
Tales of the hivemind 1

I was still feeling a little lightheaded when I got up for food so I decided to walk holding hand with Jewel just in case. It always feels a little weird walking next to her as she is so tall, I don't have a problem with it and if I did I could forgo my own aesthetics and become some sort of godly figure with all my enhancements. 

When we arrived at the biomass cold room, Jewel spoke up "I have a small surprise waiting for you dear Apollo, your precious Jewel had some of her bio forms transfer crates of the preys 'packaged foods' they found up to the ship for you. You have said before that although filling the biomass we give to sustain you is rather bland so here."

As we entered the cold room a large portion of the room was filled with crates upon crates stacked up at least 15 meters tall. I did not even know what was in the boxes and I was already salivating at the thought of trying new foods, the fact I was already 'starving' did not do me any favours.