
The Hot Bully and His Nerdy Pet

Brandon saved Brianna from the numerous bullies in her school and took the position of bullying her instead. She was a nerd and she hated him with passion. Bullying was just for fun until his feelings changed. He found himself deriving not only pleasure but also happiness from having her close. He realized his feelings had changed, but he couldn't fathom what it was all about. Until he discovered he was about to lose her.

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Don't ring, don't ring, don't ring. The voice whispered, her fingers crossed in prayers, as she stared at her alarm clock, which read 6:29am. Just one more minute, and her life will be in total disaster. That is why she was hoping that it wouldn't ring, but alas, her prayer failed, as it turned 6:30am, and almost her alarm shrilled, startling the still quiet room, with its noise, as she heard the footsteps coming closer and closer.

Oh shit! She cursed as she jumped back in bed, and burrowed herself, underneath her duvet, as she pretended to be asleep. The door, opened, as the light rays came in, brightening the room, as an elderly woman walked to the window, and pushed the curtains aside, as the sun rays entered the room, then turning to face the bed, she walked to the side table, and switched off the alarm clock, looking at the bed occupant, as her hand poked out of the bed, unperturbed.

The lady shook her head, before she slowly smiled, bringing out a horn, from her back, she blew it in her eyes, as the girl cursed and sat up, startled.

What the hell, mum? What did you do that for? She cursed, as she removed her hair from her face.

What did I say about cussing in this house? Her mum said as Brianna rolled her eyes, as she sighed, and shook her head.

You know the drill, better say it. Her mum said as Brianna glared at her.

Mum, hell... I mean no, mum. I am no longer a child, sheesh, mum it is bad enough you wake me up, every day because it is fun for you and torturous for me, and now I have to say it too. Come on, mum, you can't be serious.

Brianna Anabella Jeiel Nathaniel, I will not tolerate this behavior for you, this morning. Now say it, before I call your dad. Her mother said in an angry tune as Arianna gulped, before chanting like her mum drilled in her head, all these years ago.

Cussing is for spoilt and wayward children and good children, do not cuss. I am a good girl. And I will always to remain a good child to make my mother proud of me, and not spank me, like I am not good. She completed rolling her eyes again, as her mum, nodded to the lyrics, making sure she got it correct.

Good, now that wasn't so hard, was it? Anyways, time to prepare for school. You know that they won't teach your shadow, without you there, don't you? her mum said laughing at her poorly made joke, as she left the room. Brianna rolled her eyes before falling back on the bed arms spread as she groaned.

Not again, she said, as she stood up again. Glancing at the alarm, it was already 6:55am, and she needed to be down at the dining table at exactly 7: 15am. Shit! She cursed as she scrambled from her bed, hitting her big toe, on the edge of the bed,

What the hell! She cussed as she tumbled and fell, face flat on the floor in her room. Typical, just great. She said as she crawled…yeah crawled to the bathroom, to prepare for school.

Brianna hurried wore her school uniform (consisting of a very short white skirt with blue, young sleeve shirt, and a white tie) as she glanced at the time, it was 7: 12, already.

Three freaking minutes, till the start of THE END OF THE WORLD her brain told her as she glanced at the alarm, it was 7: 14 already. What the hell happened to 7: 13, as she struggled with wearing her second sneakers. She immediately tightened the laces, as she dragged her bag and headphone as she ran down the magnificent stairs, barely sitting at the table, as her mother walked in, her IPad, on her left hand, as she cats walked graciously to the table. Before sitting down.

Brianna, you are prepared already…so fast huh? Her mum said scanning her from head to toe, as she chuckled nervously, placing a hand on her cheek, as she tapped her feet impatiently.

Yes, mum, all done. Brianna said in gritted teeth, smiling so hard that her cheeks were hurting already.

I see, besides I heard a thud, shortly as I left, what happened? Her mum, asked, as Brianna quickly thought of the nearest lie to say.

My pajamas fell on the ground. She said, as her mum frowned.

That sounded heavy, for a pajama. She said between furrowed brows.

Yeah…I was still in it. Brianna replied as her mum turned to look at her, just then, her mum's phone rang taking her attention from her daughter. Brianna heaved a sigh of relief, as she looked at the table. She was present, her mum was present, dad was away on a business trip to Vas Legas as usual, they were at the dining table, but what did it seem like she forgot something.

She glanced at her mum who was currently saying over the phone,

Susan, you know that you are the only one who calls me Charlie, instead of Charlotte, so even if you use a bazillion, new number, I will still know it is you. Seems, you are eating already. Charlotte commented as it snapped in Brianna's mind.

Food! There was no food. Her nanny must the one who always dropped food, before they came to the dining, but recently she… Brianna paused, swallowing as she tried to push down that awful thought down, her stomach, it was too hurtful, remembering it. Immediately, she dashed out of the room, as she entered the kitchen.

What to make, what to make. She mumbled over and over as her eyes caught sight of the toaster, on the table.

That will do. She said, smirking as she hurriedly brought out two loaves of bread and threw it in, switching on the machine, as she focused on frying five eggs, before her mother dropped the call. Coffee, with toasted bread and eggs was something she could pull off in five minutes' time, if her mother will talk for five minutes, to say.

Immediately the toaster was done, she brought out the bread and placed it in the plate before arranging the eggs beside it, as she dished for both her and her mother.

