
Chapter 1: Home

"Breaking News from Gotham News Network, we have just been informed that Victor Zsasz who has been on the run since escaping the custody of the GPD(Gotham Police Department) is finally arrested and back in police custody. He was found in the Vestine mansion after the only son of the famed Robert Vastine and Cassie Leventer found the butler of the house dead. Charles Vestine was able to avoid Victor and call the police."

"We are also been able to confirm that both Robert Vastine and his wife were found dead in their house. Police are to belive that Victor Zsasz is responsible for this murder...."

" SWITCH OFF that T.V already"

"Yes sir"

"How is the kid sir, He is awfully quiet sir," asks Detective Josh

"He is in shock detective, the kid just came back from a holiday just to find that his parents are killed by a psychopath killer," says Commissioner Gordon.

James Gordon has been in the force for a long time, he has seen the worst in the people, he has sent psychotic killers to jail, he has faced so many attempts on his life that he thinks of just giving everything up but then seeing that look on the young man who had just lost his parents showed him the reason why he still continues to do this job. It was his job to stop things like this from happening. Gordon takes a deep breath.

"I am going to talk to the kid and get his statement, Send the victims body to the morgue"

"Yes sir"

Many years on the job he had seen so much death but it still does not get any easier to tell the victim's family that the people they cared are dead. Seeing the boy, Gordon remembers his first case almost the same. Some random muggers came in front of Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne and shot them dead. He had to talk to their son Bruce who was present at that time.

"Here kid, some coffee it will help," says Gordon

The boy who at the age of his own daughter turned around "Will it, will it help me forget their lifeless bodies, the blood and that madman will it help me forget it"

"No kid it won't, but it will still help you Charles, Charles that is your name right"

The kid nods his head slowly

"It will be alright kid "

"No, it will not be. Those are not your parents they are taking in body bags and Commissioner Gordon 'The man who brought down the crime in Gotham' You are just as responsible for this as that madman"

Gordon turns and looks at the boy's face filled with hate.

"If your damn police did there job properly then this would not have happened. How can one man escape the custody of the police? Are people in your department dummies who just let Victor getaway"

" Please Mr.Gordon my lawyer will present my statement tomorrow now please leave "

"Alright then if anything happens call us"

"And how will that help me"

"Just call" James puts his hand in his trenchcoat and walks away.

" The kid was harsh," said Senior detective Ross

" He has all the right to be harsh and angry, it was on our departments watch that victor escaped. Any leads on how he got away from our custody.

"Nope, Nothing substantial as been found we are still looking into it"

" Then look faster, not only we have to deal with this there is also that series of murders of that journalist and his family"

"ahhh that one, that one where they were they it looked like it the victims were clawed to death"

"Yes that one but that was not the only murder made by claws, currently there have been 15 murder like it so far"

" So we got an animal theme killer on our hands if there weren't enough animals in the night at Gotham already "

" Get to work Ross, I need to go and talk to our city's mutual friend"

"Good luck boss"