
Chapter 1: The Morning Warning

Ricky Vosburg quickly awoke while laying on his side, as if he had a bad dream. Gazing around the room as if he tried to observe his surroundings. Noticing his alarm clock going off, as he reached out to put it on snooze. Stretching, Ricky sat up as he positioned to put his feet on the floor. Yawning while rubbing his eyes, he sat on the bed. As he made his way off the bed, making his way to the bathroom. Walking across the cold floor, he slowly made his way to the bathroom. It was as if his body wasn't fully with it, like he was slowly get it all functioning. When he made his way to the bathroom, he turned on some cold water to splash on his face. He turns off the faucet, drying his face off with a towel. When his phone rang, Ricky quickly rushed to the phone. Ricky answered the phone, "Hello". A voice of a woman appeared on the other end. "Hello Ricky your needed at the facility as soon as possible" the woman said. Ricky took a long sigh hanging his head down. "Why what's wrong?" Ricky asked calmly and collectively. "It will be explained when you arrive, i was requested to call you" the woman replied. As he hung up the phone as rushed to get dressed. Just before he was about to leave, another call comes in. Ricky answers it trying to put on one last shoe. "Hello" ricky asks in a hurry like tone. "Ricky we still going on that date in a few?" the woman asked. "I can't i gotta go, im needed down at the facility" Ricky replies fitting on the last shoe. "Ricky they haven't needed you for a while, what could they need you for?" the woman asked frustrated. "I don't know but they wouldn't call me if it wasnt urgent" Ricky replied. "So let's just talk about this quick" the woman asked. "I can't i gotta go" Ricky replies quickly "Ricky come on" the woman asked in a pleading tone. "Noooo i gotta go!!!" Ricky said quickly before hanging up. As he rushed out the door he stopped only to rethink about what he had done feeling guilt. Ricky closed the door as he rushed out the building. A driver waited for him holding the door, Ricky rushed towards the car. "Thank You Mr. Benjamin" Ricky said getting into the car. "It's my pleasure Mr. Vosburg" Mr.Benjamin said closing the door. As Ricky looked out the window putting on his sunglasses. A man waited for him in the car. "Ricky Vosburg we have came across an issue here's the file" the man said handing him a folder. Ricky grabbed it and looked it over. "OH GOD THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" Ricky said in shock as he looked it over. "Yes that's what we thought also" the man said. "What exactly is going on?" Ricky asked. As they pulled up to a secret facility. They were greeted by a bunch of men in suits. "We will explain once inside" the man said. As they left the car some other people came by to ask questions. "Is this the guy that'll explain everything and can help us?" a woman asked. "Yes ma'am he's helped us before, some how he happens to figure out problems when no answers can be found, this is his field of expertise" the man said as they got inside. As they approached a elevator it went down through a secret entrance in the floor. When they reached the bottom, the door opened to a lab filled with top notch scientists. "OH good Ricky your here, we can't explain this or make sense of what it is" the head scientist said. "Just show me all the information" Ricky suggested. As they showed Ricky video surveillance, map surveillance, plus others. "What did you gather?" the scientist asked. "Well it appears to be some kind of annomaly, a force of energy which seems to have the same level as that of the human body" Ricky said. "Due to what im seeing its coming from a strange source, id say another dimension or like a rip in the fabric of time and space, like a portal from the other side of reality" Ricky said uneasily. Everyone stood there stunned like it was something they never knew to be possible. "So what should we do?" one of the men asked. "Id like to get close to it take samples and observe it closer" Ricky suggested. "That's what we had planned" a man said from the shadows. As he stepped out, revealing who he is. "Who is this?" Ricky asked. "He's is taking over for Commander Liam" the head scientist said. "Yes. I'd like to say that im fascinated by how you do these things, I think your a hoax, no man can answer these questions not unless your apart of it" the man said snarling. "Well to be honest commander i just happen to figure these things out and give answers for people who don't have any to give someone something to go on then go on with nothing" Ricky said. "But quite frankly not to be rude i don't care about your opinions" Ricky said snarling back. "Well either way your going up there anyways cause i made it happen, let's see how good you really are up close" the commander said as he walked away. "Truthfully i liked