
The Honorable Wanderer: Mushoku Tensei

A student died in a quite ridiculous way, where his accident caused a collision between him and a truck. The man who was previously an atheist now repents when he realizes that God exists, and is determined to be more obedient and carry out the teachings and guidance of the God he now worships in another world. The story focuses on the figure of a beastman who was given four miracles by the God Bilbe as provisions to survive in another world, his story of using these powers will change new views.

Poponioko · Anime et bandes dessinées
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82 Chs

[62] For Big Plans II

Raphael decided to sit beside Ash as silence enveloped the room after their friendly exchange. He could sense a subtle tension in the air, like two old comrades who had been apart for a long time, now needing to adjust to the new dynamics that had evolved.

"Ha! I can hardly believe what you've been up to while I was gone," Ash finally said, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and disbelief. His eyes remained fixed on the grand cross before them, as if seeking guidance from the sacred symbol. "I'm not saying I'm angry or pleased, but it feels awkward knowing you've gone so far, even beyond what I predicted, perhaps even beyond what Ciel foresaw."

Raphael, sitting with a calm and respectful demeanour, responded in a soft yet confident tone. "My Lord, I merely did what was necessary to achieve our goals. After all, it is part of your plan to spread this religion."

Ash nodded slowly, seemingly pondering Raphael's words with careful consideration. "Hmm, is that so?"

"But before we go any further, where exactly are we?" Raphael asked, his curiosity evident.

Ash then enthusiastically explained the cathedral they were in. This place was a sub-dimension, a small world created through Ash's magical prowess, having reached the 8th circle of magic. As part of an exclusive experiment, Ash developed the concept of a miniature world, and this was the result of that experiment. A world connected to the soul, their interaction here being a result of the will of the space's creator. The condition to summon a soul into the Cathedral was that the target had to have a bond with the user.

"To be honest, that's remarkable, My Lord!" Raphael expressed his admiration with deep awe. His eyes gleamed as he took in the surroundings, fully appreciating the beauty and wonder that enveloped him.

Ash gave a small smile, as if feeling unworthy of the praise. "Ah~ You're just saying that. I'm not that great."

"And that modesty of yours needs to go," Raphael added with a gentle yet firm tone. "Sometimes, you need to acknowledge just how extraordinary your achievements are."

Ash raised an eyebrow, looking at Raphael with a mixture of surprise and deep pride. "You always know how to make me feel better," he said softly. "But let's not get too caught up in the flattery. There are some important matters we need to discuss."

Raphael nodded, his eyes focused intently on Ash, ready to engage in the deep discussion that awaited.

"Since we've entered the politics of the Asura Kingdom," Ash began, his voice full of emphasis, "Costantine has entered a chess game with all the pieces in place. Now, it's just a matter of carefully executing our moves. Has the replacement of high government officials been successful?"

Raphael nodded confidently. "Yes, the plan was executed yesterday with one hundred per cent success. The 'Hassan' shadow troops were truly impressive in carrying out such tasks."

Ash looked at Raphael with a gaze full of respect. "I see. After all, I trained the first generation of Hassan myself. They should be able to surpass expectations."

"My Lord," Raphael continued with conviction, "you don't need to worry. They are invaluable in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. Not to mention, they are skilled fighters ready to sacrifice themselves for Costantine if necessary."

"Hmm…" Ash sighed deeply, his expression tinged with melancholy. "It's a shame if their lives have to be wagered in situations where they choose to sacrifice themselves for the company rather than preserving their own lives."

Raphael noticed the sadness in Ash's eyes and responded gently. "Don't think like that. You offered them such a contract. This is a small token of gratitude compared to the help you've given them."

Ash gave a faint smile, feeling somewhat comforted by Raphael's words. "Thank you. I know they are fully committed, and I appreciate all their sacrifices. Now, let's focus on the next step."

Raphael nodded, his eyes fixed on Ash with clear determination. "We know there are many challenges ahead, but every step we take will determine the future of Costantine and its influence in the Asura Kingdom."

Raphael then proceeded to deliver a report that needed to be conveyed. "The land in the Fittoa region, affected by the teleportation incident, has indeed been contaminated by some kind of magical radiation," Raphael reported in a serious tone.

Ash furrowed his brow, directing his gaze at Raphael with full attention. "Is this disaster reacting like a nuclear bomb? Is there a chain reaction?"

Raphael shook his head with a perplexed expression. "I'm sorry, I'm still puzzled by this phenomenon. The land in the destroyed area was once very fertile, but now it's unfit for widespread agriculture."

Ash nodded, contemplating for a moment. "Alright, at least I understand the situation. However, you're not planning to purify that land, are you?" Ash looked at Raphael with a sharp, emphasised gaze.

