
The Human Protector

This novel is on break for an indeterminate time ------------------------------- Men were not alone in the universe. It was a fact that humans who lived peacefully on their planet, found out in the worst possible way. When large spaceships had come in with the aim of controlling this planet to empty it of resources before reselling it, they gave humans two choices. Either you serve us yourself, or we kill you before enslaving you. Seeing that despite the large spaceships, the invaders only have swords or spears, the humans had decided to fight. But at the end, it did not take a few months before the mankind was crushed. Rin, a former soldier who lived with his daughter, saw her die in front of his eyes. But before he could do anything, he unfortunately couldn't escape slavery. Until the day he stole a relic from these aliens. A relic that will change his destiny, and that of each human being. "Ho? I love that rage in you, despite the weak creature that you are." "Let me give you the power you want." "What will it cost?" "You'll find out soon enough." As a terrible laugh echoed in Rin's head, Rin didn't hesitate, and accepted the power of this demon living in the relic.

Le_Krackeen · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Rin

Rin opened his eyes. He looked around him, and, the moment he understood where he was, he couldn't help but sigh.

It was surrounded by stone walls, with bars for a door. He sat on a simple bed of stone, while a bucket was set in the distance for his needs.

On the other side of the bars was an individual. He wore heavy golden armor and stood with a spear in his hand, guarding the door to his cell.

You would have thought it was a human, but those pointed ears and white skin, even bluish, said otherwise.

Seeing this guard made reappear the hatred that Rin felt and rage soon invaded his heart. But he suppressed it. There was nothing more he could do.

After all, humanity had lost to these aliens. And he himself had lost everything.

They had appeared one fine day, aboard gigantic spaceships and had issued an ultimatum. Either all of humanity would surrender and serve them of their own will, or they would be enslaved.

Mankind was shocked at first, then, realizing that these aliens were fighting with weapons such as spears or swords, they all believed in victory and defended themselves as best they could.

But it was a huge mistake. Bullets ricocheted off their armor, as their swords sliced ​​through men and steel. Shells and bombs did little damage to them, while their spears pierced tank and flesh.

They were physically vastly superior to men, and in just a few months, humanity was lost.

Rin had taken up arms too. But his reason was quite different from most people. Although ultimately shared with many. He didn't care to save humanity, or even prevent slavery. No. His only reason was his daughter.

He had lost his wife many years ago, and his little girl was all he had left.

Until these monsters had arrived.

About ten of them had arrived in their town and had started rounding up the locals, while one of them took care of the apartment building in which Rin and her daughter lived.

But weak humans weren't going fast enough for him, and his ears broke from screaming all over the place. So he had plunged his spear into the human closest to him.

Rin had seen everything. He had seen in slow motion as the spear moved towards his daughter. He roared and stepped forward to protect her, but unfortunately it was too late. He could only see the blade enter the throat and come out the other side, before disappearing, letting the blood flow freely.

Rin was left paralyzed in front of this scene. The colors around him were gone and a gray veil fell over everything. On everything except the red blood, which flowed from her daughter's body.

An unnamed rage had started to boil in his body, like a flame that kept growing and growing.

That's when a click sounded inside him. Rage filled him, but he was calm. Like the calm before the storm. Like this all other emotions were gone.

He had turned his gaze to his enemies in front of him. The latter looked at him with a mocking gaze and a smirk.

And without really thinking about the futility of his gesture, he clenched his right fist and sent it with all his might towards this monster.

Rin had been in the military for a few years before quitting to better care for his daughter. He had been in a battlefield before, and had a well-proportioned physique.

But although he was used to fighting, he never thought he would be capable of what he had done at this time. With uncommon speed, his fist made contact with the face of the alien in front of him. And with incredible force, a crack was heard all around as the alien in the golden armor fell to the ground.

But Rin was not finished here, picking up the spear on the ground with his left hand, he threw himself at his enemy before he had time to get up and stabbed him with the blade. Once, twice, three times, before stepping back. Blood dripped from his face and his right arm.

The blood on his face, just as red as his, was that of his opponent. The blood on his right arm was his, which continued to flow down on the floor.

