
My Eyes! *

A few hours later, I woke up to the familiar repetition of my head being stroked. "I could die right now and be happy." I mumbled into Onyx' cleavage pillows. "Then I would finally be able to devour your body and carry your biomass with me for eternity."

"Oh shit." Standing up fast, I made some distance from Onyx who's eyes were shining green. "Relax my universe, we were just talking hypothetically." She said biting her lip and giggled as she eyed me up and down like a piece of meat.

"Onyx, we are on a ship full of humans, if you go crazy right now, while I would not be mad, my traveling will be cut short. Tell you what. If you behave in here while I go and fulfil my promise to Kathrine, Ill come back and do the same to you sound good?"