Raphael smiled faintly, raising his hand to cover his face. "No-no, why would I worry about such a thing? Even though the land is contaminated, it still falls under Boreas jurisdiction. Haaah~ Considering Saouros always brings trouble whenever he comes to the office makes me feel dizzy again."

Ash felt a slight sympathy towards Raphael. "Well, I know Saouros has that kind of temperament, but as for his quirky hobbies, there's not much I can do. Raphael, you may assist him in many things, but don't let him harass the people at Costantine. Make sure he understands his limits, even if he gets angry, act according to the situation."

Raphael nodded with full understanding, his smile reflecting his resolve. "I understand, My Lord. I'll ensure that Saouros understands his limits and acts according to the situation."

Ash shifted the topic with a concerned voice, "By the way, how is Philip? Did you manage to save him from execution?"

Raphael nodded seriously. "Yes, I did my best. The nobles siding with the prince were truly vile. They pinned all the blame on the Souros family, sparking fierce conflict. However, with Roland's intervention and his direct appeal to the king, Souros and his family were ultimately pardoned. Though their noble title was revoked, they now live as the Greyrat family."

Ash frowned, his gaze filled with hope and curiosity. "But you offered them a position, didn't you? We need to establish a main base in the Britannia Union. Besides, Roland also requested that their capital city be built by the company. With the conflict now over, that kingdom wants to stand tall with pride in the eyes of the world."

Raphael gave a gentle, understanding smile. "Of course, I offered them a suitable position. However, Philip initially declined the offer, citing a desire for a peaceful life, away from the complications and conflicts. Moreover, with our company establishing a main base, their positions and roles will naturally integrate into the political system of Britannia later on."

Ash seemed slightly disappointed but still showed his respect. "It's a pity. But he did accept the offer, didn't he?"

Raphael nodded. "Yes, though with a two-year contract, just to gather the necessary funds for their livelihood."

Ash nodded, absorbing the information. "What about his responsibilities at Roa Fortress? Did he abandon his position just like that?"

Raphael smirked slightly. "Ah, regarding that, I've already spoken with the relevant parties. Costantine has fully taken over the responsibility for the damaged infrastructure in that region. Since his noble title has been revoked, his responsibilities have been passed on to someone else. And that someone is his son, who is now within the government's ranks."

"Ah, I see…" Ash nodded in understanding, assessing that everything seemed to be going well. "Good, that means all these aspects have been neatly arranged. With all these changes, we can focus on further development and expansion without worrying about internal issues."

Raphael nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting deep satisfaction. "Exactly, My Lord. Everything has been well-arranged, and I will continue to monitor developments to ensure everything proceeds according to plan."

Ash picked up a document from the table, flipping through the pages carefully, each rustle of paper adding to the serious atmosphere. "Good, now it's just a matter of moving the pawns. With the right moves, we can ensure that all our plans proceed according to the scheme we've devised."

With a sense of hope, Raphael and Ash continued their discussion. However, before they could delve deeper into the conversation, the room around them suddenly filled with a blinding light. Ash and Raphael were forced to close their eyes, feeling an overwhelming wave of energy.

When the light subsided, Raphael found himself back in the church's worship hall, surrounded by anxious congregants. One of the followers, his face filled with panic, quickly approached Raphael. "Ca… Cardinal… Cardinal!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with worry. "Are you alright?"

Raphael glanced around, noticing that the other congregants also seemed worried and restless. With great effort, he stood from his seat, trying to calm the tense atmosphere. He raised his hand, symbolising peace and calm.

"Please, be calm, everyone," Raphael spoke with a soothing voice, though he felt tension within himself. "I'm alright. It seems I experienced a slight… disturbance. There's no need for concern."

He stepped forward carefully, ensuring to keep his composure, even though he felt a sense of unease within. Raphael offered a reassuring smile to the congregants, trying to dispel the anxiety that gripped them.


 our plans will come to fruition," Raphael added with a tone full of confidence. "We just need to have patience and maintain our faith."

The congregants, despite their concerns, slowly began to calm down, their spirits lifted by Raphael's words. The tension in the room gradually eased, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and determination.

As the situation began to return to normal, Raphael couldn't help but glance at the ceiling, where just moments ago, a bright light had filled the room. His thoughts wandered back to Ash and their intense discussion in the otherworldly space. Raphael knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but he felt even more motivated to pursue their grand vision.

"Thank you, My Lord, for your guidance and trust," Raphael silently prayed, his resolve solidifying. "Together, we will achieve something extraordinary."

With determination burning in his heart, Raphael returned to his duties, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.