
The Holder Of Secrets

'The Legacy (Collaboration of History and Literature Club and Codes and Cyphers Club)' A book found only in one school, Casa De Asion University. The members of the History and Literature Club plan to make this book their topic and theme for the upcoming Foundation Day. They will slowly unearth the buried history of Casa De Asion. The book is said to contain information, dark secrets, and the past. It's the biggest project of the two clubs, where they risked everything. The book is protected by the Casa. But why are there only ten copies? Why is it only found and read in Casa De Asion? Why did the two clubs risk everything for this? What is the purpose of this project? Why is Casa desperate to protect it? And most importantly... Who is the author of the book? The person behind the name Aquarius? --- At Casa De Asion University, the Literature Club aims to revive the buried history of the school in their project. With the collaboration of the Codes and Cyphers Club and the History and Literature Club, the mission to document the mysterious book 'The Legacy'—a treasure sleeping in only one school—began. This project is a journey into a unique story and mystery, shrouded with questions rooted in the significance of this book in the past and the future.

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I - History and Literature Club

"Once again, some politicians are angry with you because of your new book."

"So what's new?"

"Are you even aware that many influential people are angry with you because of the stories you write?"

She grinned. "They're angry because I expose their dirty and dark secrets and past." She looked at her amused. "And you're using the information you get from your source."

She just shrug.

"You're putting yourself in danger with what you're doing." She shook her head.

She scoff. "That's if they find out who's behind the name Aquarius."

= ❈ =

Darell's POV:

Introducing, the members of the History and Literature Club.

Sidney Gagelonia, the Club President. 17 years old.

Lyka Salem, 15 years old.

Darwin Gragasin, 16 years old.

And Edmund Bernardino, 17 years old.

And I'm Darell Afalla. 16 years old.

We're all in Grade 11, except for our President who's in Grade 12. By the way, I have a crush on her (。•̀ᴗ-).

"Hey, Darell! Quit daydreaming and just help out here." Lyka interrupted as we clean our club room.

Every Friday, we clean our club room.

"Good afternoon!" The President greeted as she entered with a big smile. I felt alive seeing her smile.

"Good afternoon, President!" I greeted back.

"Good aftie!" They greeted with less enthusiasm.

It seems like only the President and I are energetic today.

"We have a meeting after you finish cleaning, so hurry up." They slouched even more at her words.


"YOU SEE. We were chosen as the school representatives for the School's Foundation Day. We need to think about what we're going to showcase at the festival." - Sidney.

"Eye-catching?" - Lyka.

"Yes. What does our school have that others don't?" - Sidney.

"The book in the library?"

"What book is that?" - Darwin.

"Duh? The book made by the History club before with only ten copies, and it can only be found and read in our school's library."

"'The Legacy'?" - Edmund.

"Yes! That could work. Surely, people attending the festival would be interested. Everyone's curious about what that book contains, and only we have read it."

"Huh? Won't it be spoiled by those who will read it outside?" - Lyka.

"It's forbidden to disclose its contents to those who don't study or work here at Casa De Asion." - Sidney.

"It's impossible for the school to know if you tell others about the contents of the book." - Darwin.

"They can find out. Some attempted to reveal its contents... but they were caught and punished. Since then, no one has attempted to do it again."

"But will the school allow us if that book will be our topic?" - Edmund.

"Maybe if the topic is about the author."

"But it's also forbidden to find out who the author of the book is." - Darwin.

"Ah! How about this." Sidney stood up and went to the whiteboard, then wrote there.

'Why did the two clubs write the 'The Legend' book?' was written.

"Why did the two clubs write 'The Legend' book... Hmm? That could work." - Lyka.

"Right? Right? Can we show this to our coach?" 

Our President seems excited... I though while side-eyeibg her.

In the end, we all agreed.

= ❈ =

"Your topic isn't the book but the reason why it was made?" Coach Noah said after we told him our idea.

"Yes, coach."

"In that case... you should ask for help from the Codes and Syphers club."

Lyka frowned. "Huh? Why?"

"Well, if you haven't asked. The ones who helped in making that book are still in the Codes and Syphers Club. Maybe they can help you since that book is your topic."

"In that case... who should we interview there?" - Sidney.

"All of them."


"Yes, all of them."