
Unexpected Auction

"Delilah will you stop? It is just a party, you don't need to act so hyper." Zeona said to her friend who had not stopped rambling since they entered the air cab. "Sorry! I am just excited! I have never been to a party below the equator before. And with all the gang war hubbub, It has added a danger factor to the whole event. Hey Zee-Zee, how many bad guys do you think are going to be here tonight?"

Zeona shot a glare at Delilah. "Don't call me 'Zee-Zee' tonight for the love of my circuits. It is bad enough that I got the invitation sent directly to my private home address and the added stress of still knowing nothing about this Sophia woman is driving me around the bend. So I don't need you acting all cute in front of literal gang leaders that would eat up a Milf like you if they had the chance."