Rin looked at his right hand, only to find it jagged. Most of the bones were shattered as they pierced his skin, muscles and nerves.

But he felt nothing. Nothing other than an infinite sadness which threw itself into him.

He looked away from his daughter, and as tears veiled his eyes, sounds of precipitation reached him. It was the other aliens that were in the city, as they had felt one of theirs had died here.

One of them didn't ask any questions, and seeing Rin standing there with a spear in his hand and blood everywhere, he attacked at a phenomenal speed. No human being could possibly have such speed.

But as the tip of the spear came in front of him, not knowing with what superhuman reflex he had been able to do it, Rin dodged the strike with a step to the side. And, taking advantage of the shock that his opponent felt, he used all the strength he possessed, and, turning on himself, thrust the blade of his spear into the throat of the alien.

The latter, eyes round in shock, collapsed to the ground, dead.

Rin had then begun to see cloudy, and black dots kept appearing and disappearing from his field of vision. His body couldn't take such an exhaustion. And before he could continue this beating, he collapsed to the ground, and passed out.

As Rin recalled those memories, the guard, seeing he was awake, opened the door.

"Human, get up. The commander wants to talk to you."

Rin's eyes widened, this monster was talking in perfect English with almost no accent.

He came back to his senses, and decided to follow whatever he was asked. He had no interest in struggling, so he might as well decide to go. Anyway, at this stage, nothing was of interest for him. He was even asking himself if dying here would be a good idea.

As he started to stand, he realized that his hand was perfectly fine, without any scars or marks.

For a few seconds, a glimmer of hope appeared in his mind, as if a demon was whispering in his head. Maybe what happened was just a dream! Maybe his daughter was still alive!

As Rin began to delude himself, and clung to this pathetic hope, the guard pushed him violently with his free hand, causing Rin to return to the real world.

Rin and his guard walked down the halls of a large mansion. It had to be a mansion or a palace abandoned by humans and then taken over by aliens.

The luminous white walls contrasted with Rin's gloomy mood, and as they walked up the stairs to the upper floors, what he could see was humans, humans in rags, walking all over the place while looking down, not daring to do anything funny.

Slaves !

There were also these beings in golden armor posted everywhere, obviously on guard. This commander must surely be an important figure.

They continued to climb the stairs, and arrived at the top, in front of a large double door guarded by two guards.

They opened the doors and let them enter inside, eyeing the human contemptuously while smirking at this low lifeform.

Inside of the room was a desk, and sitting behind it, was one of these beings.

Pointy ears, white skin slightly blue tinted, golden hair tied back and an extraordinarily beautiful face.

"Okay, leave the human here, you can go."

"Yes Commander!"

A few minutes passed in silence. The being, dressed in a golden robe and with a divine appearance, was studying Rin, while the latter, in rags and the appearance of a beaten dog, was looking at him in the eyes.

"Tell me, human. Do you know why I decided to keep you alive instead of sending you to feed the guargs?"

Rin, still staring at the being in front of him, didn't answer.

Seeing this, the alien continued to speak.

"Our race is called the Rashkir. A small race in space, far from the most powerful. But certainly powerful enough to exterminate this small planet without a problem. But in this dump place, an average human in all things was able to kill two soldiers of mine by stealing the enemy's weapon. Really interesting. "

"I called you for a reason, you have two choices. The first is to be a slave, not very interesting. The second is to work for me, to deal with your fellow human beings, to punish them if necessary, and many others. I salute the strength before any chosen one, and I think that this position will suit you very well! So? What is your answer human? "

As the Rashkir opposite leaned back awaiting a response with a thin smile, Rin didn't respond right away.

Then, after a moment, he opened his mouth, and, without taking his eyes off the person in front of him, he answered him.

"Go fuck yourslef shithead."

Hi ! Hope you like it.

Can you imagine the face of this commander at the end ?

If you like it, please give this story powerstone. As this novel is participating in WPC 242, it will mean a lot, thank you !

See you tomorrow !

Le_Krackeencreators' thoughts