
The Hollow Heart

Kim Seo-Ah, a 21-year-old woman cast aside by her prestigious family, decided one fateful night to unveil their darkest secrets to the media. Her triumph was short-lived, however. Just as she relished her revenge, a shadowy figure emerged and pushed her from the rooftop, ending her life in a tragic fall. However, fate intervenes in the form of a mysterious twist. After Seo-Ah's tragic end, her soul is transported into the world of the otome game “Whispers of the Hearts,” where she becomes a girl named Lynx. In this new reality, Lynx's path crosses with the enigmatic Duke of the North, Azrael Valerian. Azrael, the villain of the game, has the curse of the hollow heart—loved by many but unable to reciprocate any affection. Among the nobility, he is a figure of both fear and fascination. As Seo-Ah, now Lynx, delves deeper into the game’s story, she realizes that there is much she still doesn’t know, despite having completed the game once. Her actions in this world not only affect her own fate but also the lives of those around her.

Eunana · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Bernie woke with a start. "Lynx, what happened? You look terrified!"

Panic surged through Lynx as she struggled to find the words. She was out of breath, her heart racing, and the horrific images from the basement still fresh in her mind. Bernie, looking worried, approached her slowly.

As Lynx caught her breath, a sudden, bitter smile spread across her face. "Looks like this place is a shithole too," she said, her voice dripping with bitter sarcasm.

Bernie frowned, confusion and concern etched on her face. "What do you mean, Lynx? What are you talking about?"

Lynx took a deep breath, her eyes darting around the room as if expecting someone to burst in at any moment. She knew she couldn't trust anyone, not even Bernie, until she figured out more about what was happening. For now, all she could do was keep her guard up and play along.

"Never mind," Lynx said, her tone dismissive. "Just a bad dream, like I said. I'm fine."

Bernie looked unconvinced but didn't press the issue further. Lynx caught a glimpse of a photo on the small table near the window. It was a picture of her, Bernie, and Miss Delaney from when she and Bernie were still children, their faces beaming with innocent joy.

Kim Seo-Ah, now inhabiting Lynx's body, felt a pang of regret. The photo represented a time of happiness and genuine connection, moments that seemed so pure and full of love. Yet now, those memories felt tainted. She couldn't shake the feeling that everything Lynx had shared with Bernie and Miss Delaney was built on lies and deceit. The warmth in the photo contrasted sharply with the cold reality she had uncovered in the basement.

Kim Seo-Ah's mind raced with thoughts of what the real Lynx might have done in this situation. Would she have confronted Miss Delaney? Would she have been able to handle the betrayal, or would it have broken her spirit, causing her to give up entirely?

[But I'm not the Lynx they knew,] Kim Seo-Ah reminded herself.

She turned away from the photo and took a deep breath. The only thing she knew right now was that she needed to escape from this place. She scanned the room, taking in the old-fashioned design and the simplicity of the furnishings. The faint scent of lavender and the polish of the wooden furniture seemed to mock her, contrasting with the dark reality she had discovered.


Another day had come, and Lynx was relieved to observe that no one seemed to have discovered she was the one who had been in the basement the previous night. If she wanted to successfully escape this place, she knew she couldn't rush things.

She looked out through the window, her eyes scanning the garden outside. Beyond the meticulously tended flowers and shrubs, the dense woods loomed like a dark promise of freedom.

"Lynx, are you listening?" Bernie's voice pulled her back to the present. She turned to see Bernie standing there, holding a pile of cloths that Miss Delaney had instructed them to clean.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts," Lynx said, offering a weak smile. Bernie gave a deep sigh.

"I'm going to explain it again, so please listen this time," Bernie said, her tone a mix of exasperation and concern. She began to explain the task once more, but Lynx's mind drifted again. She already knew what Bernie was saying—Miss Delaney's instructions were straightforward, after all.

"Lynx, did you hear me?" Bernie's voice cut through her thoughts again.

"Yes, Bernie. I understand. I'll get started right away," Lynx replied, trying to sound attentive.

Bernie nodded, still looking slightly skeptical. "Alright, let's get to work then. We need to finish this before lunch."

As Lynx spent more time with Bernie, she managed to gather information about her new environment. Bernie, always eager to chat and share stories, revealed bits and pieces of their past.

According to Bernie, Lynx came to this house when she was five years old. "You were so small and scared. Miss Delaney took you in like she takes care of all of us." Bernie said, her voice filled with nostalgia.

Lynx listened intently, trying to piece together her new life. According to Bernie, she herself had been with Miss Delaney since birth. Bernie spoke fondly of Miss Delaney, describing her as a strict but caring guardian who managed the household with a firm yet gentle hand.

"This mansion belongs to Count Silva," Bernie continued, her eyes lighting up as she spoke. "It's one of their mansions, but he said that we can use this mansion to help those who have nowhere else to go."

