so, reincarnation huh? "a lot of good... a lot of bad... balanced karma." "good news you get one boon to bring with you to the next life. unfortunately for you though, you don't get to choose. totally random. ready?" join Apollo in his new life where through sheer luck (good or bad?) is raised by an all hungry, all dominant and all loving hivemind who will burn the galaxy just to see him smile. Hi, I hope you enjoy my novel. It is quite the slow burner so I hope you stick with it.
"Hailey, we have a lot to talk about, but first. What did your father mean when he said your mother was cursed?"
Hailey sighed as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Come on, I will explain as we head back to the party. I need a moment to compose myself." Hailey said as she began walking away. Elaine picked up her torch she had dropped while hugging Hailey and began to follow the woman, eager for answers.
They walked in silence for a short while. Just as the tension from not getting answers was about to boil over in Elaine, Hailey began speaking. "So, you do know why my last name Is Athena right?" Hailey asked rhetorically.
Elaine of course knew, but to cover all bases, she answered the question anyway. "Yes, because your mothers side of the family can trace their lineage all the way back to the founder, Athena the wise."