it's an amazing idea ?", she asked him as she took a seat and started looking at Ophelia's vitals to see how they were reacting to the medicine.

"What if you kill her ?", Dr. Ruffal asked.

"She can't die if she was to die she would be already dead with all the experiments I have done on her ", she said as she bit an apple.

"What do you want to achieve with this if may ask ? ", Dr. Ruffal asked her.

" If she survives this then we will have to take a different approach to this project. It will mean that we have to do it the wrong way all along ", she said.

Ophelia opened her eyes and couldn't recognize where she was. She could feel bones tearing in her body and yet as she looked at herself she was fine.

The pain she was going through was something that she had never experienced before.

What was going on with her body?

She was trapped inside a room but either way, she turned she could see herself. She moved closer as she tried to observe her body.

Her hands were scrawny as if she hadn't been eating a thing. Her blonde hair which could barely be seen was short.

Her blue eyes were the only beautiful thing about her face, her nose was too small and her lips too high for her nose.

She moved her head from side to side to see if all she was seeing was true or if maybe she was having a hallucination.

She moved back and spun around. She laughed and the image of herself in the mirror got funnier and funnier and she couldn't stop laughing.

She could hear music but she wasn't sure where it was coming from. Maybe it was in her head.

She tilted her head to the side as she started making small movements matching the rhythm of the music.

Her legs left the flow as she lifted her hands. She moved so skilfully that she was amazed she even had it in her.

The music took over all her senses and she was immersed in it. Everything around her seemed to disappear and she was the only thing.

She danced and could feel like it was feeling her soul with energy.

Maybe she had been a dancer in her old life, a ballerina to be exact.

"Wow ", said the doctor as he looked at the ehvitaltal signs.

"What is it ?", Dr. Ruffal asked her.

"Her body is incredible, it's like I just didn't infect her with two different viruses. Her immunity is impeccable ", she said.

" So what does that mean for us ? ", Dr. Ruffal asked her as he sat down next to her as looked at the screen reading Ophelia's vitals.

" It means that maybe we should move to the next step ", she said.

" But isn't it dangerous what if she doesn't survive it, it's too risky we said we could only do it if other things didn't work out ", Dr. Ruffal said?." Yes I know what we said but what if this is the only choice that we have, have you thought about that? What about your family is this the world you want them to live in ? ", she asked him.

She knew what buttons to press to get someone to do what she wanted. She knew that he would always put his family first.

He couldn't risk the life of his family just because of one girl.

"Don't pull that card on me Amelia ", he said as he stood up and started pacing around the room.

"What card, don't you want your kids to live without fear? When was the last time they went out huh? I can't remember when I even went out for drinks with friends ", she said as she stood up and went over to where he was.

There was nothing he could ever do to have the upper hand when it came to her. It always felt like she knew what she was doing and what to do and he was just a puppet to her.

He loved to be her puppet though, who wouldn't?

"I wanna go out with you on a date and dance without being scared of what will happen next if something goes wrong don't you want that ?", she asked in a low voice as her hand caressed his beard.

Her eyes met with his and he was lost in them. She had this aura about her that made her irresistible.

"Of course, I want that ", he said as his hand tucked a strand of hair that was on her face behind her ear.

"Then why don't you want me to do this, just sway the board to make them agree okay ", she said and her lips met with his.

She didn't wait for an answer because she already knew the answer.

He would make sure she got the approval.