The information caught Lynx's attention immediately. "A noble owns this mansion? I thought Miss Delaney owned it," she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Bernie shook her head. "No, Count Silva assigned Miss Delaney to be the one in charge here, making sure everything runs smoothly. She's the one who oversees everything and takes care of us."

Lynx frowned, her mind racing with questions. "Except for you and me, are there still other homeless people here?"

"Of course," Bernie replied. "All of us who work in the mansion were brought here by the count. Some of us stay here, and some who are chosen go to work in other noble houses."

"Do you know anything about Count Silva?" Lynx asked, trying to gather more details.

Bernie shook her head. "I've only met him a few times. We never had any real conversation with the count; he only talks with Miss Delaney about everything that is happening here. He visits occasionally, but whenever he does, a couple of other nobles come with him."

Lynx's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of information. The implications were chilling. The people in the basement—the imprisoned, the suffering—were likely brought here by Count Silva to be sold to other nobles as slaves. Miss Delaney was managing the mansion where this heinous business was conducted, maintaining the facade of a sanctuary while hiding the truth beneath its polished surface.

Lynx observed Bernie as she spoke, noting the innocence and trust in her eyes. She had no idea of the darker undercurrents that flowed through the mansion. The thought of revealing the truth to her seemed both necessary and cruel. Bernie saw Miss Delaney as a guardian, a figure of authority and care. To shatter that illusion might break her spirit.

"Bernie, do you know what happens to the people who are sent to other noble houses?" Lynx asked, trying to sound casual.

Bernie shrugged. "Not really. Miss Delaney says they get good jobs and live better lives. She always says that Count Silva is very generous."

Lynx nodded, masking her inner turmoil. She had to tread carefully, not revealing her suspicions just yet. 

"Have you noticed anything strange happening around here lately?" Lynx asked, trying to sound casual. Her question made Bernie pause, a hint of confusion flickering across her face.

"Not really," Bernie replied, shrugging. Lynx turned away, realizing that involving Bernie might not be wise since it seemed she wasn't fully aware of the sinister activities occurring in the mansion.

"But..." Bernie added, catching Lynx's attention again. "I did find something a little weird when we turned fourteen."

Lynx turned her attention back to Bernie, who was folding the cloths with practiced ease. "What is it?" Lynx asked, her curiosity piqued.

"When we turned fourteen, Miss Delaney started instructing us to stay in her room whenever Count Silva visited. She always said that no matter what happened, we shouldn't leave her room," Bernie explained, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and unease.

[Why would Miss Delaney want them confined to her room during the count's visits? Is it to fully hide the truth to us?]

"Did she ever explain why?" Lynx pressed, trying to gather more details.

Bernie shook her head. "No, she just said it was for our safety. She seemed really serious about it, too."

Lynx absorbed this information, her mind racing with possibilities. Miss Delaney's insistence on keeping them confined during Count Silva's visits suggested that something significant—and likely dangerous—was happening during those times. It also implied that Miss Delaney knew more than she let on and was actively trying to shield them from it, or possibly protect her own interests.

"Did you ever try to leave the room during those times?" Lynx asked cautiously.

Bernie looked startled by the question. "No, we never dared. Miss Delaney was very strict about it, and we didn't want to disobey her."

Lynx nodded, considering her next move. She needed to find a way to observe one of these meetings without being detected. 

"Thanks for telling me, Bernie," Lynx said, forcing a smile. "It's just... sometimes I feel like there's more going on here than we realize."

Bernie looked at her, concern etched in her features. "Are you sure you're okay, Lynx? You've been acting a bit strange lately."

Lynx nodded. "I'm fine, just a bit overwhelmed with everything. But don't worry, I'll be alright." 

Bernie seemed to accept Lynx's explanation, though her worry didn't entirely dissipate. As they went about their chores, Lynx found herself lost in a heated internal debate. It was clear to her now that she had to escape from this place, no matter what. But the question nagged at her: should she just leave all the other people trapped here, especially Bernie?

[I didn't even know any of them before I became Lynx. Why should I risk my safety for them?]

Lynx's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. On one hand, escaping alone would significantly increase her chances of success. On the other, the idea of leaving behind the innocent people she'd seen in the basement, particularly Bernie, weighed heavily on her conscience.

Bernie was humming joyfully as she went about her chores, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to the turmoil inside Lynx. Watching her, Lynx couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Bernie seemed genuinely kind, and it was clear she cared deeply about her. The thought of abandoning her to this place felt like a betrayal.

As they continued their tasks, Lynx's eyes wandered to the window. The garden outside was in full bloom, a stark reminder of the world beyond this mansion. Beyond the garden lay the woods, a potential path to freedom. The vision of the basement's horrors clashed with the idyllic scene outside, making her decision all the more difficult.

"Are you okay, Lynx?" Bernie's voice broke through her thoughts.

Lynx snapped back to the present, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

[What in the world should I do now?]