
Soul Attack

For the next twenty minutes, Kathrine and paraded around the room introducing me to her 'friends.' At one point we met Alannah and Evie again and struck up conversation. It turned out that they held no bad feeling in regards to standing them up and they actually found another couple they had been intimate with in the past to swing with so they had there fun regardless.

Now in the presence of people I was at least a little familiar with, I slightly urged Kathrine to stay with the two of them until the ceremony began. My plan was foiled however, when Evie looked past Kathrine's shoulder and her eyes opened in surprise. "Oh boy, I am not being anywhere near this, come on Babe." Evie said and dragged Alannah away from the scene that may possibly unfold now.

In her confusion to Evie's action, Kathrine turned around and saw entering the room, two very familiar faces to her. In an instant, almost as though he felt her gaze, Kathrine's husband looked right back at her.