Then she poured already made coffee, from yesterday night, which she just reheated to make it hot, for her mum, on the tray, as she carried it to the parlor, her heartbeat returning back to normal, as she dropped the tray before her mother who was busy laughing at what Susan said.




Oh Susan, I will talk to you later. I have to attend to something now. Charlotte said as she switched off the call, and dug in, eating.

Brianna looked at her mum, half imagining the scenario where she just starts choking as a result of the poisoned food she ate, before falling to the ground, her mouth filled with white foam.

Why are you nodding your head, and smirking like a lizard, what are you thinking? Her mum asked.

Nothing. Brianna replied quickly as she picked at her food.

Get ready. In the next five minutes, we move. She said, as Brianna nodded her head.


Different brands of expensive cars could be seen rolling in slowly as the inhabitants took in the blinding view of the school once more.

In the midst of these chaos and commotion, Brianna could be seen hesitant and unhappy to leave her mother's car.

"Come on, Brianna, get down, I have to leave, I got to go. I have a five-minute schedule in twenty minutes, so we do not have the time for this."

"Calm down, mum. I am going, see okay, I am leaving. Watch me, leave. Brianna said, as she pulled her bag out of the back."

Have a sweet day at school today, remember ace your test. Her mum said reversing the car, to leave.

Of course, I will, mum after all I am a nerd… Brianna trailed off as she watched her mother's car sped off leaving a cloud of dust behind, as she turned to face the school's building.

Granted, this day, would be way better right. Arianna said as she entered the school.

As she was walking to her locker, she heard a squeal as Jeiel (Brianna, she is known as Jeiel in the school compound) was suddenly hugged by her best friend Ruby.

"Ruby?! You're here already. Finally, how are you, I missed you." Jeiel said as they disentangled from the hug.

"I missed you too, Jeiel. Ruby said, as she arranged her bag well, as they continued their walk down to their lockers. They shared the same lockers.

How is your mum and brother?" Jeiel asked as they walked down the hallway.

"They are doing perfectly well,"

"Speaking of brother, how's Romeo?"

Jeiel asked

"Oh well, he's somewhere around here, I guess. He's just around moping as usual."

"That bad huh?" Jeiel said, showing sympathy.

"Yep, this oncoming summer will be pretty awful, I am pretty sure that I am going to feel like Anna, from Frozen, because the only words he tells me is, go away Ruby."

"At least you won't talk to paintings." Jeiel said hopefully, pointing it out.

"Only because there is something called the internet. If Anna had known about it, her life would be so much easier."

"Hypothetical question, if Anna was to have had a phone back there. What's the possibility of finding the movie Frozen or would Frozen exist since it's her life?"

"Whoa, hold on there, Jeiel, today's the fifth day, countdown to the holidays. Or have you forgotten what we had planned. We should be thinking about tonight's freedom, welcome to summer party."

"Is the party still on? I thought it was cancelled, because the owner of the school Mrs. Dean disagreed."

"Well, luckily for us, Mrs. Dean isn't here and nothing can stop us from throwing the most superb party ever in history."

"Ruby?! What did you do?"

"Nothing, it's hardly my fault if my dear old sweet mum wanted to extend her vacation in England." She said as she opened her locker and dropped her bag, inside before closing the door.

"So where were we? Ruby said.

"Oh Ruby, now I know why I still come back to this school, everyday even though I end up being bullied.

The class was becoming rowdy as it was filled with only boys present, the bell hasn't rung yet, so the girls hasn't entered yet. A boy with brown hair, and green eyes asked for attention, as he climbed a table in the middle, as he asked for some attention.

Come now we got a party to plan. So who's in?" Adrian asked.

"Am in," Ray said raising his hand.

"Good, because you are the deejay. Go check on the songs that will be used in the party."

"Aww men," Ray said pouting.

"Keep your pouting to your girlfriend Janis okay?" Adrian said.

"What about the food, drink, decorations and venue?" Tony asked.

"For venue, I was thinking either the cafeteria or it could be a pool party at the back of our school building. What do you all think?"

"Pool party sounds better. Lots of space, closer to the gate and surprisingly far away from authorities prying eyes." Derek chipped in.

"So pool party it is. We've got the drinks ready, Ruby said that she has handled the food situation and since it's outdoor, I will tell them not to worry about decorations." Adrian said.

"So I guess we just have fun and wait till the d- day, before we can mingle with the girls." Jason said.

"Whooooo!" The boys cheered as everyone kept chipping in their thoughts making intangible conversation with their friends.

Brandon arrived at the gates of hell, aka Teen Prep High (TPHS).

It was a huge gate and welcome to "TEEN PREP HIGH SCHOOL" was engraved on it in a very sophisticated way.

He drove in quite easily because the gates were widely opened. He was not going to lie; this school is beautiful. He couldn't wait to wreck some hearts and bully some weaker ones.

There were so many buildings and flowers and ornamental trees were planted at each side of the pathway.

He didn't know where the parking lot was located so he decided to slow down and follow the other cars that were just arriving. He found a spot which looked fancier than the others and parked his car there, it's not like anyone can just claim a spot as theirs.

Time to do this, He thought to himself as he grabbed his phone and slipped it inside his bag.

In case you guys were wondering. He was dressed in an all-black outfit. What?! It really defined his personality.

Brandon noticed that most students walked in groups. Some of the older students looked happy, some looked tired and needed a lot of sleep, some looked annoyed and the juniors looked sad or apprehensive. Not everyone loves Monday morning he guessed.