
Karttikeya (1)

Karttikeya was furious to hear the boy's word "amorphous" in front of him, that word brought back memories and they were not exactly good.

"You dare to call the great Karttikeya amorphous! Kneel down if you don't want your soul to be destroyed," Karttikeya roared.

"Pffft, Haha... Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA" Sahazel laughed like a madman.

Karttikeya frowned when he saw that the inferior human was not afraid of him and laughed at him.

"I will give you one last chance, give me 10 years of your life force, kneel down and shout "Karttikeya is the most handsome and powerful god" and then maybe I will forgive you".

Sahazel stopped laughing and gave Karttikeya a surprised look.

"Are you serious?" he asked incredulously.

"Of course, the great Karttikeya never lies" Karttikeya adopted a proud expression when he saw the incredulous face of the insect, six proud faces rather.

"The great Karttikeya never lies..." Sahazel adopted a thoughtful look.

"That's right, I am the most sincere God" said Karttikeya without shame.

Sahazel smiled broadly.

"I suppose a God does not lie so I agree with your conditions, I will give you 10 years of my life force and I will kneel to receive your forgiveness"

"Of course, you will receive forgiveness from the great Karttikeya which is a source of pride for a simple mortal like you."

Sahazel nodded and glanced in admiration at Karttikeya.

Karttikeya thought as he contemptuously looked at Sahazel who was already bowing his knee.

(Now I'll get another 10 extra years, if it wasn't for that bastard I wouldn't have to live here locked up)

Sahazel had already bowed long enough that Karttikeya could not see his face. He had a mocking smile on his face and his eyes had turned completely black.

"How slow are you, how long will it take you to kneel?" Karttikeya asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry," Sahazel replied.

Karttikeya trembled, Sahazel's voice was no longer the same as the one he had talked to before and was much colder. Karttikeya's eyes shrank and he could feel that his projection had cold sweat falling down his back.

Sahazel's features had changed, his previously normal face was now extremely handsome and his previous green eyes were completely black. Karttikeya recognized that face, it was the face of the monster that had led him to the gates of death with a slap, it was the same face that appeared in his nightmares every night.

"Y-Y-Yama" murmured unconsciously.

"Oh, you still seem to remember me," Sahazel smiled.

"How could I forget you, this servant would not dare" Karttikeya tried to bow but one hand grabbed his neck.

He tried to bow his other 5 heads but an invisible force stopped them.

"Although I am spoken of in your mythology we did not really know each other until you provoked the war in Kashmir in 1947, I remember I warned you to stop the war and you did so a year later".

"I did everything you sent me, it was an honor to receive your orders" Karttikeya did not forget to lick Sahazel's boots.

"But it wasn't even 30 years before you provoked another war," Sahazel continued in a cold voice.

"My lord should know that the gods are obligated to act or we will disappear, if a war god like me does not provoke war then I will simply disappear" Karttikeya said anxiously.

"That is why you pissed me off and I slapped you" Sahazel did not bother to listen to the words Kasrttikeya had to say.

Karttikeya trembled when he remembered that moment. In reality it could not be considered a slap since there was no physical contact, the air fired from a simple slap of Sahazel was able to bring to the brink of death a war god of a higher religion like Hinduism.

"Now we come to the main point" Sahazel smiled brightly.

Karttikeya had a bad feeling when he saw the smile on Sahazel's face.

"Do you think I wasn't going to find out what happened 15 years ago?"

Karttikeya's whole body trembled with fear, he didn't expect Sahazel to know what happened 15 years ago.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Karttikeya's voice trembled.

"No? Then let me remind you."

"15 years ago, when the massacre started, 10 monsters level 7, 5 monsters level 8 and 1 monster level 9 entered India without your Parthenon noticing."

"There were only two possibilities for that to take place, the first was for the level 9 monster to specialize in stealth, the second was that there was a traitor within the Hindu gods."

"I felt it was a worthwhile situation to send one of my elites so I sent "she" to take care of the monsters."

Karttikeya's pupils trembled, fear could be seen in her by mentioning "she" and a trace of relief when he thought that he doesn´t met her in the past.

"She quickly took charge of the danger in India, but 90% of the population had already perished. She went to the place where the Hindu Gods lived to ask why they hadn´t helped their country any more, it made no sense to let the people who supported them die".

"You know that Gods cannot help humans actively and we can only use our powers when our lives are directly attacked" Karttikeya informed him.

"I know, that is one of the few rules on which that damned sister of mine and I agree," Sahazel nodded.

"She came to the residence of the Hindu Gods and captured a smell of blood in the air, the blood of Gods"

"She entered quickly and found herself with a massacre. All the Hindu gods had been killed by someone, all had bird wounds or snake bites".

"She advanced and entered the main hall, where she found the dead bodies of Shiva and Parvati, your father and mother. Both had had a brutal battle before being killed by a clean blow from a spear."

Karttikeya frowned and became nervous.

"Fortunately, Shiva had managed to complete the reincarnation of an indomitable soul. He had managed to reincarnate Vasusena and thus had managed to save 10% of the Indian population".

"To the rest of the world, India has perished. But they still live in my territory."

"Vasusena, or Karna, managed to meet her and she led them into the underworld where she welcomed them and gave them a home."

"Does this story ring a bell now?" Sahazel asked.

"I didn't know that all of them had died, I've been locked up here more than those 15 years so I didn't know anything" Karttikeya replied.

"Is that so? But why do those wounds on Shiva and Parvati's chest sound familiar? Aren't they the same as those of the victims who have been pierced by Shakti, your spear?"

The spear in one of Karttikeya's hands separated from his arm and flew until the tip of the spear touched one of his twelve eyes.

"Do you see it? They are exactly the same" Sahazel smiled.

Karttikeya was terrified, he had hidden himself to be found and had divided his soul into countless pieces and fused them with scrolls in order to earn years of life to survive.

It was humiliating, yes. But this was the only way to survive without being found by Karna or that terrifying group with powers superior to those of the gods themselves.

Karttikeya saw that it was useless to continue talking with Sahazel. He mysteriously regained control of his body and retreated a few meters.

"Eh?" Sahazel was surprised for a moment but his face returned to normal.

Karttikeya had a white orb in his hands.

"Again that foul aura," Sahazel grunted.

"Are you surprised, Yama? This is an orb with power from the Order, all dark forces must surrender before him. You have no chance of winning."

Sahazel did not respond and simply waved her hand, dark energy surrounded Karttikeya but was repelled by a sort of shield that surrounded it.

"So it is like that" Sahazel frowned.

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