
it awaken

Welcome"' to CHAPTER 1

Ahhh"_" uwahhhh so sleepy,##*##*#=¢

Um?what sound was that.airplane just explosion on twin tower

'this is stay dream or should I slap my self to wake up.he self("wake up change the future!!!3x")

Teacher'hey wake up Kazuki I just told you to not sleep in my class"the class mate just laught(bhahahahhha)

Kazuki"did I just dream are weird think or I just need rest"

He go to teacher Tiana for take rest in student bed for commen people,the dream come back.(shoot sound)#*"#:+##,(?)"Kazuki are you ok we need to go to airplane before I collapse if not humanity we'll lose it machine to sent messages to your past it sussesful 1% because it have to pay the brains for sent I pray for you".

Kazuki wake like scared face and his eyes look dead"what just happened I need to go home to see my mother and little sister"(system)tink new mission has been add first hunter has been applied "welcome back player kazuki"

Kazuki look curious on system that he dream it same like the begin of awake hunter all over the country.