Liam better" Ricky said. "I know Mr.Vosburg you two were such good friends and were always open minded and saw eye to eye" the lead scientist said. As Ricky walked out he was greeted by a bunch of new quad men that took him to be preped up for launch. "I'm having doubts about this, what if something goes wrong?" Ricky asked. "Well we just redid the shuttle and quite frankly it's just your job, if anything happens then you'd be a useless liability" the commander said. "We can't just scrap this just for your well being, when all the people lives are at stake" the commander said. As they rushed Ricky in the shuttle along with a few men and women aboard the shuttle as well. They sealed the hatch Ricky being uneasy he sat down. As he was rubbing his hands on his knees taking breaths. "It ok man, we were forced into this mission also" a man in a space suit said. Ricky looked with a fake calm smile. "So whats your stories?" Ricky asked. "Well im a father of two, janette over there is a mother of one and Sarah is a 19 year old teen earning credits and Bill is a father of three two in college and one in highschool" the man said. "How about you?" the man asked. "I'm just a lonely man getting his life going, an old flame and i are working on marriage, just got engaged" Ricky said. "Wow, well let's just hope everything goes well huh?" the man said smiling slightly nudging him with his elbow. As they strapped in prepared for take off. Once they left the atmosphere they got out of their seats. While looking not seeing anything, when Ricky looked around. "Does anyone see anything" Ricky asked. "No, Negative, Nothing" they said. The one man looked as Ricky saw his face lit up a bright purple pinkish color. "OHHHHH MY GOD!!" the man said with a face of shock. Ricky looked to see a purple pinkish redish glowing tear in time and space. Then ripples of an energy in front of it like heat waves. Ricky looked closer through a telephoto lense with infrared and high zoom. "It's strange its not like any energy blast ive seen" Ricky looked. When suddenly one of the thrusters malfunctioned. "Sir Vosburg something is wrong" the teen girl said. "WHAT!!!" Ricky shouted in alert, as he came to aid her. "One of our thrusters just went" the teen said. "We just just a few more" the other space man said. "If we don't fix these we will head right towards it" Ricky said. As he rushed to see their approach, when they felt the shuttle coming closer. "Mr.Vosburg what is it?" the other woman asked freaking out. "It's pulling us in" Ricky shouted. "I gotta call dispatch" Ricky said. As he tried it connected but then got cut off. "What's going on?" the teen asked. "We were cut off" Ricky said upsettingly. As he looked up eyes full of tears and fear as their shuttle made contact. "Everyone brace yourselves" Ricky shouted. Suddenly the shuttle pulled apart as Ricky was suspended in space but unaffected by its elements. All he could see is the people screaming before entering the rip suddenly vanishing. Bursts of energy hit him each harder than the last. As it was like energy and particles were being stripped from him, he got a sickening butterfly, uneasy feeling. All he could see it the energy surround him as he was trapped in the event horizon of the rip. Each hit going into him but also pulling him away from the event horizon. The final hit pushed him back down to earth atmosphere. Screaming as he fell, he could feel the heat burn away his clothes as he fell straight to the ground smashing through into a old underground temple somewhere near Brazil. He slowly closed his eyes as everything faded to black taking a few final breaths. Ricky awoke uneasy catching his vision seeing priests or monks looking at him. "Wh-Where am i?" Ricky asked. They all looked at one another as they helped him up and offered him a drink of water. They covered him in a blanket, as Ricky held his head. "Where... where did you come from?" one of the men asked. "I came from a space mission, something went wrong and... All i know is that i crashed to earth, how am i alive?" Ricky replied and asked himself. As he stood up trying to maintain his balance. He made his way towards the exit. When he sensed a helicopter approaching. It was like he could actually sense the machine, what it was, how it functioned everything. "A black hawk, fully equipped, dual machine guns" Ricky said. "How did i know that?" he asked himself. He quickly made his way out and fell down a hillside, falling into shrubs and bushes. He hid as it landed on the hill top above him. Ricky quietly made his away from it. He then fell off a small cliff landing on his side. As he held his arm, he could sense the nerves in his body, the bone structure and see all of it like he was inside his own body. "Uhhh...god" Ricky said before vomiting. As he slowly made his way his vision weaving in and out blurring as if he was drugged.